Archive of feed items published on the 9th of January 2013
Whales' foraging strategies revealed by new technology from Physorg
Two-Drug Combo May Slow Deadly Thyroid Cancer from Science Blog
New 'Bone' in Milky Way Skeleton Discovered from Live Science
Mysteriously Bright Black Holes Revealed by NASA Telescope from Live Science
Reduction in air pollution from wood stoves associated with significantly reduced risk of death from Science Daily
Concerns raised over the effectiveness of a costly and invasive procedure for melanoma from Science Daily
Cancer screening unlikely to benefit patients with a short life expectancy: Less than 10 years and risks are likely to outweigh benefits from Science Daily
DNA pioneer James Watson takes aim at 'cancer establishments' from Reuters:Science
Triple mix of blood pressure drugs and painkillers linked to kidney problems from Science Daily
Corning Demonstrates Gorilla Glass 3 | Video from Live Science
U.S. Supreme Court hands L.A. County a victory in water lawsuit from LA Times - Science
PM: YouTube to reopen after filtration from UPI
'Zombie' Planet's Rogue Orbit Around Star Shocks Scientists from
Yosemite plan calls for more campsites and parking spaces from LA Times - Science
Wild Weather of Distant 'Failed Star' Revealed from
Counting The Cost Of The Anti-GMO Movement
'Monster' bird reveals dark side from BBC News: Science & Nature
Recreating the Vestal Virgin Hairstyle | Video from Live Science
Mystery writers seek science accuracy from BBC News: Science & Nature
The Call To Make Science Less Partisan Gets New Members
Crystals aim to light up dark matter from Chemistry World
Apple tailoring cheaper iPhone model from Physorg
Networking ability a family trait in monkeys from Physorg
US airline halts transport of monkeys for lab tests from Physorg
Chinese buyer says solar firm MiaSole will expand from Physorg
Science gets a grip on finger wrinkles from Physorg
VIDEO: South Africa's new rhino orphanage from BBC News: Science & Nature
Driverless car concept gains traction at CES from Physorg
Taiwan's Foxconn reviews buying in China after bribe claims from Physorg
The challenge of Googling North Korea from Physorg
Endangered birds sent to India from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Rare' dragons hatched by breeder from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Australia heat sparks chart change from BBC News: Science & Nature
Guaranteed delivery — in ad hoc networks from MIT Research
VIDEO: Shoebill chick attack caught on film from BBC News: Science & Nature
2012: A record year for fuel economy from Physorg
Orchid adding bird perch for crossing ensures reproduction from Physorg
Harnessing plant-invading fungi for fuel from Physorg
New algorithm for message dissemination in decentralized networks faster than its predecessors and guarantees delivery from Physorg
Game not over for retro games from Physorg
Spear phishing: Researchers work to counter email attacks that gain recipients' trust from Physorg
Cyber-attack could knock out British military from Physorg
How do we know the Big Bang happened? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Our plastics will pollute oceans for hundreds of years from Physorg
Study shows promise for East Coast broccoli industry from Physorg
Improving flood predictions in developing nations from Physorg
Researchers uncover a synthetic material that rebuilds itself through chemical communication from Physorg
Diet drinks 'linked' to depression from BBC News: Science & Nature
Herschel intercepts asteroid Apophis from European Space Agency
Antifreeze protein's watery dance from Chemistry World
Giant squid captured on video in ocean depths
Biologists study carrion fly DNA to derive mammalian diversity from Physorg
Study shows stressed-out cells halt protein synthesis from Physorg
Scientists learning how multiple-genome plants reproduce from Physorg
Alien Asteroid Belt Discovery Hints at Hidden Planets from
Hubble Space Telescope Could Last Until 2018, NASA Says from
Alien Earth: What It Will Mean to Find Our Planet's Twin from
Dazzling Comet of 2013 May Be Among Brightest Ever Seen from
VIDEO: Can the Arctic bring an oil revolution? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Revolutionary paper tablet computer revealed: Thin and flexible as sheets of paper (w/ video) from Physorg
