Archive of feed items published on the 13th of May 2013
Seeking gamers: Document power plants, fight climate change from MSNBC: Science
'Junk' DNA mystery solved: It's not needed from MSNBC: Science
Land management options outlined to address cheatgrass invasion from Physorg
Catalina exhibit illuminates a dark episode in island's past from LA Times - Science
European Vinyls Giant Emerges from C&EN
Drug Delivery With A Bang from C&EN
Hear, Hear For The Bionic Ear from C&EN
As Canada takes Arctic Council helm, experts stress north's vulnerability to spills, emergencies from Physorg
For Witness to Nagasaki, a Life Focused on Science from NY Times Science
Seeking Clues to a Heart Killer in the DNA Binding a Family from NY Times Science
Hospital Mergers in Northwest Raise Issue of Abortion Barriers from NY Times Health
Boogaard’s Family Files Wrongful-Death Suit Against N.H.L. from NY Times Health
A New Approach to Disciplining Mentally Ill Inmates from NY Times Health
Well: Childbirth: Formula With Breast-Feeding from NY Times Health
Samsung announces 5G data breakthrough from Physorg
Project aims to track big city carbon footprints from Physorg
Nasa's job is not to 'titillate' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rat meat and Chinese food safety from BBC News: Science & Nature
Research Update: Team observes real-time charging of a lithium-air battery from MIT Research
Revising Darwin’s sinking-island theory from MIT Research
How Chris Hadfield turned Earthlings on to space from CBC: Technology & Science
Rolls-Royce to back supercar project from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tumour tests help predict best cancer treatments from CBC: Health
Galaxy zoom from European Space Agency
A new dimension for 3-D protein structures from Physorg
New public application of Landsat images released from Physorg
Hubble tells a tale of galactic collisions from Physorg
Robotic refueling mission practices new tasks from Physorg
Software shortens maintenance for Steam Turbines from Physorg
Shipping chemical 'unsafe for birds' from BBC News: Science & Nature
France confirms 2nd case of SARS-related virus from CBC: Health
Disabled adults find match in personal care worker roommates from CBC: Health
Physicians lead by example for Walk with a Doc from CBC: Health
White House Limits on Plan B Put Science in Backseat from Scientific American
Naval activity may contribute to porpoise strandings from Physorg
Caffeine enhances bee memory from Physorg
Major Solar Flare Erupts from the Sun, Strongest of 2013 from
Family trees for yeast cells from Physorg
Ground-breaking science and spectacular cosmic images from the PAPER instrument in the Karoo from Physorg
Research shows kestrels enjoy life far from the madding crowd from Physorg
Catalyst keeps fruit fresh longer from Physorg
Spaceman says goodbye to ISS with David Bowie classic (w/ Video) from Physorg
Making a greener lawnmower: Students win design competition for their device that reduces emissions from lawnmowers from Physorg
West Africa Struggles to Fill a Climate Knowledge Gap from Scientific American
Scanning electrochemical microscopy decisively optimised: Researchers measure oxygen consumption of individual cells from Physorg
New insight into early growth of solid thin films from Physorg
How to overcome the oxide barrier from Physorg
A revolution in three dimensions ... maybe four: Researchers explore 3-D printing from Physorg
CEOs who are good matches for firms have higher initial compensation, study finds from Physorg
Space tourism won't hurt environment, Branson says from Physorg
A silky spin on protective armor from Physorg
Mobile phone app to help monitor UK's native ladybirds after foreign invasion from Physorg
Improving communication during disasters from Physorg
Power exchange to become more economical from Physorg
Urine Test May Detect Pregnancy Problems from C&EN
Teens Who Text and Drive Also Don't Wear Seatbelts from Live Science
Wind energy storage tested at institute from CBC: Technology & Science
Bugs are food of the future, UN says from Physorg
Games ratings losing the battle? from Physorg
Team observes real-time charging of a lithium-air battery from Physorg
Revising Darwin's sinking-island theory: New study helps resolve a dispute over the origins of coral-reef formations from Physorg
Earth's center is out of sync from Physorg
World has entered new CO2 'danger zone', UN says from Physorg
Photonic quantum computers: A brighter future than ever from Physorg
Inadequate infection control by vets widespread from Physorg
Rubber boom fuelling SE Asia land grabs from Physorg
Early malaria diagnosis from Chemistry World
Space Station Crew Returns to Earth Tonight: How to Watch it Live from
