Archive of feed items published on the 5th of December 2012
Go ahead and jump: Learning how to properly jump and land can help female athletes avoid serious knee injuries from Science Daily
Telecommuting increases work hours and blurs boundary between work and home, new study shows from Science Daily
Improving chemotherapy effectiveness by acting on the immune system from Science Daily
Nanotechnology drug delivery shows promise for treatment of pediatric cancer from Science Daily
Webcams offer a low-cost way to tune lasers for serious science from Science Daily
The next 100 years bring new challenges to rangeland science from Science Daily
Fungus has cancer-fighting power, researchers find from Science Daily
'Transport infrastructure' determines spread of HIV subtypes in Africa, study finds from Science Daily
University of Kentucky initiates first cancer reporting model of its kind in U.S. from Science Daily
Five big strides to fight lung disease in the tiniest patients from Science Daily
Crucial step in AIDS virus maturation simulated for first time from Science Daily
Why some strains of Lyme disease bacteria are common and others are not from Science Daily
Andromeda Wants You! from Newswise - Scinews
Handle-shaped Prominence from Live Science
Unique Views of the Milky Way from Live Science
Report: N. Korea assembles rocket pad from UPI
Drug shows promise in prostate cancer spread to bone: Tumors were reduced on bone scans, bone pain decreased after patients received cabozantinib from Science Daily
Research shows immune system response is detrimental to novel brain cancer therapy from Science Daily
The radical restructuring of brain networks in comatose patients from Science Daily
Breath test proposed for colon cancer screening from CBC: Technology & Science
Breath test proposed for colon cancer screening from CBC: Health
NASA plans new rover mission on Mars from LA Times - Science
Predicting the age at menopause of women having suffered from childhood cancers from Science Daily
Multiple media use tied to depression, anxiety from Science Daily
African savannah -- and its lions -- declining at alarming rates from Science Daily
Parents key to preventing alcohol, marijuana use by kids from Science Daily
Could high insulin make you fat? Mouse study says yes from Science Daily
Street forms of 'synthetic marijuana' products linked to thousands of hospital emergency departments visits each year from Science Daily
Monsters From The Armpits
The Orion Nebula Spied by Hawk-I from
To Fight Climate Change, College Students Take Aim at the Endowment Portfolio from NY Times Science
Willis Whitfield, Clean Room Inventor, Dies at 92 from NY Times Science
Iran's subtle, persistent voice for environmentalism from LA Times - Science
UCLA report aims to serve as L.A. road map on environmental issues from LA Times - Science
VIDEO: Nasa to send new rover to Mars from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: The lift that travels 350m below ground from BBC News: Science & Nature
World Bank: Arab World hit hard by climate change from AP Science
More very early babies surviving from BBC News: Science & Nature
French sperm count 'falls by 32%' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Breath-test 'spots bowel cancer' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Phones to be pocket seismometers from BBC News: Science & Nature
First Measurements Made Of Key Thalamus And Prefrontal Cortex Brain Links
World Bank: Arab World hit hard by climate change from Physorg
Australian scientists develop coconut-tasting pineapple from Physorg
Urban sparrows find new use for cigarette butts from Physorg
Andromeda wants you: Astronomers ask public to find star clusters in Hubble images from Physorg
Ref has 'final word' on goal-line technology from Physorg
Samsung promotes chairman's son to vice chairman from Physorg
Japan eyes reduced emission cut target from Physorg
Amazon launches Kindle content service for kids from Physorg
Copper-Doped Bismuth Selenide Could Be The Silcon Of Quantum Computers
Taiwan concerned over China high-tech talent poaching from Physorg
S. Korea formally dumps 'scientific' whaling plan from Physorg
Blackbody Radiation Shift: Quantum Thermodynamics Will Redefine Clocks
Apple-Samsung billion-dollar legal duel continues from Physorg
Brainwave headband makes debut at Paris LeWeb meet from Physorg
We don’t need no intuition from Chemistry World
Starburst Galaxies And A Census Of The Invisible Universe
Allow me to demonstrate from Chemistry World
Green Bean Galaxies Blanched By Monster Black Holes | Video from
Human security in Southeast Asia: A perspective from Bangi from Physorg
Saving silkworms: Current approaches to combat Microsporidiosis from Physorg
Visualizing the structures of molecules from Physorg
World's first demonstration of power transfer from wheels to power an electric car from Physorg
Inducing stem cells to become different cell types efficiently now possible using a three-dimensional platform from Physorg
Hydrogel remembers its shape from Physorg
Security researcher finds SMS vulnerability in social media sites from Physorg
Accurate flood forecasting gets closer from Physorg
Living the dream in rural France: Why do people choose to migrate? from Physorg