Study questions informative value of dental microwear for dietary habits of extinct species from Physorg
Four cool views of the hot, loopy, spotty sun from Physorg
LG shows its first OLED TV with curved screen from Physorg
Harnessing the principle that allows blood to clot, researchers work on new synthetic materials to plug holes from Physorg
Panasonic develops new tablet with 20-inch 4k IPS Alpha LCD panel from Physorg
Audi to globally roll out NVIDIA Tegra visual computing module this year from Physorg
Lockheed Martin completes MUOS waveform to improve secure communications capabilities from Physorg
Researchers create super-repellant surface material (w/ video) from Physorg
An underground airport, tube-travelling pigeons and giant locusts: Cultural research into London Underground from Physorg
Scientists use marine robots to detect endangered whales from Physorg
Mathematics, weather and climate research from Science Blog
Weight-loss regimen a preferred choice for countering diabetes from LA Times - Science
NASA's green aviation research throttles up into second gear from Physorg
Australia: Call for merit-based funding as bushfire research money runs out from Physorg
New Australia-China centre to map entire wheat protein genome from Physorg
'Yolk-shell' design leads to world-record battery performance from Physorg
Astronaut captures incredible images of Australian bush fires from Physorg
'Standard quantum limit' smashed, could mean better fiber-optic comms from Physorg
Get a grip – why we get wrinkly fingers and toes from Science Blog
Hold the Diet Soda? Sweetened Drinks Linked to Depression from Science Blog
Maligned bacterium H. pylori may protect against stroke from Science Blog
Giant squid captured on video in ocean depths from AP Science
Neuromodulation World Congress - June 2013 from Newswise - Scinews
Nova Scotia E. coli patients recovering from CBC: Health
Paramedics, fitness experts urge new year's gym caution from CBC: Health
Oscar-worthy smoke signals: Researchers awarded for special effect software from Physorg
Low extinction rates made California a refuge for diverse plant species from Physorg
Optical strontium clock to become much more accurate from Physorg
Samsung's curved OLED TV boasts immersive viewing experience by creating panorama effect from Physorg
New telescopes to give researchers glimpse of the beginning of time from Physorg
Accelerating the tempo of the segmentation clock by reducing the number of introns in the Hes7 gene from Physorg
Not all Stem Cells are Equally Efficient for Use in Regenerative Medicine from Science Blog
Passive smoking increases risk of severe dementia from Science Blog
Researchers Reverse Engineer Fireflies To Make More Efficient LEDs from PopSci
Dyscalculia: Number games from News @ Nature
News in Brief: Corals beat heat by being prepared from
Company unveils haptic EMP feedback keyboard at CES from Physorg
UN climate panel denounces Laframboise leak from Physorg
Google exec in NKorea openness call from Physorg
Nursing gerbils unravel benefit of multiple mothers in collective mammals from Physorg
Space History Photo: F-16XL Ship #2 from
3D Ear Scanning Enables Custom-Fit Headphones from Live Science
Google's Eric Schmidt calls for open Internet in North Korea from CBSNews - Science
Boeing 787: New Dreamliner has growing pains from CBSNews - Science
Chemicals that mimic predator and prey from Science Blog
Google exec calls for open internet in North Korea from CBC: Technology & Science
VIDEO: Poaching fears rise in Kenya from BBC News: Science & Nature
2013 Prediction: Science Funding Remains Strong from PopSci
Live Chat: Conflicts of Interest in Academia from Science NOW
The Teotihuacans exhumed their dead and dignified them with make-up from Physorg
Making whole wheat bread taste and smell more appetizing from Physorg
Chemical modules that mimic predator-prey and other behaviors from Physorg
Used coffee grounds are a rich source of healthful antioxidants from Physorg
A non-causal quantum eraser from Physorg
Bugs need symbiotic bacteria to exploit plant seeds from Physorg
Rocky Ring of Debris Around Vega from
Huge Asteroid Apophis Revealed in Photos from
Medical Myths: When Urban Legends Kill from Live Science
Genome Reveals Comb Jellies' Ancient Origin from Scientific American
Robot Spheres in zero-gravity action from European Space Agency
'Extinction threat' for UK orcas from BBC News: Science & Nature
