Archive of feed items published on the 6th of March 2014
Head Start more beneficial for children whose parents provide less early academic stimulation from Physorg
Are Bilingual Kids More Open-minded?
Brain Circuits Multitask To Detect, Discriminate The Outside World
New Shrinking Gel Steers Tooth Tissue Formation
Hard Evidence: How Will the 2014 World Cup Ball Swerve? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Using Lasers to Cut a Diamond Apart Atom by Atom from Live Science
NASA tests new robotic refueling technologies from Physorg
Maize and bacteria: A 1-2 punch knocks copper out of stamp sand from Physorg
State failed to analyze effects of water bank, judge rules from LA Times - Science
An Artistic Climate Transforms Data into Art (Op-Ed) from Live Science
In a driverless future, drivers will do anything else from Physorg
Time running out for Great Barrier Reef: scientists from Physorg
Yahoo buying binge continues with Vizify takeover from Physorg
Officials: No health risks for US nuke workers from Physorg
Your money or your life: coal miner's dilemma mirrors China's from Physorg
Video games target Japan's silver generation from Physorg
Deutsche Telekom eyes further growth in 2014, 2015 from Physorg
Apps thrill toddlers as Swedish schools go digital from Physorg
Sea Shepherd fails to halt Australia shark kill policy from Physorg
Plumes In The Sleeping Avian Brain
New Technique Allows Frequent Water Quality Monitoring For Suite Of Pollutants
Banana Plant Fights Off Crop's Invisible Nemesis: Roundworms
B-cells Aggravate Autoimmune Diseases
Hop Leaves Discarded In Beer Brewing Could Fight Dental Diseases
Pigment Or Bacteria? The Idea Of 'Color' In Fossil Feathers Gets A Rethink
Synthetic Spider Silk Strong Enough For A Superhero
New Molecules Doom Proteins With Kiss Of Death
'Carbon bubble' threatens markets from BBC News: Science & Nature
Apple sent billions offshore to avoid Australia tax, report says from Physorg
Silicon Valley boom eludes many, drives income gap from Physorg
Merck KGaA books record profits in 2013 from Physorg
Minnesota Mystery: What’s Killing the Moose? from NY Times Science
Early Treatment Is Found to Clear H.I.V. in a 2nd Baby from NY Times Science
Study Gives Hope of Altering Genes to Repel H.I.V. from NY Times Science
Coal Firm to Pay Record Penalty and Spend Millions on Water Cleanup in 5 States from NY Times Science
A wireless Cone learns music preferences from Physorg
Bidding war starts over French telecom company SFR from Physorg
New research could help make 'roll-up' digital screens a reality for all from Physorg
S. Korea police arrest two over mass telecom data theft from Physorg
Smartphones becoming prime target for criminal hackers from CBC: Technology & Science
Niagara Falls partially frozen from CBC: Technology & Science
Lava floods the ancient plains of Mars from European Space Agency
Mapping PhD enrolment in Africa from SciDev
Enzyme controls transport of genomic building blocks from Physorg
Love or kill thy neighbor? New study into animal social behavior from Physorg
Target exec's departure puts spotlight on CIOs from Physorg
Microsoft unveils 'SurroundWeb'—whole room web display concept from Physorg
Extraordinary momentum and spin discovered in evanescent light waves from Physorg
Bulwark in Revolutionary War, Town in Vermont Faces Heroin Scourge from NY Times Health
Infections Linked to Chinese Seafood Markets in New York from NY Times Health
Some Policies Get More Time in Health Shift from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Mushrooms With Gremolata and Quinoa from NY Times Health
Well: Think Like a Doctor: Sweating It Out from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: Music Born of Magical Thinking from NY Times Health
Room for Debate: When the Doctor Is No Longer the Boss from NY Times Health
Using nanotechnology to improve the speed, efficiency and sensitivity of biosensors from Physorg
Using carbon to control the light from Physorg
Engineers taking Earth-based measurements to calibrate NASA's newest weather satellite from Physorg
Chicago on Chicago from Harvard Science
Grasping with the eyes from Harvard Science
Algae in Glass Cases Could Determine Fracking’s Toll from Scientific American
How celestial events influenced orientation of the great constructions of the Nabataeans from Physorg