Birds make cigarette butt nests from BBC News: Science & Nature
Iron Age helmet found on farmland from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: 'Food, water and power are priority' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Star Wars fans build full-size Millennium Falcon from BBC News: Science & Nature
Smartphones become labs from Science Alert
NASA's Next Mars Rover Should Collect Samples, Experts Say from
New 'Green Bean' Galaxies Glow In the Dark from
Rare couple of Amur leopards photographed in China from Physorg
SongPop tops Facebook game chart for 2012 from Physorg
Nokia Siemens axes services unit, 1,000 jobs at risk from Physorg
Galaxy-wide echoes from the past from Physorg
Drag-and-Drop DNA: Novel technique aiding development of new cancer drugs from Physorg
French political ads get personal, but American campaigns are nastier from Physorg
Ancient genes may explain modern threat to Tasmanian devils from Physorg
Project turns mobile devices into lifelines for teens at risk for dropping out from Physorg
Legacy of London's Great Smog from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mars Rover Curiosity Gets Mission Extension from
Data storage: Electrically enhanced recall from Physorg
Partnership bringing real-time parking information to urban motorists from Physorg
Hydrogenases: Synchrotron Gives Insight Into Green Energy Enzymes
GMO Corn And Genetic Prioritization May Save Us From Climate Change Food Issues
Multi-million-dollar University of Windsor fish project axed from CBC: Technology & Science
Bye bye Mediterranean diet, the poorest can’t afford it anymore from Science Blog
Super-resolution microscope shows how human T-cells make life or death decisions from Science Daily
Delivered meals help seniors stay in their homes from Science Daily
Researchers debut revolutionary biosphere mapping capability from Science Daily
Metabolic biomarkers for preventive molecular medicine from Science Daily
Rapid test to save lives of snakebite victims from Science Daily
Method that boosts contrast of high-resolution optical images has potential to enable lithography at the nanoscale from Physorg
Next scientific fashion could be designer nanocrystals from Physorg
Six degrees of inclination from Physorg
Third Galileo satellite begins transmitting navigation signal from Physorg
Discovery of 100 million-year-old regions of DNA shows short cut to crop science advances from Physorg
New '4-D' transistor is preview of future computers from Physorg
Women follow the money; men seek status, research shows from Physorg
Theoretical calculations show graphene's potential for controlling nanoscale light propagation on a chip from Physorg
Switching with a few photons for quantum computing from Physorg
Tracing foodborne pathogens on the farm from Physorg
Safer blood clotting agents for open wounds from Chemistry World
NASA to launch another Mars rover in 2020 from CBC: Technology & Science
Africa’s Savannahs – and Their Lions – Declining at Alarming Rates from Science Blog
Electrically spun fabric offers dual defense against pregnancy, HIV from Science Blog
Statins protect lungs from damage caused by smoking from Science Blog
Breath test could possibly diagnose colorectal cancer from Science Blog
Treat snoring to avoid deadly heart failure from Science Blog
Smoking may make hangover worse from Science Blog
Older people are more susceptible to swindlers from News @ Nature
Scientists torn over Kenya's recent GM food ban from News @ Nature
Galaxy-wide echoes from the past: VLT observations identify very rare new kind of galaxy from Science Daily
Gaps in life expectancy between rich and poor set to increase over next 10 years: UK study from Science Daily
More babies survive premature birth, but serious health problems unchanged, UK study finds from Science Daily
Crag keeps the light 'fantastic' for photoreceptors from Science Daily
Unexpected toughness marks cancer cells in the blood from Science Daily
Gases from grasses: Simulations on Ranger supercomputer help researchers understand biofuel reactions from Science Daily
DNP unveils new plastic cover sheet for handheld devices from Physorg
Solar cell with world's highest conversion efficiency of 37.7% sets new record with triple-junction compound solar cell from Physorg
Doctoral student unravels 'tin whisker' mystery from Physorg
Schools resegregate after being freed from judicial oversight, study shows from Physorg
Theoretical, numerical study of graphene sheets reveals property that may lead to novel opto-electric devices from Physorg
Even Italians Can No Longer Afford The Mediterranean Diet
Hamilton's War of 1812 shipwrecks 'an archeologist's dream' from CBC: Technology & Science
Advice for bag-in-box wine drinkers: Keep it cool from Science Blog
Adult Antiviral Drug Effective in Suppressing Hepatitis B in Teens from Science Blog
NASA’S Voyager 1 Cruising on a ‘Magnetic Highway’ from Science Blog
Google updates YouTube app for iPad, iPhone 5 from CBSNews - Science
Scientists find oldest dinosaur -- or closest relative yet from Science Daily
Breath test could possibly diagnose colorectal cancer from Science Daily
Protected 'power naps' prove helpful for doctors in training to fight fatigue from Science Daily