New Data: Americans Hate Congress More Than Root Canals, Cockroaches Or Nickelback from PopSci
Tough talk over mercury treaty from News @ Nature
Optimal population size allows maximum predictability of evolution from Physorg
Scientists will assess health of New York-Long Island barrier protection in wake of Sandy from Physorg
Herschel intercepts asteroid Apophis from Physorg
Tree seeds offer potential for sustainable biofuels from Physorg
Supply problems spark search for new ways to make magnets—not the 'fridge' variety from Physorg
LIVE Webcasts Tonight: See Asteroid Apophis Here from
Potentially Dangerous Asteroid Apophis Bigger Than Thought: See It Online Tonight from
Nursing gerbils unravel benefit of multiple mothers in collective mammals from Science Daily
Networking ability a family trait in monkeys from Science Daily
The Teotihuacans exhumed their dead and dignified them with make-up from Science Daily
Disappearing bacterium may protect against stroke from Science Daily
Toronto looks to send astronaut Chris Hadfield mass hello from CBC: Technology & Science
Heap of Cattle Bones May Mark Ancient Feasts from Live Science
Alien Earth: What It Will Mean to Find Our Planet's Twin from Live Science
Images: A Ton of Cattle Bones from Live Science
Large asteroid flies by Earth from BBC News: Science & Nature
Emotions, Not Diet And Exercise, Top Obstacle To Successful Weight Loss, Say Psychologists
$100K awarded to local nonprofits from Harvard Science
Arctic Drilling to Be Reviewed in Light of Accidents from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Charging Up (Slowly) After the Next Big Storm from NY Times Science
Treatment failures in gonorrhea cases from CBC: Health
Whales' foraging strategies revealed by new technology from Science Daily
Used coffee grounds are a rich source of healthful antioxidants from Science Daily
Chemical modules that mimic predator-prey and other behaviors devised from Science Daily
Making whole wheat bread taste and smell more appetizing from Science Daily
R U eating healthy 2day? from Science Daily
Passive smoking increases risk of severe dementia, according to study in China from Science Daily
New study identifies significance of co-infection in disease control from Science Daily
News from the world of quantum physics: A non-causal quantum eraser from Science Daily
Tree seeds offer potential for sustainable biofuels from Science Blog
Stomach Pump for Weight Loss? Experts Are Critical from Live Science
Oldest Roman Hairstyle Recreated for First Time from Live Science
Wild Weather of Distant 'Failed Star' Revealed from Live Science
New norovirus strain 'dominant' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Investigators Discover New Gene That Affects Clearance of Hepatitis C Virus from Newswise - Scinews
The Unusual Orbit Of Fomalhaut B
Private paramedics call for better equipment, hours, wages from CBC: Health
Microsoft to shut down Messenger on March 15 from CBSNews - Science
NASA to Announce Launch of New Earth-Observing Satellite from
Low extinction rates made California a refuge for diverse plant species from Science Daily
2012: Hottest Year on Record for Continental U.S. from National Geographic
Weight-loss regimen a preferred choice for countering diabetes from LA Times - Health
California regulator scolds Anthem, praises UnitedHealth on rates from LA Times - Health
Seven days: 4–10 January 2013 from News @ Nature
Small stars host droves of life-friendly worlds from News @ Nature
Not All Stem Cells Are Creating Equally
E. coli cases increase to 6 in New Brunswick from CBC: Health
Magma in mantle has deep impact: Study suggests rocks melt at a greater depth than once thought from Physorg
Flu season has Boston declaring health emergency from AP Health
'Zombie' Planet's Rogue Orbit Around Star Shocks Scientists from Live Science
NASA to Announce Launch of New Earth-Observing Satellite from Live Science
New Kiln Advances Science of Thermally Modified Wood Products from Live Science
Views on Gay People Shift in Singapore from Live Science
Gonorrhea May Become Incurable, Experts Fear from Live Science
Innovative 'Smart Highway' Glows in the Dark from Live Science
Electron Beams Set Nanostructures Aglow from Scientific American
Genome Scientists Launch Microbiome Journal from Newswise - Scinews
Can This AI Write Video Games?