Around Planet Earth in 1,500 tweets from BBC News: Science & Nature
As Canada takes Arctic Council helm, experts stress north's vulnerability to spills, emergencies from Science Daily
New model to recommend media content according to your preferences from Science Daily
Potential flu pandemic lurks from Science Blog
Invasion of the slugs — halted by worms from Science Blog
Early formula use helps some mothers breastfeed longer from Science Blog
Job market for grads ticks slightly upward from Physorg
Chaos could improve performance of wireless communication systems from Physorg
Systematic position of Archaeopteryx challenged? from Physorg
Good, better, best practices in terminology from Physorg
New method of finding planets scores its first discovery from Physorg
China social media hailed after official toppled from Physorg
New homonin site found in Daoxian County, Hunan Province of China from Physorg
Integrated omics uncovers roles of fungi and bacteria in lignocellulose degradation from Physorg
Solar lantern for people living without electricity from Physorg
Step towards a spider venom vaccine from Chemistry World
'Space Oddity' Covered By Chris Hadfield In Space| Video from
Pilotless flight success over UK from BBC News: Science & Nature
Improving communication during disasters from Science Daily
Scanning electrochemical microscopy decisively optimized: Oxygen consumption of individual cells measured from Science Daily
Scientists sequence genome of ‘sacred lotus,’ which likely holds anti-aging secrets from Science Blog
To suppress or to explore? Emotional strategy may influence anxiety from Science Blog
Physicists observe quantum phenomenon without destorying it from Science Blog
Renaissance in new drugs for rare diseases from Science Blog
SheerWind claims its INVELOX wind turbine produces 600% more power from Physorg
French panel moots taxes on smartphones, tablets from Physorg
New model to recommend media content according to your preferences from Physorg
Professional Societies Delineate Concerns, Offer Recommendations Regarding Interim Pricing for Molecular Tests from Newswise - Scinews
Less O2 Triggers Grasshopper Molting, Farmers Could Benefit from Newswise - Scinews
Poultry Drug Increases Levels of Toxic Arsenic in Chicken Meat from Newswise - Scinews
Texas Tech University Leads the Nation in Wind Research from Newswise - Scinews
2 new diseases could both spark global outbreaks from AP Science
Video: Ice creeps up Mich. shoreline from CBSNews - Science
Stunning Byzantine Mosaic Uncovered in Israel from Live Science
Image Gallery: Stunning Byzantine Mosaic from Live Science
Space History Photo: Pilot Joe Walker with the X-1E from
Flying car crashes near Vernon, B.C., school from CBC: Technology & Science
American engineer looked at suicide-related websites before death from UPI
Family trees for yeast cells from Science Daily
The Mathematics of Juggling [Video] from Scientific American
WHO Press Statement Related to the Novel Coronavirus Situation from Science Blog
Searching for Clandestine Graves with Geophysical Tools from Science Blog
Urbanization and surface warming in eastern China from Science Blog
Scientists pinpoint how we see a 95 mph baseball coming from Science Blog
Study finds Weddell seals have most developed brains at birth of any mammal from Physorg
Bosch unveils Power Max—Level 2 EV charger for $449 from Physorg
UK retailers relax rules on GM poultry feed from Physorg
Searching for clandestine graves with geophysical tools from Physorg
Nitrate Can Take A Decade To Affect Water Quality
Nature Aids Science to Take on Bed Bugs from Live Science
Exoplanet View from its Moon | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
FEATURE: Monday’s medical myth: flatlining patients can be shocked back to life from Science Alert
Warming threatens most species from Science Alert
Words that have lasted 15,000 years from Science Alert
First Solar X-Flare Of The Year Is A Doozy | Video from
Astronaut Chris Hadfield Thanks His Fans From Space | Video from
European shrub threatens US frogs from BBC News: Science & Nature
Does Shard point to design's future? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Leak repaired on International Space Station from European Space Agency
Not all cytokine-producing cells start out the same way from Science Daily
World first clinical trial supports use of Kava to treat anxiety from Science Daily
Poultry drug increases levels of toxic arsenic in chicken meat from Science Daily
Dell board committee seeks info on investor plan from Physorg
Urbanization and surface warming in eastern China from Physorg
Lab-on-a-chip rises to cola challenge from Chemistry World
Solar Panels as Inexpensive as Paint? from Newswise - Scinews