Robotic prosthesis turns drummer into a three-armed cyborg (w/ Video) from Physorg
Chemist hopes new chemical structures will jumpstart stalled antibiotic discovery efforts from Physorg
Skimming the fat from milk with sound waves from Physorg
Facebook to Purchase Solar-Powered Drone Company from Live Science
Resetting Our Clocks: How the Body's Tiny Timekeepers Work from Live Science
President's Budget Would Double Funding for BRAIN Initiative from Live Science
Schoolboy creates nuclear fusion from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists combine bacteria with liquid crystals from Physorg
Researchers model a key breaking point involved in traumatic brain injury from Physorg
Question of race not simple for Mexican Americans from Physorg
Canadian Photojournalist Captures Quiet Moments Amid the Conflict in Ukraine from National Geographic
Saturn Rings, Moon Shine in Dazzling New NASA Photo from
Bus-Size Asteroid Gives Earth Super-Close Shave Today, Second in 2 Days from
Winklevoss Twins Pay Bitcoins for Spaceflight on Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo from
SpaceX Poised to Launch Space Missions for US Air Force, Elon Musk Says from
New robotic refueling technologies tested from Science Daily
Maize and bacteria: A one-two punch knocks copper out of stamp sand from Science Daily
Look back at US soybeans shows genetic improvement behind increased yields from Science Daily
New insights into ancient Pacific settlers' diet: Diet based on foraging, not horticulture from Science Daily
Pumping iron: A hydrogel actuator with mussel tone from Science Daily
New structure in dogs' eye linked to blinding retinal diseases from Science Daily
New dinosaur found in Portugal, largest terrestrial predator from Europe from Science Daily
Human activity influences beach bacterial diversity from Science Daily
The Eurasian lynx as a key to the conservation and future viability of the endangered Iberian lynx from Science Daily
A small step toward discovering habitable Earths from Science Daily
Study suggests non-uniform climate warming globally from Science Daily
Inventive new way to profile immune cells in blood from Science Daily
First-ever 3-D image created of the structure beneath Sierra Negra volcano from Science Daily
Drug therapy could eventually reverse memory decline in seniors from Science Daily
Biomarkers of cell death in Alzheimer's reverse course after symptom onset from Science Daily
Chandra and XMM-Newton provide direct measurement of distant black hole's spin from Science Daily
Asteroid will safely pass closer than moon on March 5 from Science Daily
Warm rivers play role in Arctic sea ice melt from Science Daily
First step towards 'programmable materials': Sheet metal that never rattles from Science Daily
New program for students with autism offers hope after high school from Science Daily
Ultra sensitive detection of radio waves with lasers from Science Daily
A single gene, doublesex, controls wing mimicry in butterflies from Science Daily
Seeking quantum-ness: D-Wave chip passes rigorous tests from Science Daily
Save money and the planet: Turn your old milk jugs into 3-D printer filament from Science Daily
Are bilingual kids more open-minded? Probably not from Science Daily
Bioinspired, sponge-like shrinking gel steers tooth, tissue formation from Science Daily
Guidance for optimal quality, safety of HDR brachytherapy from Science Daily
Key enzyme found in disease-causing bacteria responsible for heart valve disease from Science Daily
Some metallic toys, low-cost jewelry present health risks for young children from Science Daily
Experiential avoidance increases PTSD risk following child maltreatment from Science Daily
Rough surface could keep small electronic parts from sticking together from Science Daily
Hop leaves -- discarded in beer brewing -- have substances that could fight dental diseases from Science Daily
A wristband for a different kind of cause ... environmental health from Science Daily
When disaster strikes: Safeguarding networks from Science Daily
Platform would protect smartphones from cyber criminals from Science Daily
All work and no play for children: Losing their childhood and their happiness? from Science Daily
Newly engineered molecules doom proteins with kiss of death from Science Daily
Your face says it all? Not so fast from Science Daily