Phone texts fail to boost adherence to HIV therapy from SciDev
Ten Years In, an Innovative College for Undergraduate Engineers Snags Prestigious Award from Science NOW
The farthest supernova yet for measuring cosmic history from Physorg
OSHA: Sandy contamination below permissible limits from Physorg
EU unveils cybercrime unit in bid to turn criminal tide from Physorg
Japan quake study sounds alarm at 'creeping fault' doctrine from Physorg
Minor mutations can lead to big improvements in antibiotic resistance from Physorg
Research: Bad news can spur strategic change in businesses from Physorg
3 reasons Apple would make a new cheap iPhone from CBSNews - Science
Video: Day One at CES in Las Vegas from CBSNews - Science
Kickstarter reports nearly $320 million pledged from CBSNews - Science
Eliminating useless information important to learning, making new memories from Science Daily
Tree seeds offer potential for sustainable biofuels from Science Daily
Sensory hair cells regenerated, hearing restored in noise-damaged mammal ear from Science Daily
Newly found 'volume control' in brain promotes learning, memory from Science Daily
Toyota unveils self-driving Lexus at CES 2013 from CBC: Technology & Science
Apophis asteroid to come close to Earth from CBC: Technology & Science
Dazzling Comet of 2013 May Be Among Brightest Ever Seen from Live Science
Climate confusion as bush burns from BBC News: Science & Nature
Common STD grows resistant to treatment in North America from News @ Nature
Quakes may bring nearby rocks closer to rupture from
Biting the bullet from Harvard Science
Fast-growing fish variety could benefit Egypt and West Africa from SciDev
Study examines how news spreads on Twitter from Physorg
Are consumers ready for television watching back? from Physorg
Drug resistance in E. Coli: 'Baby steps' can pay off big from Science Daily
Magma in mantle has deep impact: Rocks melt at greater depth than once thought from Science Daily
First image of insulin 'docking' could lead to better diabetes treatments from Science Daily
Scientists unlock how insulin interacts with cells from Science Daily
Drug-resistant melanoma tumors shrink when therapy is interrupted from Science Daily
Expert suggests tried-and-true strategies to strengthen your relationship from Science Daily
Most Distant 'Standard Candle' Star Explosion Found from
MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates sign $706M Radarsat deal from CBC: Technology & Science
Albino-like Bald Eagle Spotted in Washington State from National Geographic
How Earthquakes Bash Through 'Creeping' Faults from Live Science
VIDEO: 'Superpod' of dolphins spotted in Wales from BBC News: Science & Nature
Study Finds A Daily Dose Of Peanuts Under Your Tongue Helps Treat Peanut Allergies from PopSci
UW, PNNL Tackle Big Data with Joint Computing Institute from Newswise - Scinews
Safety of induced stem cells gets a boost from News @ Nature
Updated Pap smear detects ovarian, uterine cancers from
Economic Scene: Health Care and Pursuit of Profit Make a Poor Mix from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Cauliflower and Tuna Salad — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Do the Brain Benefits of Exercise Last? from NY Times Health
AXE Company Wants to Launch 22 People Into Space from
Retooling Pap test to spot more kinds of cancer from AP Health
Dimmer Switch for Regulating Cell's Read of DNA Code from Newswise - Scinews
Career-focused LinkedIn tops 200 mn members from Physorg
Skype to replace Microsoft Messenger in March from Physorg
Video: Giant squid filmed for first time in deep sea from CBSNews - Science
Alien Earth: What it will mean to find our planet's twin from CBSNews - Science
NASA Deal May Put Inflatable Private Module on Space Station from
Zorb ball ride down Russian ski slope ends in death from CBC: Technology & Science
Coca-Cola Recommended to Treat Stomach Blockages from Live Science
How Pap Smears Could Detect Ovarian & Uterine Cancer from Live Science
Hubble Space Telescope Could Last Until 2018, NASA Says from Live Science
South Georgia to cull reindeer from BBC News: Science & Nature
News in Brief: Wrist bones said to distinguish hobbits from
Studies find hardy Earth microbes may resist conditions on Mars from Reuters:Science