Children with heart devices and their parents struggle with quality of life from Science Daily
Individual cells respond to electrical signal from Physorg
Getting your attention: Study finds small changes in ads make them more memorable from Physorg
Quantum cryptography goes maintream from Physorg
Breakthrough in augmented reality contact lens: Curved LCD display holds widespread potential from Physorg
Live Chat: Can Science Conquer the Flu? from Science NOW
Health Canada reduces number of suspect products at suspended lab from CBC: Health
Space History Photo: Inflatable Station Concept from
Noninvasive Technique Can Help in Monitoring Hemoglobin during Surgery in Children from Newswise - Scinews
'Very Low' Complication Rates with Regional Anesthesia in Children from Newswise - Scinews
Johns Hopkins Research News--November-December 2012 from Newswise - Scinews
"Resistance" to Low-Dose Aspirin Therapy Extremely Rare from Newswise - Scinews
Famed Photographer Thrives After Strokes to Enjoy Holidays with 9-Month-Old Grandson from Newswise - Scinews
A Benign Brain Tumor, a Malignant Tumor, a Love Story and a Doctor's Reassuring Presence from Newswise - Scinews
Seeing Stars, Finding Nukes: Radio Telescopes Can Spot Clandestine Nuclear Tests from Newswise - Scinews
Study: Small Changes in Ads Make Them More Memorable from Newswise - Scinews
Smartphone App Alerts Drowsy Drivers from Live Science
One in five children live in poverty in US: New report examines effect of poverty on children from Science Daily
Wind speeds in southern New England declining inland, remaining steady on coast: Climate change, urbanization among possible causes from Science Daily
Oceanography student uses crashing waves on shorelines to study Earth's interior from Science Daily
Breakthrough in augmented reality contact lens from Science Daily
World's first demonstration of power transfer from wheels to power an electric car from Science Daily
Visualizing the structures of molecules from Science Daily
Climate compensation row at Doha from BBC News: Science & Nature
1 in 5 children live in poverty: A new report examines effect of poverty on children from Physorg
Wind speeds in southern New England declining inland, remaining steady on coast from Physorg
URI oceanography student uses crashing waves on shorelines to study Earth's interior from Physorg
Review: Sand, surf, blood in thrilling 'Far Cry 3' from Physorg
EPFL's heating a treat for lake trouts from Physorg
Experts examine the potential for self-driving cars in the UK from Physorg
Chemical reactions in hot water from Chemistry World
Quiet Texan to head science committee from News @ Nature
US advisers seek research overhaul from News @ Nature
FDA under pressure to relax drug rules from News @ Nature
Killed-Off Corals Hold Clues to Earthquake Prediction from Live Science
Small changes in ads make them more memorable from Science Daily
Seeing stars, finding nukes: Radio telescopes can spot clandestine nuclear tests from Science Daily
Extending duration of adjuvant tamoxifen treatment to 10 years reduced risk for late breast cancer recurrence, improved survival from Science Daily
Black women less likely to receive improved surgical procedure for breast cancer from Science Daily
Higher doses of fulvestrant prolonged survival in patients with advanced breast cancer from Science Daily
Hybrid scaffold more than skin deep from Science Daily
Gas power plants given go-ahead from BBC News: Science & Nature
Small patches of native plants help boost pollination services in large farms from Physorg
New map highlights hotspots for mega-quakes from Physorg
Africa's Homo sapiens were the first techies from Physorg
Seeing stars, finding nukes: Radio telescopes can spot clandestine nuclear tests from Physorg
Indiegogo expands to include Canadian, other features from CBC: Technology & Science
New "green bean" galaxies glow in the dark from CBSNews - Science
Video: Oldest dinosaur identified lived 245 million years ago from CBSNews - Science
Graphene towers promise 'flexi-electronics' from News @ Nature
Field Tests Seek New Control Methods for Resistant Ragweed in Cotton Crops from Newswise - Scinews
Online Master's Degree in Social Work Is First for CWRU from Newswise - Scinews
In U.S. First, Johns Hopkins Surgeons Implant Brain 'Pacemaker' for Alzheimer's Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Mild Vitamin B12 Deficiency Associated with Accelerated Cognitive Decline from Newswise - Scinews
Less Invasive Surgery Detects Residual Breast Cancer in Lymph Nodes after Chemotherapy from Newswise - Scinews
Adult antiviral drug effective in suppressing hepatitis B in teens from Science Daily
See-through 'MitoFish' opens a new window on brain diseases from Science Daily
New technique to deliver stem cell therapy may help damaged eyes regain their sight from Science Daily
Small patches of native plants help boost pollination services in large farms from Science Daily
Creativity and linguistic skills important for immersion in World of Warcraft from Science Daily
'Resistance' to low-dose aspirin therapy extremely rare, according to new study from Science Daily
Evolution: Social exclusion leads to cooperation from Science Daily
Hushed hoarders and prying pilferers: Eurasian jays change strategies to prevent others from stealing food from Science Daily