B-cells aggravate autoimmune diseases from Science Daily
Banana plant fights off crop's invisible nemesis: Roundworms from Science Daily
Patients' stories used to improve care on hospital wards from Science Daily
New technique allows frequent water quality monitoring for suite of pollutants from Science Daily
Plumes in the sleeping avian brain from Science Daily
The birds and the bees of proteins from Science Daily
Pigment or bacteria? Researchers re-examine the idea of 'color' in fossil feathers from Science Daily
Birdsong is not all about sexual selection: Female birds sing much more often than previously thought from Science Daily
Convergent evolution: New fins evolve repeatedly in teleost fishes from Science Daily
Elephant age estimated from voice from Physorg
In situ chemical imaging at the sub-biofilm-scale now possible from Physorg
Successful transmission of data at rates of 400 Gbps and 800 Gbps from Physorg
NIRS probe small enough for implanted use in brain functional imaging from Physorg
Boron gets a nano refresh: Scientists find stable 2D structures with unique properties from Physorg
The Eurasian lynx as a key to the conservation and future viability of the endangered Iberian lynx from Physorg
Remote sensing moisture model could aid farmers from Physorg
Cows witnessing wolf attacks suffer symptoms similar to PTSD from Physorg
Real-time photonic-based 10 GBit/s terahertz link long term performance, ultra-low power requirement from Physorg
NCI Awards Grant for Development of Novel Treatment of Bladder Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Great white shark's epic ocean trek from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Sicilian Space Program' launches pastry into stratosphere from Reuters:Science
Crop pests ‘vastly underestimated’ warns study from SciDev
Supernovae lighter than expected from Science Alert
Platform would protect smartphones from cyber criminals from Physorg
Ornithologists discover flight causes genome shrinkage from Physorg
Cassini nears 100th Titan flyby with a look back from Physorg
Joyriders make a black market of prestige Twitter handles from Physorg
Cytoskeletons get a closer look from Physorg
GOSSS catalogue clears the way for study of massive stars from Physorg
Bell customer says she's stuck with bills for stolen cellphone from CBC: Technology & Science
Bitcoin exchange CEO found dead from CBC: Technology & Science
Bank customer's lawsuit raises questions about fraud liability from CBC: Technology & Science
Immune upgrade gives 'HIV shielding' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nuclear submarine to get new core from BBC News: Science & Nature
The future of feedstocks from Chemistry World
Politicians accuse US food agency of illegally monitoring employees from Chemistry World
Molecular aesthetics from Chemistry World
The future of biometric technology from Physorg
Research highlights the importance of logos from Physorg
Scientists pinpoint potential oases in a changing climate from Physorg
Researchers discover new group of quasicrystals from Physorg
Red Hat programmer discovers major security flaw in Linux from Physorg
Physicists uncover secrets hidden beneath the surface of great works of art from Physorg
Collecting digital user data without invading privacy from Physorg
Testing roadkill badgers for bovine TB from Physorg
Engineering team increases power efficiency for future computer processors from Physorg
Mapping activation of zygotic genome at high resolution from Physorg
Robotic Satellite Refueling Tech Works, NASA Proves | Video from
Carl Sagan Remembered: How Did He Inspire You? from
Cosmic lens exposes spin of supermassive black hole from
‘Save Darfur’ an example of ineffective causes led by Facebook’s army of armchair activists from Science Blog
Supergene allows butterflies to mimic toxic relatives from Science Blog
New Structure in Dogs’ Eye Linked to Blinding Retinal Diseases from Science Blog
Tiny cracks may hold the secret to stronger glass from Science Blog
Engineers increases power efficiency for future computer processors from Science Blog
In one ear and out the other: Why we forget what we hear from Science Blog
Misplaced protein causes heart failure from Science Blog
Saturn Rings, Moon Shine in Dazzling New NASA Photo from Live Science
Bus-Size Asteroid Gives Earth Super-Close Shave Today, Second in 2 Days from Live Science