Breakthrough In The Understanding Of How Pancreatic Cancer Cells Ingest Nutrients Points To New Drug Target from Newswise - Scinews
2 new viruses could both spark global outbreaks from AP Health
Video: Volcano near Mexico City pumps out steam from CBSNews - Science
Lotus genome reveals secrets from Science Alert
23 words from the Ice Age from Science Alert
Polluted Dead Stars | Space Wallpaper from
Astronaut Covers 'Space Oddity' on Space Station (Video) from
Why not eat more insects, UN asks from CBC: Health
Heart attack risk increased for middle-aged hockey players from CBC: Health
Drug 100 times more potent than morphine hits Montreal black market from CBC: Health
Photonic quantum computers: A brighter future than ever from Science Daily
Less oxygen triggers grasshopper molting, farmers could benefit from Science Daily
Breakthrough in the understanding of how pancreatic cancer cells ingest nutrients points to new drug target from Science Daily
How multitasking can improve judgments from Science Daily
Agent orange exposure linked to life-threatening prostate cancer from Science Daily
Early formula use helps some mothers breastfeed longer from Science Daily
US Supreme Court finds for Monsanto in seed patent battle from Physorg
The molecular basis of strawberry aroma from Physorg
Using Nanostructured Photonic Materials, Outer Space Can Replace Some Air Conditioners
BigPic: Watch The Moon Swallow The Sun In X-Ray from PopSci
Russian Scientists Decry New International Funding Rules from Science NOW
UN: Eat more insects; good for you, good for world from AP Health
Serotonin mediates exercise-induced generation of new neurons from Science Daily
Western Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami hazard potential greater than previously thought from Science Daily
Solar panels as inexpensive as paint? from Science Daily
Land management options outlined to address cheatgrass invasion from Science Daily
To suppress or to explore? Emotional strategy may influence anxiety from Science Daily
Mutation causing wrong-way plumbing explains one type of blue-baby syndrome from Science Daily
Manipulating Lorentz and Fano spectral line shapes from Physorg
Age and gender? Dutch develop analyser for Twitter from Physorg
The name's (quadruple) bond? from Chemistry World
Physicists Light "Magnetic Fire" to Reveal Energy's Path from Newswise - Scinews
The Troubling Way Men React To Sexual Harassment from PopSci
Video: ISS leaking pump prompts emergency spacewalk from CBSNews - Science
Project aims to track big city carbon footprints from CBSNews - Science
The Multi-Faceted Work Lives Of Research Scientists | Video from Live Science
Huge drug cost disparities seen in health overhaul from AP Health
Monday last day for morning-after pill appeal from AP Health
Bird flu in live poultry markets are the source of viruses causing human infections from Science Daily
Molecular basis of strawberry aroma from Science Daily
Solar 'sandwich' could cover a variety of surfaces from Physics World
Microsoft warns of new Trojan hijacking Facebook accounts from CBSNews - Science
Research Scientists and Their Multi-Faceted Work Lives from Live Science
Experimental volcanoes make a blast from News @ Nature
Man who discovered ozone hole dies from BBC News: Science & Nature
UN urges world to eat more insects from BBC News: Science & Nature
Many entrepreneurs claim to care about sustainability, yet make decisions that are harmful to environment from Science Daily
Mechanism that puts the curl in the curling stone revealed from Science Daily
CEOs who are good matches for firms have higher initial compensation from Science Daily
Physicists light 'magnetic fire' to reveal energy's path from Science Daily
Terahertz technology: Seeing more with less from Science Daily
Metallic glass: How nanoscale islands react under strain from Science Daily
Data storage: Synchronized at the 'write time' from Science Daily
Micromachining: Inclinations sounded out from Science Daily
U.K. coastline, biodiversity under threat from climate change from Science Blog
Solar panels as inexpensive as paint? from Science Blog
Openly gay: Does it affect performance appraisal? from Science Blog
Solar panels as inexpensive as paint? It's possible due to new research from Physorg
Self-assured entrepreneurs are more likely to act against their own pro-environmental values from Physorg
Bill would regulate 'biosimilar' drugs from LA Times - Health
Patient is out of network, out of luck from LA Times - Health
Saying no to surgery from LA Times - Health
WHO approves synthetic source of artemisinin from SciDev
Astronaut exits space station with music video from AP Science
LED Lights May Damage Eyes, Researcher Says from Live Science
Instant HD movie downloads? Samsung claims 5G breakthrough from CBC: Technology & Science