New evidence on how compound found in red wine can help prevent cancer from Science Daily
Put the kettle on? When tea drinkers were viewed as irresponsible as whiskey drinkers from Science Daily
National Geographic unveils new phase of genographic project from Science Daily
Andromeda wants you! Astronomers ask public to find star clusters in Hubble images from Science Daily
Science boost in Autumn Statement from BBC News: Science & Nature
Swimming robot reaches Australia from BBC News: Science & Nature
Creativity and linguistic skills important for immersion in World of Warcraft from Physorg
Tool to identify African rice weeds created from SciDev
West African science media forum to 'stir development' from SciDev
The right policies can fill the gender gap in science from SciDev
Nautilus stops work on Papua New Guinea deep-sea mine from SciDev
Who Pays For Sports Stadiums? [Infographic] from PopSci
Earliest known dino relative found from News @ Nature
Expert panel: NASA seems lost in space, needs goal from AP Science
Mysterious Gravity Waves May Explain Clear-Skies Turbulence from Live Science
Africa's Homo sapiens were the first techies from Science Daily
Great-earthquake hot spots pinpointed from Science Daily
Tasty and gluten-free from Science Daily
Noninvasive technique can help in monitoring hemoglobin during surgery in children from Science Daily
'Very low' complication rates with regional anesthesia in children from Science Daily
Expert panel: NASA seems lost in space, needs goal from Physorg
New test adds to scientists' understanding of Earth's history, resources from Physorg
Tackling urban sustainability on global scale from Physorg
Researchers develop new method to produce metal-organic frameworks from Physorg
Sustainable business innovation adds firms' market value from Physorg
Transparent Zebrafish Shows Alzheimer's At Work In Brains
Rich nations to blame for climate change, says UN chief from CBC: Technology & Science
U.S. government insists 2012 apocalypse is a myth from CBSNews - Science
Longer tamoxifen use may cut breast cancer deaths from CBC: Health
Scientists Might've Discovered World's Oldest Dinosaur from PopSci
City birds use cigarette butts to smoke out parasites from News @ Nature
Astronaut, cosmonaut brace for whole year in space from AP Science
Research Team Awarded $2.4M to Explore Weakness of Signaling Proteins in Cancer Genes from Newswise - Scinews
Fire and Ice: Wildfires Darkening Greenland Snowpack, Increasing Melting from Newswise - Scinews
IVMF Holds Dec. 11 Panel on Promise of Post-9/11 GI Bill, Empowering 'Next Greatest Generation' from Newswise - Scinews
African American Women with Breast Cancer Less Likely to Have Newer, Recommended Surgical Procedure from Newswise - Scinews
Microchoreography: Researchers Use Synthetic Molecule to Guide Cellular "Dance" from Newswise - Scinews
New Test Adds to Scientists' Understanding of Earth's History, Resources from Newswise - Scinews
DNA Hydrogel Flows Like Liquid but Remembers Its Original Shape from Newswise - Scinews
Mobile Browsers Fail Georgia Tech Safety Test from Newswise - Scinews
Next Scientific Fashion Could Be Designer Nanocrystals from Newswise - Scinews
Pokemon Provides Rare Opening for Study of Face-Recognition Processes from Newswise - Scinews
Did Bacteria Fuel World's Worst Extinction? from Live Science
ALMA – Seeing the Universe in a Whole New Light | Video from Live Science
Women and men appear to benefit in different ways from AA participation from Science Daily
Reading history through genetics from Science Daily
Studying marrow, researchers accelerate blood stem cells from Science Daily
In U.S. first, surgeons implant brain 'pacemaker' for Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Mild vitamin B12 deficiency associated with accelerated cognitive decline from Science Daily
Less invasive surgery detects residual breast cancer in lymph nodes after chemotherapy from Science Daily
Field tests seek new control methods for resistant ragweed in cotton crops from Science Daily
Pokemon provides rare opening for study of face-recognition processes from Science Daily
Next scientific fashion could be designer nanocrystals from Science Daily
Bye bye Mediterranean diet, the poorest can't afford it anymore from Science Daily
Superconductors that work by themselves: Scientists discover new possibilities in cryoelectronics from Science Daily
Mu-rhythm in the brain: The neural mechanism of speech as an audio-vocal perception-action system from Science Daily
AUDIO: Will vegetables be grown in space? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Astronaut, cosmonaut brace for whole year in space from Physorg
Android gains on Apple in surging tablet sector from Physorg
AP Interview: UN chief blames rich for warming from Physorg
EU, US in 'global alliance' to hit web child sex from Physorg
Contender for world’s oldest dinosaur identified from
Transgenic,Transparent Zebrafish Shows Alzheimer's At Work In Brains
Mars rover Curiosity gets mission extension from CBSNews - Science
Instagram disables support for Twitter cards from CBSNews - Science
'Obamacare' saves consumers nearly $1.5 billion from LA Times - Health
Marine medical call revelations cause political waves from CBC: Health