Draft UN Report: Global Warming Could Cost $1.45 Trillion from Live Science
HIV cure hoped for in 2nd U.S. baby from CBC: Health
Scientists look into winter blues at Arctic military station from CBC: Health
Astronomers witness mysterious, never-before-seen disintegration of asteroid from Physorg
The first electric vehicle rental project for tourists in Japan struggles to make a profit from Physorg
Veterinary research highlights refocus for cattle export from Physorg
Data gains power through graphics and charts, specialists say from Physorg
Time for some truth about who is feeding off our NHS data from Physorg
When to teach children about violent extremism from Physorg
Domestic violence arrests may be counterproductive from
Santiago Gómez-Ruiz: Chemistry is a powerful tool for fighting cancer from Chemistry World
Israeli scientists shoot for the moon with dishwasher-sized spacecraft from Reuters:Science
Black boys viewed as older, less innocent than whites from Science Blog
Designing robots that can keep secrets from Science Blog
Omega-3 in diet associated with better sleep from Science Blog
NASA Meteor Experts Host Reddit 'Ask Me Anything' @ 2pm ET Today from Live Science
Monster Black Hole Spins at Half the Speed of Light from Live Science
Best Nutrition Software: Top 3 Picks from Live Science
NASA Launches Rocket Through Auroras for GREECE Mission (Photos) from
NASA Meteor Experts Host Reddit 'Ask Me Anything' @ 2pm ET Today from
Neil deGrasse Tyson Shares a Universe of Knowledge on 'Cosmos' from MSNBC: Science
Focus on Migration: Movement inherently brings benefits from SciDev
Hubble witnesses an asteroid mysteriously disintegrating from Science Daily
Collecting digital user data without invading privacy from Science Daily
Robotic prosthesis turns drummer into a three-armed cyborg from Science Daily
New research could help make 'roll-up' digital screens a reality for all from Science Daily
Atypical development in siblings of children with autism is detectable at 12 months from Science Daily
Alzheimer's disease much larger cause of death than reported, study shows from Science Daily
Personalized gene therapy locks out HIV, paving the way to control virus without antiretroviral drugs from Science Daily
Blazing Hybrid | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
How Science Will Help Us Sleep Better from PopSci
NASA Hot-Fires Mini-Engines in SLS Test | Video from
Facebook to Purchase Solar-Powered Drone Company from
Never-Before-Seen Asteroid Break-Up Snapped By Hubble | Video from
Moose sex corridor expands with land donation from CBC: Technology & Science
Buckyballs form up into quasicrystal layer from Chemistry World
New dinosaur largest terrestrial predator from Europe from Science Blog
Astronomers witness mysterious, never-before-seen disintegration of asteroid from Science Blog
Alzheimer’s much larger cause of death than reported from Science Blog
First 3D Image of Structure Beneath Sierra Negra Volcano from Science Blog
Medical marijuana grow-op planned for former B.C. school from CBC: Health
Daycare suspends 2-year-old girl over cheese sandwich from CBC: Health
The First US City Was Full of Immigrants from Live Science
Birds of All Feathers and Global Flu Diversity from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Identify a Critical Link Between Obesity and Diabetes from Newswise - Scinews
Runaway Galaxy | Space Wallpaper from
Complications following surgery predict costly readmissions from Science Daily
computers used to 'see' neurons to better understand brain function from Science Daily
Earth's mantle plasticity explained from Science Daily
Misplaced protein causes heart failure from Science Daily
Strategies on the Internet to discredit generic drugs from Science Daily
Engineering team increases power efficiency for future computer processors from Science Daily
Heart failure unknowns a roadblock to managing health from Science Daily
Japanese Town: half the survivors of mega-earthquake, tsunami, have PTSD symptoms from Science Daily
Classroom focus on social, emotional skills can lead to academic gains, study shows from Science Daily
Addressing the rapid increase in cesarean birth rates from Science Daily
Computational tool offers new insight into key biological processes from Science Daily
Going nuclear, in a small way from Science Daily