Surprise Choices Mark New Leadership on U.S. House Science Panel from Science NOW
Americans Under 50 Fare Poorly on Health Measures, New Report Says from NY Times Health
Well: Feeling Bullied by Parents About Weight from NY Times Health
Hold the Butter; Healthy Food Served Here from NY Times Health
Skin Deep: Oxygen Bubbles Into Facial Care Products - Skin Deep from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: Even Fewer Geriatricians in Training from NY Times Health
Dementia drugs may be riskier for men from CBC: Health
CES 2013: Electronic fork nags you on eating from CBSNews - Science
Wanted: Mars colonists to explore red planet from CBSNews - Science
Violence plays role in shorter US life expectancy from AP Health
Police Chief Blair wants to revisit photo radar from CBC: Technology & Science
Drug Enables Deafened Mice to Hear Again from Science NOW
Invading species can extinguish native plants despite recent reports from Physorg
Facebook to hold press event, stock passes $30 from Physorg
Report: T-Mobile to drop subsidies, sell iPhones in three to four months from CBSNews - Science
Cheaper iPhone could be in the works from CBC: Technology & Science
Boredom at Work May Boost Creativity from Live Science
New 'iShack' Dwelling Brings Solar Power to Slums from Live Science
The Orion Nebula Spied by Hawk-I from Live Science
Ancient Mexico's Dead Got Makeovers from Live Science
Why Do Our Fingers and Toes Wrinkle During a Bath? from Scientific American
Japan's 2011 Earthquake Happened In An Area Considered Low-Risk. Where's Next? from PopSci
Calif. a 'safe harbor' for plant species from UPI
Ancient Roman theater unearthed in Britain from UPI
Russia unveils monument to Steve Jobs from UPI
Hollywood studios questioning their friendship with Facebook from Physorg
In 'augmented reality,' toy makers see a way to compete with apps from Physorg
Dark energy alternatives to Einstein are running out of room from Physorg
The supernova that cried wolf from Physorg
Study examines how news spreads on Twitter from Science Daily
Fomalhaut B: The Mote in Sauron's Eye from PopSci
Willow tree is newest invader in Florida from UPI
Apple mulling lower-cost iPhone model? from UPI
Engineering Alternative Fuel with Cyanobacteria from Newswise - Scinews
ScienceShot: The Milky Way's Dark Skeleton from Science NOW
Muon-capture measurement backs QCD prediction from Physics World
FOR KIDS: Surprising hot springs from
Researchers find variation in foot strike patterns in predominantly barefoot runners from Physorg
Baby sharks stay still to avoid being detected by predators from Physorg
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Narelle intensifying from Physorg
Most Earth-Like Alien Planet Possibly Found from
Engineering alternative fuel with cyanobacteria from Science Daily
Emotions Pose Obstacle to Weight Loss, Psychologists Say from Live Science
Crushing Rocks Reveals Magma Mantle Mysteries from Live Science
Mississippi River Continues to Near Historic Low from Live Science
Underwater Robots Hear 9 Endangered Whales from Live Science
Record low temperatures in Bangladesh from UPI
Fossil tracks of dino 'stampede' studied from UPI
ScienceShot: Antenna Array Lights Up from Science NOW
Video: Shark Embryos Sense Electric Fields from Science NOW
Kickstarter Pebble smartwatch to ship Jan 23 from CBSNews - Science
Video: Study finds more dangers from BPA from CBSNews - Science
Seasonal illnesses strain Alberta hospitals, care centres from CBC: Health
Mapping the Milky Way: Radio telescopes give clues to structure, history from Physorg
Next-generation adaptive optics brings remarkable details to light in stellar nursery from Physorg
'Smart' potty or dumb idea? Wacky gadgets at CES from Physorg
Mussels inspire innovative new adhesive for surgery from Physorg
Dark energy alternatives to Einstein are running out of room from Science Daily
Faulty behavior: New earthquake fault models show that 'stable' zones may contribute to the generation of massive earthquakes from Science Daily
High fiber diet prevents prostate cancer progression from Science Blog
Dark Energy Alternatives to Einstein Are Running Out of Room from Science Blog
Mussels inspire innovative new adhesive for surgery from Science Blog