Major X-Class Solar Flares Unleashed by Sun (Photos) from
Routine depression screening for adults not recommended from CBC: Health
VIDEO: Concern grows over deadly new virus from BBC News: Science & Nature
When deciding how to bet, less detailed information may be better from Science Daily
Reversing paralysis with a restorative gel from Science Daily
Openly gay: Does it affect performance appraisal? from Science Daily
Routine screening for depression not recommended for adults with no apparent symptoms of depression from Science Daily
Heart disease: Healthy lifestyle offsets work-related stress, study suggests from Science Daily
New non-GM technology platform for genetic improvement of sunflower oilseed crop from Science Daily
Physicists Light ‘Magnetic Fire’ to Reveal Energy’s Path from Science Blog
Reversing paralysis with a restorative gel from Science Blog
Satellites See Double Jeopardy for Socal Fire Season from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Curiosity Rover Team Selects Second Drilling Target on Mars from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA sees the remnants of Tropical Cyclone Jamala fading from Physorg
NASA sees a strengthening Tropical Cyclone Mahasen from Physorg
Physicists light 'magnetic fire' to reveal energy's path from Physorg
First X-class solar flare of 2013 from Physorg
Western Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami hazard potential greater than previously thought from Physorg
The mechanism that puts the curl in the curling stone revealed from Physorg
U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Monsanto Soybean Patents, Rejects Blame-the-Bean Defense from Science NOW
Stars Aligned at Ancient Tomb in Spain from Live Science
The cat who couldn't spy: A CIA fail from MSNBC: Science
Skylab 40 Years Later | Video from
VIDEO: Senegal's marine conservation drive from BBC News: Science & Nature
Image: NASA sees controlled fires in Southern Australia from Physorg
Methodist Microgravity Experiment Gets Funding, May Go to International Space Station from Newswise - Scinews
Major Field Campaign Targets Improvement in Thunderstorm Prediction from Newswise - Scinews
Earth's Rotating Inner Core Shifts Its Speed from Live Science
Multiple Spacecraft See First Solar X-Flare of 2013 | Video from
Grammar errors? The brain detects them even when you are unaware from Science Daily
Possible new acute leukemia marker, treatment target identified from Science Daily
Fossil Amber Challenges Theories About Glass from National Geographic
Scientists seek to corral asteroid for study from Physorg
How Facebook Used Psychology To Design More Emotional Emoticons from PopSci
News in Brief: Cannibalistic spiders may just be choosy guys from
Space Shuttle Atlantis' Payload Bay Opened for Museum Display from
Feds gear up for dangerous fire season in Western U.S. from UPI
Florida fights stucco-eating African snails from Physorg
Big trout saved from close call with extinction from Physorg
Supreme Court Decision Closes Loophole in Monsanto's Business Model from Newswise - Scinews
The Center Of The Earth Is Out Of Sync
Video: First wind-waves power system to be installed off Japanese coast from CBSNews - Science
Why not eat more insects, UN asks from CBC: Technology & Science
Falcon Comeback in Indiana: No Longer Endangered? from Live Science
'Predator'-Proof: An Invisibility Cloak for Heat from Live Science
Grab Your Camera: US Public Lands Photo Contest Begins from Live Science
Solar Flares Explained: What You Need to Know from
Major Fireworks On Sun - Two X-Flares On Same Day | Video from
Using earthquake sensors to track endangered whales from Science Blog
Productivity increases with species diversity: 150 years later, research proves Darwin prediction from Physorg
Energy supply from hydropower projects depends on rainforest conservation from Physorg
White House outlines new policy for protecting, drilling in Arctic from Physorg
Receptor proteins could hold clues to antibiotic resistance in MRSA from Physorg
Geophysical Coalition Testing High-Tech Tools To Unearth Hidden Graves from PopSci
Corporations, NSF Team Up to Improve STEM Retention Rates from Science NOW
Hearing changes could be ancient in the human line from News @ Nature
Brain's 'Clock' Disrupted in Depressed People from Live Science
Frost, Freeze Monday Night From Maine to North Carolina from Live Science
Sun Unleashes Strongest Solar Flares of 2013 from Live Science
Elephant Tramples Poacher in Zimbabwe from Live Science
Biggest Solar Flares of the Year Erupt from Active Sun (Video) from
New Method of Finding Planets Scores its First Discovery from Science Blog
Using Earthquake Sensors to Track Endangered Whales from Newswise - Scinews