Learning how to listen with neurofeedback from Science Daily
Long-lasting device protects against HIV, pregnancy from Science Daily
Lung transplantation: A treatment option in end-stage lung disease from Science Daily
E-Cigarettes Are 'Aggravating' Teen Smoking Epidemic, Study Suggests from Live Science
Warming temperatures are pushing two chickadee species—and their hybrids—northward from Physorg
Establishing standards where none exist: Researchers define 'good' stem cells from Physorg
'Cosmos' Reborn: New Fox TV Show Aims to Bring Science to Everyone from
Music doesn’t move some people from
Analytical Test Could Underestimate Radioactivity In Fracking Wastewater from C&EN
Computer Program Allows the Blind to 'See' With Sound from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Sex, Drugs, but Not Rock 'n' Roll from Science NOW
Mystery of Planet-forming Disks Explained by Magnetism from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Cassini Nears 100th Titan Flyby with a Look Back from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Guts of Galapagos Volcano Revealed in 3D Images from Live Science
San Francisco Moves to Ban Plastic Water Bottles from Live Science
Experimental Device Could Prevent HIV & Pregnancy in Women from Live Science
Listening to whispers at the water cooler from Physorg
Strong teams attract crowds for international cricket from Physorg
Study Identifies Gene Important to Breast Development and Breast Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Warming Temperatures Are Pushing Two Chickadee Species--and Their Hybrids--Northward from Newswise - Scinews
Armstrong Flight Research Puts The Aeronautics In NASA | Video from
Crowdsourcing Conservation: Microsoft Creates Animal-Tracking Tool from MSNBC: Science
Saturn Rings, Moon Dazzle in New Photo from MSNBC: Science
How to build a successful Silicon Valley company by age 22 from CBC: Technology & Science
Getty Images makes much of its photo portfolio free to use from CBSNews - Science
Asteroid gives Earth super-close shave from CBSNews - Science
Global genomic data-sharing effort kicks off from News @ Nature
As scientists watch, distant asteroid disintegrates from Reuters:Science
Imagess: Bouncy Ball Skips on Water Like a Rock from Live Science
Forecasters see El Nino warming of Pacific Ocean from Physorg
IT security for the daily life: Withdrawing money at cash machines with 'Google Glass' from Physorg
Computer science students help singers learn their vowels (w/ Video) from Physorg
Offshore dispersant data and decisions from Physorg
Study: Classroom focus on social and emotional skills can lead to academic gains from Physorg
Computational tool offers new insight into key biological processes from Physorg
Tiger mothers run risk of raising ethnic outcasts in pursuit of academic success from Physorg
Majestic Milky Way Galaxy Rises Over Remote Island (Photo) from
Head of China's space science reaches out from News @ Nature
Museum as study subject from Harvard Science
World Digital Library grows to 10,000 items from Physorg
Solving Cold Cases Depends on New Witnesses, Not DNA from National Geographic
Online Encore: Watch a Bus-Sized Asteroid Buzz Past Earth from MSNBC: Science
Wind Mobile written down to $0 by owner Vimpelcom from CBC: Technology & Science
Why Are Women So Uncooperative?
Will Eating Red And Processed Meat Lead To Cancer? The Science Answer
Asteroid P/2013 R3 Is Mysteriously Disintegrating
Tiger Mom Backlash? Asians Without Academic Success May Be Shunned
SXSW 2014: Expect Wearable Tech, Robotics, Science Celebs and More from Live Science
Did That Just Happen? How Your Brain Alters Mental Timelines from Live Science
US Navy Toys With Physics of Bouncy Balls from Live Science
Small Asteroid Will Pass Earth Safely on Thursday from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Scientists identify a plasma plume that naturally protects the Earth against solar storms from Physorg
Crystals ripple in response to light: First propagating surface phonon polaritons in a van der Waals crystal from Physorg
Researchers calculate how river networks move across a landscape from Physorg
Shaq seeking funding for new 'Shaq Fu' video game from Physorg
House backs bill to block EPA power plant rule from Physorg
Judge rejects Apple bid to ban Samsung devices from Physorg
