Archive of feed items published on the 17th of August 2014
UPI Almanac for Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014 from UPI
Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week from Live Science
After breakups, newspapers seek path forward from Physorg
Twitter co-founder joins social media chorus from Ferguson from Physorg
'Getting-by girls' straddle gap between academic winners and losers from Physorg
Most temporary workers from Mexico no better off than undocumented workers from Physorg
Virginity pledges for men can lead to sexual confusion—even after the wedding day from Physorg
Bone chemistry reveals royal lifestyle of Richard III from Physorg
Study finds range of skills students taught in school linked to race and class size from Physorg
One Codex in open beta for genomic data search from Physorg
NASA Nears Billion-Dollar Decision on Space Taxis from MSNBC: Science
Have insurers found new ways to avoid the sick? from AP Health
Two Whacks To Technology’s Dark Side
Investigating Soil Moisture Dynamics Using Cosmic-Ray Technology
Acclaimed Novelist Alison Lurie Thinks Buildings Say a Whole Lot About Us from National Geographic
Another Ebola problem: Finding its natural source from AP Health
Sweet job: England seeks `choc doc' to study candy from AP Science
Hubble stirs up galactic soup from Science Daily
Students see world from station crew's point of view from Science Daily
U.S. commercial cargo ship delivery mission ends as Canadarm2 releases Cygnus from Science Daily
Curiosity Mars rover prepares for fourth rock drilling from Science Daily
NASA's Chandra Observatory searches for trigger of nearby supernova from Science Daily
Stepping up the fight against elephant poachers from CBSNews - Science
Heavier Rainfall? It's Not Just Your Imagination from MSNBC: Science
Venus and Jupiter Share Must-See Close Encounter Before Dawn Monday from
Is Eradicating Polio Realistic?
Winds Blowing May Not Prevent Ocean 'Dead Zones' Growing
Protesters defy Ferguson, Mo., curfew; one man shot from UPI
3-year-old girl killed in police shootout from UPI
Beyonce Knowles challenged to ice bucket challenge from UPI
UPI Sports Schedule for Sunday, August 17 from UPI
UPI Sports Results for August 16, 2014 from UPI
Camps take cystic fibrosis patients surfing from AP Health
Sweet job: England seeks 'choc doc' to study candy from Physorg
'Doctor of chocolate' post on offer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Eric Holder orders second autopsy for Michael Brown from UPI
Sea otter caught on camera in rare sighting near B.C.'s Georgia Strait from CBC: Technology & Science
'Cavity protection effect' helps to conserve quantum information from Physorg
Worm-like creature with legs and spikes finds its place in the evolutionary tree of life from Physorg
Microchip reveals how tumor cells transition to invasion from Physorg
Fascinating rhythm: Light pulses illuminate a rare black hole from Physorg
New mechanism of erosion revealed: Gorges are eradicated by downstream sweep erosion from Physorg
Premier FBI cybersquad in Pittsburgh to add agents from Physorg
Curiosity Mars rover prepares for fourth rock drilling from Physorg
World Bank forums see youth as global changemakers from UPI
Developing brains switch maths strategies from News @ Nature
8,000-Year-Old Mutation Key to Human Life at High Altitudes from Newswise - Scinews
'Saturday Night Live,' HBO sweep at Creative Arts Emmy awards from UPI
Who is the new Iraqi prime minister? from UPI
Transplant Brokers in Israel Lure Desperate Kidney Patients to Costa Rica from NY Times Science
A Clash of Religion and Bioethics Complicates Organ Donation in Israel from NY Times Science
New Drug Helps Some Bald Patients Regrow Hair from NY Times Science
Drug Could Regrow Hair in Some with Hair Loss from Live Science
Kurdish forces in Iraq reclaim part of Mosul Dam from IS from UPI
In Vitro Diagnostic Market Is $54 Billion
Ebola facility in Liberia attacked from UPI
Liberia quarantine creates 'plague villages' at Ebola epicentre from CBC: Health
Christina Aguilera gives birth to daughter from UPI
Amanda Curtis to replace John Walsh in bid for senate seat from UPI
WATCH: New Salmon Cannon saves migration paths from Science Alert
New, Larger Ebola Center Opens in Liberia from NY Times Science
Open-Source Seeds Make a Comeback (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Contributing Op-Ed Writer: My Life in Bicycles from NY Times Health
River turtle mothers 'talk' to young from BBC News: Science & Nature
How Kid Brains Memorize Facts
'Sentinel chickens' form a front line of defense against West Nile from LA Times - Science
FEATURE: WATCH: A jellyfish stinging in slow motion from Science Alert
'Downton Abbey' cast uses water bottle gaffe to help charity from UPI
Treatment in U.S. Is Rare Chance to Study Ebola from NY Times Health
‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ Has Raised Millions for ALS Association from NY Times Health
Case in Which Abortion Was Denied Reignites Controversy Over Irish Law from NY Times Health
Well: Picking Apart Objections to Eating Fish from NY Times Health
For ‘Big Data’ Scientists, Hurdle to Insights Is ‘Janitor Work’ from NY Times Science
Early research suggests deodorant could be making your armpits smell worse from Science Alert
Google has to reinforce its internet cables because sharks keep biting them from Science Alert
Australian researchers make microscopes 20 times more sensitive from Science Alert