By Degrees: What Will a Doubling of Carbon Dioxide Mean for Climate? from NY Times Science
Global Health: An iPhone Jury-Rigged as a Microscope from NY Times Science
Observatory: Greater Wax Moth Has World’s Most Extreme Hearing from NY Times Science
Best Sellers: Science Bookshelf — Top-Selling Nonfiction Titles from NY Times Science
The Lede: Astronaut Covers ‘Space Oddity’ From Space from NY Times Science
ScienceShot: Earliest Ear Bones Sound Off on Human Hearing from Science NOW
In the Family: Heart Disease from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Whole-Wheat Focaccia from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: Never Go Grocery Shopping on an Empty Stomach from NY Times Health
Deaths from West Nile virus hit record last year from AP Health
Gut microbe may fight obesity and diabetes from News @ Nature
Chris Hadfield begins return to Earth from space station from CBC: Technology & Science
France considering smartphone, tablet tax to fund cultural content from CBC: Technology & Science
Spontaneous Gene Mutations Linked to Kids' Heart Defects from Live Science
Keeping Toxic Hydrocarbons Out Of Kids Reach | Video from Live Science
Budget Cuts May Hinder Discovery of 1st Alien Earth from
New method of finding planets scores its first discovery from Science Daily
Using earthquake sensors to track endangered whales from Science Daily
Risk of another Indian Ocean earthquake, tsunami said underestimated from UPI
How Do You Make A Painkiller Addiction-Proof? from PopSci
BEER Method Of Finding Planets Scores Its First Discovery
Breaking up in the digital age is difficult, study says from CBSNews - Science
Reports reveal confusion over NRC rebranding from CBC: Technology & Science
Tougher oilsands regulations need higher oil price, Kent says from CBC: Technology & Science
Sex Supplements May Contain Hidden, Harmful Drugs from Live Science
TV Linked with Falling Birth Rates from Live Science
Master regulator that drives majority of lymphoma discovered from Science Daily
Brain frontal lobes not sole center of human intelligence from Science Daily
Out of sync: Body clocks altered at cell level in depression from Science Daily
China's growing, sprawling cities said causing climate changes from UPI
Computer tool measures readability of electronic communications from UPI
NASA: Solar flare was first of most intense class observed this year from UPI
Using earthquake sensors to track endangered whales from Physorg
Your Brain Catches Grammar Errors Even When You Don't Realize It from PopSci
Books: ‘The Autistic Brain’ Review — Temple Grandin Traces Roots of a Disorder from NY Times Science
Q&A: Can Scientists Change the Shape of Hair Follicles? from NY Times Science
Study Finds Loss of Rain Forests Can Deplete Hydropower from NY Times Science
Cmdr. Chris Hadfield leaves ISS tonight: Watch his greatest hits from space from CBSNews - Science
NASA Skylab marks 40 years from CBSNews - Science
Marchese threatens Windsor hospital with defamation suit from CBC: Health
3 tobacco companies in $27B lawsuit begin their defence from CBC: Health
Beautiful Plankton Blooms Seen from Space from
Halley's Comet Meteor Spotted By Two NASA Cameras | Video from
Inside NASA's Space Weather Tracking Center (Photos) from
Budget Cuts May Hinder Discovery of 1st Alien Earth from Live Science
Beautiful Plankton Blooms Seen from Space from Live Science
Bird Bones Reveal Human Effects on Ocean Food Chain from Live Science
Earliest evidence of human ancestors as hunters/scavengers found from UPI
Prehistoric ear bones could lead to evolutionary answers from Physorg
Scientists find impact of open-ocean industrial fishing within centuries of bird bones from Physorg
Well: My Stroke of Luck from NY Times Health
Hard Cases: The Traps of Treating Pain from NY Times Health
18 and Under: Poverty as a Childhood Disease from NY Times Health
The Consumer: Doctors’ Lucrative Industry Ties from NY Times Health
Personal Health: Shaking Off Loneliness from NY Times Health
Flame quencher offers less toxic approach to fighting fire from
Amazon Coins arrive for Kindle Fire users from CBSNews - Science
Earth's rotating inner core shifts speeds from MSNBC: Science
Skylab's Grave: Remains of 1st American Space Station in Australia from
Can 'Superwheat' Rescue British Farmers? from Live Science
British scientist who helped discover Antarctic ozone 'hole' dies from UPI
Hydrogen-powered unmanned aerial drone sets endurance record from UPI
Volcano heating up in Alaska: Second one this month from Physorg
GM says supercomputers to keep recalls in check from Physorg
EU begins difficult talks on fishery reforms from Physorg
The Role of Science Engagement in Reducing WMD from Newswise - Scinews
Tiny Bones May Be Big Clues To Human Development from Newswise - Scinews