Google barge cruising from San Francisco to delta from Physorg
Enigmatic bitcoin creator Nakamoto found: Newsweek from Physorg
Vertimass licenses ORNL biofuel-to-hydrocarbon conversion technology from Physorg
Access to social workers could keep veterans out of criminal justice system, researchers find from Physorg
Questions You Should Ask About Your Sleeping Habits from PopSci
UT Dallas Professor Receives Funding to Design Materials Inspired by Bone from Newswise - Scinews
Are You Smarter than a 5-Year-Old? Preschoolers Can Do Algebra from Newswise - Scinews
Fast Moving Galaxy Leaves Behind A Trail Of Stars | Video from
Watch Bus-Sized Asteroid Buzz Past Earth for Online Encore from MSNBC: Science
Monster Black Hole Spins at Half the Speed of Light from MSNBC: Science
Leapin' Lizards! Medieval Arabs Ate the Scaly Creatures from MSNBC: Science
New app lets users "wake up and smell the bacon" -- literally from CBSNews - Science
ScienceShot: Northern Rivers Are Melting Arctic Ice from Science NOW
Comets collide around young star from
Game of Rivers: How Waterways Behead Mountains from Live Science
Women Lag Behind Men in Job Quality from Live Science
Disney laying off 700 from interactive unit from Physorg
Iceland startup finds success with trivia app from Physorg
The Woman Who Can Will Herself Out Of Her Body from PopSci
Five Bald Eagle Cams to Watch Now from National Geographic
ALMA Sees Icy Wreckage in Nearby Solar System from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Create Detailed Picture of Membrane Protein Linked to Learning, Memory, Anxiety, Pain and Brain Disorders from Newswise - Scinews
Warmer Temperatures Push Malaria to Higher Elevations from Newswise - Scinews
Vertimass Licenses ORNL Biofuel-to-Hydrocarbon Conversion Technology from Newswise - Scinews
Big Mars Impact Gave Earth Most of Its Martian Meteorites from
Famed 'Star Trek' Original Series Teleplay by Harlan Ellison Gets IDW Comics Adaptation from
Another Asteroid! Bus-Sized Space Rock Buzzes Past Earth from MSNBC: Science
16th-Century Manual Shows 'Rocket Cat' Weaponry from MSNBC: Science
Photo giant Getty makes 35M images free to use from CBC: Technology & Science
That Sinking Feeling from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Colored diamonds are a superconductor's best friend from Physorg
Mozilla to improve JPEG compression with mozjpeg tool from Physorg
EU, Iceland and Nordic mackerel quota talks break down from Physorg
Mapping river geometry gives clues to past terrains from News @ Nature
New dino species named Europe’s top predator from
Ubisoft to unleash 'Watch Dogs' video game in May from Physorg
Groups seek privacy review of Facebook-WhatsApp tie-up from Physorg
Australian returned as head of world intellectual property body from Physorg
Meteorites on Earth May Be From Ancient Crater on Mars, Study Says from National Geographic
Computer Science Students Help Singers Learn Their Vowels from Newswise - Scinews
Bright Fireball Over New Mexico Rattles Houses - See and Hear It | Video from
Winklevoss Twins in Space: Not the 1st Identical Siblings to Leave Earth from
Statue of Liberty among UNESCO sites threatened by climate change from CBSNews - Science
Climate change threat to UNESCO sites from CBSNews - Science
Generics slow Canadian drug spending growth from CBC: Health
Environmentalists warn of Spain oil-drilling from Physorg
Spotify snaps up The Echo Nest from Physorg
ALMA sees icy wreckage in nearby solar system: Possible hidden planet causing rapid-fire cometary collisions from Physorg
Hubble Telescope captures shattering asteroid from AP Science
Return of El Nino Could Bring Rain, Heat, Misery from MSNBC: Science
7 Insects You'll Be Eating in the Future from Live Science
Plasma Plume Keeps Earth Safe From Solar Storms from PopSci
Daylight Saving Time 2014: When Does It Begin? And Why? from National Geographic
How a River Otter Can Bag an Alligator for Lunch from National Geographic
Near-Earth Asteroids: Famous Space Rock Flybys and Close Calls (Infographic) from
Neanderthal Hunters Didn't Chase Mammoths Off Cliffs, Study Says from MSNBC: Science
New nanochip said to help in the fight against superbugs from CBSNews - Science
Madeleine Jacobs To Step Down As CEO from C&EN
How Cosmetic Fillers May Cause Blindness from Live Science
Birds display lateralization bias when selecting flight paths from Physorg
