Rocks Tell Us the Moon's Story
Record ID: nw-000-000-003-977First Name: SandraLast Name: WeeksPrimary Email: halligan@lpi.usra.eduLanguage: en-USInstitution Name: McREL InternationalResource Published Date: Tuesday, December 30, 1969 - 19:00Description: This is an activity about Lunar samples. Learners will see snapshots of the Moon's history and hold an important artifact of American history with a Lunar Sample Disk. Earth rocks and soil of similar types as the lunar samples may be provided and explored with hands, eyes, noses, and tools. Please note, checking out a Lunar Sample Disk requires training, a secure storage facility, and a minimum of a 6-week lead time. This activity is part of Explore! Marvel Moon, a series of activities developed specifically for use in libraries. SMD Forum Primary: Planetary ScienceAudience: EducatorFormat: text/htmlMission Or Program: LROAccess Restrictions: Free accessLearning Time: 10 to 30 minutesMaterials Cost: Individual or Group: Instructional Strategies: BrainstormingDiscussionsHands-on learningBenchmarks: Eve HalliganNational Science Education Standards: FalseMath Standards: FalseTechnology Standards: FalseGeography Standards: FalseRelated URL: Explore! Marvel MoonTopics Subjects: Earth and space scienceEarth, moon and sunEarth and space scienceSolar systemComparative planetologyEarth and space scienceSolar systemPlanetary scienceEarth and space scienceSolar systemThe...