Brown-Eyed Guys Seem More Trustworthy, Study Suggests from Live Science
Plugged In: Shark Fetuses Detect Predators' Electric Fields from Live Science
In Photos: Baby Sharks Show Off Amazing Ability from Live Science
Americans Are in Worse Health Than Other Nationalities from Live Science
Alien Asteroid Belt Discovery Hints at Hidden Planets from Live Science
A Tree Of Life For Gene Flow Within Species
Pruney digits help people get a grip from
CES 2013: Qualcomm's trippy keynote event perplexes convention goers from CBSNews - Science
Killer whales trapped in Quebec sea ice from Physorg
Killer whales trapped in Quebec sea ice from AP Science
NASA chases climate change clues into the stratosphere from Science Daily
Farthest supernova yet for measuring cosmic history from Science Daily
Pictures: Florida Wildlife Corridor to Protect Bears, Panthers from National Geographic
See Near-Earth Asteroid Buzz Our Planet—Live from National Geographic
Numbers Games Devised to Aid People with 'Dyscalculia' from Scientific American
Lined-Up Sun, Moon Give Rise to 'King Tides' from Live Science
Supreme Court Won’t Hear Stem Cell Case from C&EN
"Doomsday asteroid" Apophis flies by Earth tonight from CBSNews - Science
High fiber diet prevents prostate cancer progression, study shows from Science Daily
Invading species can extinguish native plants despite recent reports to the contrary from Science Daily
Online message boards provide outlets for mothers' concerns, researcher says from Science Daily
New research method to identify brain tumors could enhance neurosurgery from Science Daily
Prior relationship experiences shape romantic partnerships, says psychologist from Science Daily
Small price differences can make options seem more similar, easing our buying decisions from Science Daily
Microscopic blood in urine unreliable indicator of urinary tract cancer from Science Daily
Flooding preparedness needs to include infection prevention and control strategies from Science Daily
Chips that can steer light from MIT Research
Machine Perception Lab Shows Robotic One-Year-Old on Video from Newswise - Scinews
Herschel Spacecraft Eyes Asteroid Apophis from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPL to Host High-Tech Small Business Conference from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Online pharmacy pioneer imprisoned in U.S. fraud case from CBC: Health
Australia's swimming dinosaurs from Science Alert
See Venus Bid Crescent Moon Farewell Early Thursday from
Most Earth-like Exoplanet Discovery Explained (Infographic) from
Why ancient Mexico's dead got makeovers from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Rogue player could 'hijack' the climate, group warns from MSNBC: Science
Unnecessary antimicrobial use increases risk of recurrent infectious diarrhea from Science Daily
A history lesson from genes: Using DNA to tell us how populations change from Science Daily
Researchers foresee new treatments and diagnostics for deadly fibrotic diseases of the lung, liver, and kidney from Science Daily
Dimmer switch for regulating cell's read of DNA code from Science Daily
Scientists use marine robots to detect endangered whales from Science Daily
Scientists discover new gene that affects clearance of hepatitis C virus from Science Daily
Multiple sclerosis drug may one day treat colorectal cancer from Science Daily
Bugs need symbiotic bacteria to exploit plant seeds: Mid-gut microbes help insects in processing their food from Science Daily
Space telescope snaps asteroid photos from UPI
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Fires in Australia and Snow in Damascus from NY Times Science
Green Blog: In India, Solar Ambitions Are Suddenly Outsize from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Court Seeks More Public Input on Nuclear Safety from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: A Closer Look at a Shift in Britain's Near-Term Global Warming Forecast from NY Times Science
Chips that can steer light from Physorg
Personal 'Twitter Butler' comes with hotel package from CBC: Technology & Science
Experts warn that climate could be 'hijacked' from MSNBC: Science
Mussels inspire innovative new adhesive for surgery from Science Daily