Fertilizer in small doses yields higher returns for less money from Physorg
New therapies targeting cancer, Alzheimer's goal of UH physicist from Physorg
TRMM satellite images show California soaker moved eastward from Physorg
Redwood Parks Battle Bold Wood Poachers from National Geographic
Spritz app will help readers sprint through novels from CBSNews - Science
Heart bypass patient whose operation was on Twitter speaks out from CBC: Health
Sea Turtles' "Lost Years" Transatlantic Journey Mapped for First Time from Scientific American
Seen from Space: Guatemala's Pacaya Volcano Pops from Live Science
We're Ending Our Weekly Live Chats from Science NOW
Podcast: Supergenes, a New Longevity Diet, and Historic Bowel Movements from Science NOW
US Sony chief out amid restructuring from Physorg
Story Tips from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, March 2014 from Newswise - Scinews
Small Asteroid Gives Earth a Close Shave, 3rd in 2 Days from
One Big Blast Gave Earth Most of Its Martian Meteorites from MSNBC: Science
Big Mars Impact Gave Earth Most of Its Martian Meteorites from MSNBC: Science
Warmer temperatures push malaria to higher elevations from Biology News Net
Enzyme controls transport of genomic building blocks from Biology News Net
Study provides new information about the sea turtle 'lost years' from Biology News Net
A single gene, doublesex, controls wing mimicry in butterflies from Biology News Net
Cat Firebombs Featured in 500-Year-Old German War Manual from Live Science
Why Some People Don't Like Music from Live Science
Photos from 'Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey' TV Series (Gallery) from
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth MacFarlane Talk 'Cosmos' with GQ from
Quality control from Harvard Science
New insight into ancient Pacific diet from Science Alert
NASA Spacecraft Buzzes Saturn's Largest Moon Titan for 100th Time from
Flickr co-founder launches experience-sharing app Findery from CBSNews - Science
Study pinpoints source of Mars meteorites from Reuters:Science
FEATURE: New dinosaur competes to be Europe’s largest land predator from Science Alert
FEATURE: Using lasers to cut a diamond apart atom by atom from Science Alert
Female birds rival males in song from Science Alert
Study: HPV vaccine working from Science Alert
Beta Pictoris: Icy Debris Suggests 'Shepherd' Planet
Soundscapes: Training Blind People To See Shapes Using Sound
Iron Deficiency Does Not Cause People To Become Vegans
Crystals ripple in response to light from Science Blog
Contacts better than permanent lenses for babies after cataract surgery from Science Blog
Some people really just don’t like music from Science Blog
Researchers map European climate change from Physorg
Australian flowers bloom red because of honeyeaters from
Measuring the migration of a river from MIT Research
A river of plasma, guarding against the sun from MIT Research
Cowboy 'trick rope physics' revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
US Navy's Next-Generation Aircraft Carrier Begins Testing Phase from Live Science
Vaccine holds promise against ovarian cancer from Harvard Science
U.S. issues alert for El Niño watch from LA Times - Science
Europe Probes Major Mergers from C&EN
House Republicans Unveil Draft Legislation To Reform Federal Law On Chemical Safety from C&EN
Fukushima Radiation May Have Little Long-Term Effect On Wildlife from C&EN
VIDEO: The physics of lasso tricks slowed down from BBC News: Science & Nature
Teenage elephant mums 'are fitter' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Disorder sharpens optical-fibre images from Physics World
Hubble Telescope Watches Asteroid Whirl Itself to Pieces from MSNBC: Science
Another Asteroid! Third Space Rock Buzzes Past Earth from MSNBC: Science
Possible New Leak at Hanford Nuclear Waste Site from MSNBC: Science
Hubble Space Telescope Watches Asteroid Whirl Itself to Pieces from MSNBC: Science
Birds Display Lateralization Bias When Selecting Flight Paths
Fighting For Survival In The Gut: Unravelling The Hidden Variation Of Bacteria
Hubble Witnesses Asteroid's Mysterious … sintegration from Science @ NASA
Restoring bogs 'could cut flooding' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Newhall Ranch project faces new hurdles with environmentalists' suit from LA Times - Science