Doctors urged not to sign 'muzzle' contracts from CBC: Health
Seven days: 30 November–6 December 2012 from News @ Nature
Flood of protest hits Indian dams from News @ Nature
Nanoparticle blast caught on film from News @ Nature
Megacities move to track emissions from News @ Nature
Data teleportation: The quantum space race from News @ Nature
Dredging Could Unleash PCBs in Indiana Community from Scientific American
Wireless communication’s crystal ball from Science Daily
Standardized road test results differ from older adults' natural driving from Science Daily
DNA hydrogel flows like liquid but remembers its original shape from Science Daily
Mobile browsers fail Internet safety test from Science Daily
New test adds to scientists' understanding of Earth's history, resources from Science Daily
Microchoreography: Synthetic molecule used to guide cellular 'dance' from Science Daily
Unique 'anonymous delivery' law effective in decreasing rates of neonaticide in Austria, study finds from Science Daily
Smoking may worsen hangover after heavy drinking from Science Daily
Rejected hearts now viable for transplantation after stress echo from Science Daily
Treat snoring to avoid deadly heart failure from Science Daily
Atherosclerosis found in HIV children from Science Daily
Semen concentration and quality fell in French men between 1989 and 2005 from Science Daily
An inadequate diet during pregnancy predisposes the baby to diabetes, study finds from Science Daily
Large pores: Researchers develop new method to produce metal-organic frameworks from Science Daily
Discovery of 100-million-year-old regions of DNA shows short cut to crop science advances from Science Daily
Automation systems become flexible when robots make their own decisions from Science Daily
Weather and ice data help secure winter shipping in the Arctic from Science Daily
Old School: Small Patches Of Native Plants Boost Pollination In Large Orchards
70,000 Years Ago, Late Pleistocene Humans Were Techies Too
Possiblly Habitable Super-Earths - Catalog To Date | Video from
Extinction need not be forever from News @ Nature
Nuclear energy: Radical reactors from News @ Nature
American Society of Anesthesiologists Names Paul Pomerantz as Chief Executive Officer from Newswise - Scinews
Cornell University Students Finding Solace on Indoor Library Lawns from Newswise - Scinews
New Book by City Tech's George Guida Stirs Religious Pot with Humor from Newswise - Scinews
Telestroke Cost Effective for Hospitals from Newswise - Scinews
McMaster Expert Available to Discuss Modern Families and the Holidays from Newswise - Scinews
NASA's GRAIL Creates Most Accurate Moon Gravity Map from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
New NASA Mars Rover to Launch in 2020 from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Why 3D Printing Matters for 'Made in USA' from Live Science
First synthesis of gold nanoparticles inside human hair for dyeing and much more from Science Daily
Advice for bag-in-box wine drinkers: Keep it cool from Science Daily
ApoE is an ideal target for halting progression of Alzheimer's disease, scientists say from Science Daily
Antibody therapy clears Alzheimer's plaques in mice, study shows from Science Daily
Where 'where it's at' is at in the brain from Science Daily
Fire and ice: Wildfires darkening Greenland snowpack, increasing melting from Science Daily
Study: The very first stars may have turned on when the universe was 750 million years old from Physorg
Distant Black Hole Reveals Chemistry of the Early Universe from
Heart cells coaxed to divide and conquer from News @ Nature
Sprinkled nanocubes hold light tight from News @ Nature
Bacteria blamed for world's worst extinction from MSNBC: Science
Remote sensing, microbiology used to trace foodborne pathogens from Science Daily
Switching with a few photons for quantum computing from Science Daily
NASA twin spacecraft create most accurate gravity map of moon from Science Daily
Communications training, surgical checklist can reduce costly postoperative complications from Science Daily
Plastics used in some medical devices break down in a previously unrecognized way from Science Daily
Research identifies a way to block memories associated with PTSD or drug addiction from Science Daily
GRAIL creates most accurate Moon gravity map (w/ video) from Physorg
Tracking invasive cheatgrass role in larger, more frequent Western fires from Physorg
Astronomers discover and 'weigh' youngest still-forming planetary system yet found from Physorg
Solving the Mystery of River Formation from Science NOW
NASA Needs 'National Consensus' on Mission, Report Concludes from Science NOW
ScienceShot: The Secret Lives of Wide Stellar Binaries from Science NOW
Birth of new cardiac cells from Harvard Science
More Accurate History - Using Genetics
How Curiosity Took a Self-Portrait from National Geographic
Oldest Dinosaur Found? from National Geographic
Apple "iPhone 5S" rumors start circulating from CBSNews - Science
Double Star Systems May Be Hiding a Third Companion from
Baby Star Caught in the Act of Growing from
Expert Available on Advertisers vs. Parents: A Holiday Showdown from Newswise - Scinews
