Video: The Popinator Tracks Where Your Voice Is Coming From And Shoots Popcorn Into Your Mouth
The Popinator Popcorn IndianaJust say "pop" and the crunchy, buttery goodness is yours. If you're tired of relying on your merely-mortal hands to catapult popcorn into your maw during snack time, there's a better way. The Popinator will do it for you, do it better, and do it from wherever you are in the room. Just say "pop." Brought to you by snack company Popcorn Indiana, The Popinator will not only shoot you a piece of popcorn like it was an NBA star at the 3-point line, but also home in on the source of the sound for pinpoint accuracy (from up to 15 feet away). Check out the video to see it in action. One person recommends it for use during video-game sessions, which sounds practical enough. It's better than trying it out in a movie theater, at least. [Popcorn Indiana]