Astronomers Spot A Planet Using Einstein's Theory Of Relativity from PopSci
News in Brief: The secret behind the alligator's toothy smile from
Study questions if bed rest prevents prematurity from AP Health
How to Send a Haiku to Mars on NASA Spacecraft from
'Einstein's Planet': New Alien World Revealed by Relativity from
Was Darwin Wrong About Coral Atolls? from Live Science
Scientists find extensive glacial retreat in Mount Everest region from Science Daily
Satellites see double jeopardy for Southern California fire season from Science Daily
Saturn Is Shaking Its Rings from Scientific American
Britain's Rolls-Royce to sponsor supercar's 1,000 mph record attempt from UPI
Builders bulldoze Mayan pyramid in Belize from Physorg
Phone camera app with audio cues clicks with blind from Physorg
Forget Science, Fracking Must Go
Popular psychologist Joyce Brothers dead at 85 from AP Health
Salt Levels In Processed Foods Still Too High from Live Science
Poison Injuries Spike in Summer — Keep Kids Safe: Op-Ed from Live Science
Facts About Selenium from Live Science
Lake Superior: Facts About the Greatest Great Lake from Live Science
Oldest fossil hominin ear bones ever recovered: Discovery could yield important clues on origins of humankind from Science Daily
Seabird bones reveal changes in open-ocean food chain from Science Daily
World first clinical trial supports use of Kava to treat anxiety from Science Blog
South Korea's Samsung at work on 5G mobile network technology from UPI
Head of hacker-powered stock scam sent to prison from Physorg
High-tech pushes for more in immigration bill from Physorg
With inclusion as the goal from Harvard Science
ScienceShot: Diarrhea Deaths Decoded from Science NOW
World's first wind-wave power system to be installed off Japanese coast from CBSNews - Science
1 in 12 Canadian adults in hospital have superbug: study from CBC: Health
Beautiful plankton blooms viewed from space from MSNBC: Science
Maven's Mission to Mars: Images from
What is Homeopathy? from Live Science
Gallery: First Red List of Endangered Ecosystems from Live Science
Study: Climate change would hit many of world's plants, animals from UPI
Binghamton Researcher Studies Oldest Fossil Hominin Ear Bones Ever Recovered from Newswise - Scinews
Icahn nominates himself, 11 others for Dell posts from Physorg
Report: Bloomberg private messages leaked online from Physorg
Astronauts Headed Back to Earth from
Scientists Use Radar to Locate Clandestine Graves from Live Science
France mulls 'culture' tax on all Internet-connected devices from UPI
Plane in 500-mile flight in Britain while controlled from the ground from UPI
LinkedIn looks to build on its impressive resume from Physorg
Googol, Googolplex — & Google from Live Science
AT&T Facebook Home phone fares poorly, may be dropped from UPI
First ‘SuperUROPs’ cap off inaugural year from MIT Research
Canadian Commander: Chris Hadfield's Most Memorable Moments in Orbit from
New drug reverses memory deficits and slows Alzheimer's in mice from Science Daily
Prehistoric ear bones could lead to evolutionary answers from Science Daily
Study: Mount Everest losing its cloak of ice and snow as world warms from UPI
Dot Earth Blog: My Lucky Stroke from NY Times Science
Tumor-activated protein promotes cancer spread from Science Daily
Higher child marriage rates associated with higher maternal and infant mortality from Science Daily
Salt levels in food still dangerously high from Science Daily
Individual and small-chain restaurant meals exceed recommended daily calorie needs from Science Daily
Receptor proteins could hold clues to antibiotic resistance in MRSA from Science Daily
N. C. coal plant emissions might play role in state suicide numbers from Science Daily
Fish oil doesn't seem to help age-related macular degeneration from Science Daily
Leap in leukemia treatment from Science Daily
Global warming trends contribute to spread of West Nile virus to new regions in Europe from Science Daily
Soyuz Landing Photos: Space Station's Expedition 35 Crew from
Study: Using science to attract Twitter followers from UPI
Soyuz Space Capsule Lands Safely with Crew of 3 from
Commander Chris Hadfield & Expedition 35 Crewmates Touchdown In Kazakhastan | Video from
First proof that infinitely many prime numbers come in pairs from News @ Nature
Cmdr. Chris Hadfield and space crew land on Earth from CBSNews - Science
Astronaut Chris Hadfield & Crew Extracted From Soyuz Spacecraft | Video from
VIDEO: Space Station crew lands safely from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microbes capture, store, and release nitrogen to feed reef-building coral from Physorg
Cosmic flashes could herald birth of black holes from Physics World
Ontario to swap mammogram devices based on study from CBC: Health