Applications Invited for National Awards Recognizing Best Practices in Reducing or Eliminating Healthcare-Associated Infections from Newswise - Scinews
A New Genetic Fingerprint Lives in Your Gut from Newswise - Scinews
Florida State University Experts Can Discuss Need for Bipartisanship in 'Fiscal Cliff' Talks from Newswise - Scinews
Richard Mayeux, MD, MS, Elected Fellowof AAAS from Newswise - Scinews
Madagascar Gets Tough with Poachers from Newswise - Scinews
Earth At Night - Stunning New View From Space | Video from Live Science
Distant Black Hole Reveals Chemistry of the Early Universe from Live Science
NASA's Next Mars Rover Should Collect Samples, Experts Say from Live Science
Mars Rover Curiosity Gets Mission Extension from Live Science
New 'Green Bean' Galaxies Glow In the Dark from Live Science
Rubio clarifies comment on age of Earth from UPI
Extraverted gorillas enjoy longer lives, research suggests from Science Daily
Obesity reversed in mice by manipulating production of an enzyme from Science Daily
When the first stars blinked on: Very first stars may have turned on when the universe was 750 million years old from Science Daily
A leap forward for red blood cell formation: Researchers have identified 75 genetic regions that influence red blood cell formation from Science Daily
Tasty and gluten-free from Physorg
Wireless communication's crystal ball from Physorg
First synthesis of gold nanoparticles inside human hair for dyeing and much more from Physorg
Advice for bag-in-box wine drinkers: Keep it cool from Physorg
Plastics used in some medical devices break down in a previously unrecognized way from Physorg
Extraverted gorillas enjoy longer lives, research suggests from Physorg
World Of Warcraft 'Studies' Are Still Not Science
Space Vehicle Curiosity Completes First Analysis Of Martian Dirt from C&EN
Video: Make secret calls with new disposable number app from CBSNews - Science
Earth's earliest dinosaur possibly discovered from CBSNews - Science
Sperm Count Is Falling In France, And Globally, Too, Study Says from PopSci
Modernization and Discretionary Income Positions Africa On The Rise from PopSci
Global Economic Winners: African Economy Booms from PopSci
Sperm quality declines 'severe' in France from CBC: Health
Earth At Night - Stunning New View From Space | Video from
Curiosity's Drill Will Break - Known and Flown Anyway | Video from
Orbiter Spies Where Rover's Cruise Stage Hit Mars from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Satellites Could Detect Rogue Nuclear Tests from Live Science
Filmmaker Cameron Expedition Finds Weird Deep-Sea Life from Live Science
Baby Star Caught in the Act of Growing from Live Science
Workings of the brain: After 100 years, understanding the electrical role of dendritic spines from Science Daily
The birth of new cardiac cells: Where new heart cells come from from Science Daily
Astronomers discover and 'weigh' infant solar system: Young star with rotating dust disk is youngest still-forming planetary system yet found from Science Daily
Invasive grass fuels increased fire activity in the West from Science Daily
Many maps of the brain from Science Daily
Speeding up electronics to light frequencies from Science Daily
Facebook to be part of Nasdaq 100 index from Physorg
Fire and ice: Wildfires darkening Greenland snowpack, increasing melting from Physorg
Researchers discover fastest light-driven process from Physorg
German research center opens 1st US facility from Physorg
Review: 3 weather phone apps help you on the go from Physorg
Embracing the art of science from Physorg
U.K. Government Injects Nearly $1 Billion Into Research from Science NOW
Sperm quality declines 'severe' in France from CBC: Technology & Science
Astronaut Scott Kelly prepared for year in space from CBSNews - Science
Generic oxycodone from Canada has U.S. officials on alert from CBC: Health
Teen beats odds after suffering hockey injury from CBC: Health
Moon Surprisingly Battered, New Lunar Gravity Map Reveals from
Northeast Sees Second Driest November in More Than a Century from Newswise - Scinews
First-Date Sex May Harm Couples from Live Science
Breaking: NHC Modifies Hurricane Warning Definition in Wake of Sandy from Live Science
Blame gravity waves for turbulence from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Fastest light-driven process ever from Science Daily
National disagreement over NASA's goals and objectives detrimental to agency planning from Science Daily
Proliferation warnings on nuclear 'wonder-fuel', thorium from Science Daily
New genetic fingerprint lives in your gut from Science Daily
Brussels looks to upgrade copyright for digital economy from Physorg
Asia air pollution deaths to rise, environment group says from Physorg
App clash: Instagram shuts off Twitter feature from Physorg
Extraverted gorillas enjoy longer lives, research suggests from Science Blog
Clinical trial tests rice bran to prevent cancer from Science Blog
Scientists Discover Mechanism That Could Reduce Obesity from Science Blog
Study Says Women Can Spot Cheaters At A Glance from PopSci
Astronauts Excited For First Yearlong Trip to International Space Station from
Astronomers see solar system being born from UPI
Gorilla extroverts said to live longer from UPI
Proteins that indicate which kidney tumors are most likely to spread identified from Science Daily
