Archive of feed items published on the 27th of April 2014
How a Gulf Settlement That BP Once Hailed Became Its Target from NY Times Science
Applied Science: The Search for Our Inner Lie Detectors from NY Times Science
The New Smoke: E-Cigarettes Take Hold in Oklahoma from NY Times Science
News Analysis: For Drugs That Save Lives, a Steep Cost from NY Times Science
Gray Matter: Friends Can Be Dangerous from NY Times Science
Should a Chimp Be Able to Sue Its Owner? from NY Times Science
No Yellowstone mega-eruption coming, experts say from Physorg
'Russian Zuckerberg' quits homeland with parting shot from Physorg
Carmakers promise Chinese drivers a breath of fresh air from Physorg
Survivors of Ebola face second 'disease': stigma from AP Health
You Now Have Billions And Billions Of Good Reasons For Being Out Of Shape
Genomic Diversity And Admixture Differs For Stone-Age Scandinavian Foragers And Farmers
PS1-10afx Cosmic Illusion Revealed
Unique floating lab showcases 'aliens of the sea' from AP Science
Unique floating lab showcases 'aliens of the sea' from AP Health
5 Tech Skills Every Job Seeker Needs from Live Science
Home Connect: A single app for more than one brand of household appliances from Physorg
NASA Supersonic Science Aims to Shush Sonic Booms from
NY bill would bar condoms as proof of prostitution from AP Health
First Solar Eclipse of 2014 Occurs Tuesday: Australia Set for Best View from
New Saints: How the Vatican Decides on Its Holy Heroes from Live Science
MERS virus hasn't changed, not reason for surge in Saudi cases from CBC: Health
Diet Can Predict Cognitive Decline from Newswise - Scinews
Should We Save the Wolves of Isle Royale? from National Geographic
Will Newer Wind Turbines Mean Fewer Bird Deaths? from National Geographic
Testicular, breast cancer social media campaigns get edgier from CBC: Health
Zinc Supplementation Shows Promise in Reducing Cell Stress After Blasts from Newswise - Scinews
Vote Now! Best Space Stories of the Week – April 27, 2014 from
Supreme Court takes on privacy in digital age from Physorg
Four US TV shows ordered off Chinese websites from Physorg
For North Dakota, drones a possible growth market from Physorg
Image: Hubble's Messier 5 from Physorg
Saudi body studying regulating YouTube production from Physorg
Solar Eclipses of 2014: Complete Coverage from
Cartilage, Made to Order from Newswise - Scinews
Genetic Code Of The Deadly Tsetse Fly Unraveled
What Makes Psychotic Teens More At Risk For Suicide Than Other Groups With Psychosis?
Fight Memory Loss with a Smile (or Chuckle) from Newswise - Scinews
School Nutrition and Wellness Program Improves Eating Habits, Lowers BMI from Newswise - Scinews
Can Exercise Help Reduce Methamphetamine Use? from Newswise - Scinews
Novel Drug Cocktail May Improve Clinical Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Connecting Alcohol Use in Adolescence With Risky Behavior in Adulthood from Newswise - Scinews
MERS virus: Saudi Arabia reports 8 more deaths from CBC: Health
Students create robotic hand for boy, 8 from Physorg
New rules could kill Net neutrality and the Internet as we've known it from Physorg
Mysterious robotic plane hits 500 days in space; what's it doing? from Physorg
If you throw a gecko at Teflon, will he stick? University of Akron researchers found the answer from Physorg
Google removes Android malware used to secretly mine bitcoin from Physorg
Warming up to the future with Nest thermostat from Physorg
Spooky Atmospheric 'Teleconnections' Link North and South Poles from
Japan Producing Huge, Lightly Guarded Stockpile of Plutonium from MSNBC: Science
Sheraton Hamilton falcons' hormones in full flight, expert says from CBC: Technology & Science
Sexual conflict affects females more than males, says new research on beetles from Physorg
Wearable tech devices hit another bump in the road from Physorg
How costly are natural hazards? Experts link cost assessment with risk management from Science Daily
What lies beneath modern New England? Mountain-building and the end of an ancient ocean from Science Daily
Specialized yoga program could help women with urinary incontinence from Science Daily
Critical end-stage liver disease discovery made from Science Daily
Revolutionary 'metamaterial' has potential to reshape neurosurgery from Science Daily
Primary HPV screening offers important new option for cervical cancer detection, prevention from Science Daily
Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week from Live Science
Chesapeake Bay impact crater adds to sea level rise from Physorg
The sky is no limit for sibling astronomers from Physorg
Move Over Exoplanets, Exomoons May Harbour Life Too from Live Science
Powdered Alcohol and Space Diapers have Something in Common from
ScienceShot: That's a Mite Speedy! from Science NOW
Mite Sets New Record as World's Fastest Land Animal from Newswise - Scinews
A variety of California kingsnake is wreaking havoc in Canary Islands from LA Times - Science
Dot Earth Blog: A Fully Wrought Life – Stones Pianist, Tree Farmer, Green Blog Pioneer from NY Times Science
The world's smallest magazine cover has been 3D printed from Science Alert
Low-dose Natural Antimicrobial Exacerbates Chronic Lung Infection In Cystic Fibrosis
Increasing Daily Coffee Consumption May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Forced to Flee Radiation, Fearful Japanese Villagers Are Reluctant to Return from NY Times Science
Nuclear Industry Gains Carbon-Focused Allies in Push to Save Reactors from NY Times Science
Experimental Efforts to Harvest the Ocean’s Power Face Cost Setbacks from NY Times Science
By Digitizing Images, Museum Opens a Window Into the Past from NY Times Science
John C. Houbolt, Lunar Pioneer, Dies at 95 from NY Times Science