3 Reasons Why Football Is Evil [Vintage PopSci]
Football: A sport plagued by brutality and extravagance State Library and Archives of Florida via flickrA mathematics professor issued an urgent warning about football in 1894. America ignored him. The National Football League recently put up $30 million to study the long-term effects of repeated brain injuries, after thousands of former players sued the organization for allegedly concealing the links between concussions and brain damage. Somewhere, the ghost of Yale University Mathematics Professor Eugene Lamb Richards is feeling mighty vindicated: In October 1894, he wrote a 13-page screed for PopSci about how violence, greed, and unreasonable practice hours would abase the otherwise great sport of football: As to the disadvantages of football, the sport is like everything else: it is subject to evils. The question is not whether there are evils attending the game, but whether the evils overbalance the good. I admit the evils, but I maintain that ......