Next-generation adaptive optics brings remarkable details to light in stellar nursery from Science Daily
Mapping the Milky Way: Radio telescopes give clues to structure, history from Science Daily
Sickle cells show potential to attack aggressive cancer tumors from Science Daily
A rapid test for fungus that caused injection deaths from Science Daily
E-games boost physical activity in children; Might be a weapon in the battle against obesity from Science Daily
Newly discovered emperor penguin colony receives first human visitors from Science Daily
Once, twice, three times an athlete from Science Daily
Embryonic Sharks Freeze to Avoid Detection from National Geographic
'Prune fingers' may be evolutionary help from UPI
Creeping Fault Behavior And Dynamic Weakening In Earthquakes
Collagen translates as healthy eyes from Science Alert
Baby sharks detect predators' electric fields from MSNBC: Science
Protective communities may reduce risk of drinking in teens from Science Daily
Variation found in foot strike patterns in predominantly barefoot runners from Science Daily
Brown eyes appear more trustworthy than blue: People judge men's trustworthiness based on face shape, eye color from Science Daily
Deal or no deal: Five year olds make smart decisions in games of risk from Science Daily
Baby sharks stay still to avoid being detected by predators from Science Daily
Measuring genomic response to infection leads to earlier, accurate diagnoses from Science Daily
Stem cells may hold promise for Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) from Science Daily
Study shows promise of molecular screening for gynecologic cancers, commentary writers state from Science Daily
Machine perception lab shows robotic one year old on video from Science Daily
Scientists use Pap test fluid to detect ovarian, endometrial cancers from Science Daily
Smaller radiation fields can spare brain when treating tumors, research finds from Science Daily
Bench to bedside: How to fast track targeted cancer drugs with radiation into the clinic from Science Daily
Can Movie Screenings on Demand Save Hollywood? from Live Science
Einstein And Accelerating Expansion: Still The One Dark Energy Has To Beat
PS3 takes console crown from Xbox 360: IDC from Physorg
Spacetime: A smoother brew than we knew from Physorg
How insulin binds to cells from Science Alert
Killer whales trapped in Quebec sea ice
Giant squid filmed in ocean depths for 1st time
Robots hear songs of 9 endangered whales from MSNBC: Science
Herschel spacecraft eyes asteroid Apophis from Science Daily
Information required for short-term water management decisions outlined from Science Daily
Americans have worse health than people in other high-income countries from Science Daily
Researchers reveal most effective treatment for common kidney disorder from Science Daily
Potentially Dangerous Asteroid Apophis Bigger Than Thought: See It Online Tonight from Live Science
Russia, China in count of rare leopard from UPI
Protection of great white sharks debated from UPI
U.K. forecasters revise warming estimates from UPI
Pap Test May Prove Useful at Detecting More Types of Cancer, Study Suggests from NY Times Health
Iran blamed for cyber onslaught on US banks from Physorg
US judge denies schoolgirl's objection to locator chip in ID from Physorg
Giant Chinese complex raises eyebrows in Mexico from Physorg
Asteroids at distant star suggest planets from UPI
High-tech fork can help with dieting from UPI
Whales trapped under Canada ice from BBC News: Science & Nature
Underwater robots locate endangered whales from UPI
How does your garden glow? from Science Daily
Technology detects flu in 1 hour, not days from UPI
Massive Star Formation Sites Discovered In Milky Way | Video from
New protein to treat damaged bones uncovered from Science Daily
Particles of crystalline quartz wear away teeth from Science Daily
Good managers fake it from Science Daily
Advantages of imaginary friends from Science Daily
Spin and bias in published studies of breast cancer trials from Science Daily
Crowdsourcing biodiversity watch from Science Daily
Statewide quake in California may be possible after all from LA Times - Science
VIDEO: A faster path to a possible malaria vaccine from BBC News: Science & Nature