Clinical trial tests if rice bran can reduce incidence of cancer from Science Daily
Patients with severe back pain who quit smoking report less pain than patients who continue to smoke from Science Daily
MECP2 duplication affects immune system as well as brain development from Science Daily
Northeast U.S. sees second driest November in more than a century from Science Daily
Mitigating our carbon footprint from Science Daily
Victory for vulnerable whale sharks at Pacific meeting from Physorg
German's solar ovens make sunbaked tortillas in Mexico from Physorg
Exercise affects reproductive ability in horses from Physorg
Adolescents under pressure to speak 'properly' from Physorg
Satellite reveals new views of earth at night from Physorg
Smoking hurts teen girls' bones from
Tracking California's Rivers of Rain from National Geographic
Ancient gas sheds light on universe's first billion years from Physics World
Extraterrestrial chorus heard in radiation belts from
Colombia and Peru certify REDD projects from SciDev
Ozone hole ‘deters growth of southern forests’ from SciDev
Lag feared after law banning GM seeds in Bolivia from SciDev
25 top-rated Facebook games from 2012 from CBSNews - Science
New stunning nighttime views of Earth unveiled from AP Science
Satellites Could Detect Rogue Nuclear Tests from
Earth Night Lights - Unprecedented Detection From Space | Video from
Risk Experts Convene on Health, Environment, Security and Engineering from Newswise - Scinews
UC San Diego Medical Center Among Elite Stroke Centers from Newswise - Scinews
UNC Charlotte to Participate in International Partnership from Newswise - Scinews
CWRU Receives Funding for Healthy Growth Research from Newswise - Scinews
They're Ba-aack! Coping When College Kids Come Home for the Holidays from Newswise - Scinews
Crowdsourcing the Cosmos: Astronomers Welcome All to Identify Star Clusters in Andromeda Galaxy from Newswise - Scinews
UChicago Receives Grant to Study Philanthropy Scientifically from Newswise - Scinews
Hotspots for Huge Earthquakes Revealed from Live Science
Double Star Systems May Be Hiding a Third Companion from Live Science
Earth Night Lights - Unprecedented Detection From Space | Video from Live Science
Wide-Field View of Area of NGC 6357 from Live Science
Radio telescopes could spot nuclear tests from UPI
Invasive grass blamed in Western wildfires from UPI
Exercise affects reproductive ability in horses from Science Daily
Robot Rebuilt gets a grip on wine-serving robot (w/ video) from Physorg
Readers! Help Astronomers Study The Galaxy That's Going To Collide With Ours from PopSci
Moon Surprisingly Battered, New Lunar Gravity Map Reveals from Live Science
Black Marble: Stunning New Images of Earth at Night from Live Science
U.S. Northeast records second-driest Nov. from UPI
Nationwide Insurance says data breach affects 1.1M from Physorg
NASA satellites analyze Typhoon Bopha inside and out from Physorg
New report finds increase in media coverage of synthetic biology from Physorg
NIST and Forest Service create world's first hazard scale for wildland fires from Physorg
Artificial Tongue Tastes Bitter Compounds At Femtomolar Concentrations from C&EN
Saving U.S. R&D from C&EN
It Takes A Princess: Kate Middleton Pregnancy Draws Attention To Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Giant Sequoias Grow Faster With Age from National Geographic
Space mission reveals moon's 'battered' history from CBC: Technology & Science
Fossil find could be world's oldest dinosaur from CBC: Technology & Science
NCFL Has Strategies to Make Learning Vocabulary Fun and Can Discuss the Nation's Report Card Vocabulary Findings from Newswise - Scinews
You Have the Right to an Attorney..... from Newswise - Scinews
UAB Doctors Share Fitness and Exercise Advice for the Middle-Aged Man from Newswise - Scinews
VA, North Shore-LIJ Join Forces to Open First-of-its-Kind Behavioral Health Center for Returning Vets & Families from Newswise - Scinews
Supernova Remnant SN 1006 from
Black Marble: Stunning New Images of Earth at Night from
Galaxy study hopes to enlist the public from UPI
Study: Most mobile Webs browsers unsafe from UPI
VIDEO: Africa's lions 'under threat' from BBC News: Science & Nature
New technology decodes chemical messages sent by bed bugs from Physorg
First evidence of fish sensing geomagnetic fields from a Czech Christmas market from Physorg
Cavemen were better at drawing animals than modern artists from Physorg
NASA investigates use of 'trailblazing' material for new sensors from Physorg
Plant stress paints early picture of drought from Physorg
Site-specific, long-term research expanding understanding of climate change from Physorg
'Call of Duty' blasts to billion-dollar sales mark from Physorg
US lawmakers vote against UN Internet regulation from Physorg
State Dept. considering two-day social media delay from CBSNews - Science
Study could spur wider use of prenatal gene tests from AP Health
Mariner 4: First Spacecraft to Mars from
James Cameron Relives Voyage to Ocean's Deepest Spot from Live Science
Palace of First Chinese Emperor Unearthed from Live Science
Indoor lawns help students handle stress from UPI
New coating can protect historic buildings from UPI
GRAIL reveals a battered lunar history from MIT Research
Thorium: Proliferation warnings on nuclear 'wonder-fuel' from Physorg
Computer simulations reveal formation mechanisms of wide binary stars from Physorg
Maybe Its Time To Reboot Synthetic Fuel
Reality of rising sea levels from Harvard Science
Video: Earth as a Glittering Black Marble from Science NOW
LHC sees odd behavior in superhot particle soup from
EARTH PHOTO GALLERY: Photos of Earth since 1960s from AP Science
SDSC's CAIDA Internet Research Group Awarded Cybersecurity Contract from Newswise - Scinews
"Sticky" Stomach Flu Virus Stands Up to Typical Restaurant Dishwashing Measures from Newswise - Scinews
New Prenatal Test, Microarray, Proposed as Standard of Care from Newswise - Scinews
Space Rocks Vesta and Ceres Visible in Night Sky This Week from
Satellites can detect rogue nuclear tests from MSNBC: Science
Genetic Test Could Better Reveal Fetal Abnormalities from Live Science
Cavemen Trump Modern Artists at Drawing Animals from Live Science
NASA moon probes make detailed gravity map from UPI
Fossil may be oldest dinosaur yet found from UPI
US, others smash global cyberfraud ring from Physorg
Making insulator conduct from Physorg
Mobile browsers fail researchers' safety test from Physorg
Deuterium from a quantum sieve: metal-organic Framework separates hydrogen isotopes more efficiently from Physorg
Heart Cells Can Be Coaxed to Regenerate at Low Rates from Scientific American
Sprinkled Nanocubes Could Hold Light Tight for Efficient Solar Panels from Scientific American
Discovery of 100 million-year-old regions of DNA shows short cut to crop science advances from Biology News Net
National Geographic unveils new phase of genographic project from Biology News Net
Remembering Dave Brubeck, The Mathematical Pianist (1920-2012) from PopSci
Smartphones could be portable seismometers from UPI
Lockheed Martin to move 560 jobs from UPI
A new ‘branch’ of math from MIT Research
When the first stars blinked on from MIT Research
Gravity maps of moon reveal deeply fractured crust from Reuters:Science
Planet's deepest spot may hold clues to life from MSNBC: Science
Cameron relives trip to bottom of ocean from MSNBC: Science
Study: Most mobile Web browsers unsafe from UPI
Grail mission shows battered Moon from BBC News: Science & Nature
FAA orders Boeing 787 fuel leak inspections from Physorg
Apple's downward spiral accelerates from Physorg
Biologists unlocking the secrets of plant defenses, one piece at a time from Physorg
Parasites Use Sophisticated Biochemistry to Take Over Their Hosts from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Fighting the 'Resource Curse' from NY Times Science
Green Blog: At U.S. Embassies, an Incentive to Conserve Every Drop from NY Times Science
Green Blog: As Ever, Money Worries Pervade Climate Talks from NY Times Science
Tasmanian devils susceptible to diseases from Science Alert
Arsenic linked to lung disease from Science Alert
Partnership Brings Unique Education to Pala Native American Learning Center from Live Science
Satellite offers new night image of Earth from UPI
VIDEO: Making batteries out of liquid metal from BBC News: Science & Nature
Sir Ranulph Fiennes 'coldest journey' begins from BBC News: Science & Nature
Large, Peanut-Shaped Asteroid Headed Toward Earth from National Geographic
Gravity maps of moon reveal deeply fractured crust from Reuters:Science
SpaceX lands first U.S. military launch contracts from Reuters:Science
Extended Use of Breast Cancer Drug Suggested from NY Times Health
The New Old Age: For the Old, Less Sense of Whom to Trust from NY Times Health
Ask an Expert: Answers About Female Sexuality, Part 2 from NY Times Health
Study Raises Questions on Coating of Aspirin from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Mediterranean Lentil Purée — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: For Athletes, Risks From Ibuprofen Use from NY Times Health
Graphene made super-elastic from Science Alert
Satellites create U.S. drought maps from UPI
Childless Couples Have Higher Death Rates, More Mental Illness
How software guru McAfee was located in Guatemala from CBSNews - Science
Video: How John McAfee was located from CBSNews - Science
Arctic's loss of sea ice sets record from LA Times - Science
A 2020 Rover Return to Mars? from National Geographic
Pictures: New HD View of Earth at Night from National Geographic
Synthetic fuel could eliminate US need for crude oil from Science Daily
Swimming robot crosses Pacific Ocean from UPI
Orbiter spots wreckage impacts on Mars from UPI
Mars Rover: Explore the Red Planet with Nasa's robot from BBC News: Science & Nature
Liquid metal promise for future batteries from BBC News: Science & Nature
Palace of first Chinese emperor unearthed from MSNBC: Science
Benzodiazepines: Widely Used Sleeping Pills Linked To Higher Fatal Pneumonia Risk
Report Card for the Arctic Highlights Rapid, Record-Setting Changes from Science NOW
First evidence of fish sensing geomagnetic fields from a Czech Christmas market from Science Daily
Hearing positive verbs can induce unconscious physical response from Science Daily
John McAfee arrested in Guatemala for illegal entry from CBSNews - Science
Satellite captures "black marble" view of Earth at night from Reuters:Science