Archive of feed items published on the 28th of November 2012
North Korea May Launch Rocket Soon, Satellite Photo Shows from Live Science
Jupiter and Full Moon Dominate Wednesday Night Sky from Live Science
Anticoagulation treatment for longer than three months after aortic valve replacement linked to decreased risk of cardiovascular death from Science Daily
Risk of pertussis increases as time since last dose of DTaP vaccine lengthens from Science Daily
Studies examine whether therapies for heart failure are associated with improved survival from Science Daily
Linguist makes sensational claim: English is a Scandinavian language from Science Daily
Being bullied can cause trauma symptoms from Science Daily
Researchers use shock tube for insight into physics early in blasts from Science Daily
Gene that causes tumor disorder linked to increased breast cancer risk from Science Daily
Recipes for Health: Spinach and Turkey Salad — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Keeping Your Eye on the Ball from NY Times Health
Largest whale's acrobatic ambush from BBC News: Science & Nature
Point-of-care technology speeds treatment from UPI
Milestone along the way to CO2-free power plants from Science Daily
Dr. Joseph Murray dies at 93; Nobel winner performed first kidney transplant from LA Times - Science
Misplaced Moon Rocks Found in Minnesota, More Still Missing from
'Egyptian Popeye' defends his 31-inch upper arms from AP Health
Defining the art of putting from AP Health
Soldiers: Mexico beauty queen had gun in her hands from AP Health
Spaceplane engine passes key test from BBC News: Science & Nature
In pictures: A kingdom of colour from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rhino killings not slowing in South Africa from AP Science
Woman locked up in Alec Baldwin NY stalking case from AP Science
Science – art and craft from Chemistry World
Amazon destruction 'at new low' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Skin scanner warns about tanning from BBC News: Science & Nature
James Cameron tips Hobbit to spark film revolution from Physorg
India's Ratan Tata urges closer business ties with Australia from Physorg
Rhino killings not slowing in South Africa from Physorg
Japan's ruling party promises to phase out nuclear power from Physorg
For some feathered dinosaurs, bigger not necessarily better from Physorg
Printing soil science from Physorg
Ecologists shed new light on effects of light pollution on wildlife from Physorg
Research: Sea-levels rising faster than IPCC projections from Physorg
NREL updates solar radiation database from Physorg
Tobacco Companies Are Told to Correct Lies About Smoking from NY Times Health
F.D.A. May Tap Experts on Energy Drinks from NY Times Health
Nurses Sue Douglas Kennedy for $200,000 from NY Times Health
Wired SKorea to stem digital addiction from age 3 from Physorg
Japan's newest floating train is one blistering maglev from Physorg
Dutch gov't: suspects must decrypt computers from Physorg
NASA seeks concepts for innovative uses of large space telescopes from Physorg
S. Korea readies new bid to join global space club from Physorg
4 foods to avoid while taking medication from CBC: Health
Jurassic insect that mimicked ginkgo leaves discovered from Physorg
Most Powerful Quasar Discovered | Video from
Microsatellites aim to fill weather-data gap from News @ Nature
VIDEO: Red algae closes Sydney beaches from BBC News: Science & Nature
Household flame retardants potentially ineffective, dangerous from CBC: Technology & Science
Nokia sues Blackberry-maker RIM over patents from Physorg
Biggest black hole blast discovered: New observations reveal most powerful quasar outflow ever found from Physorg
VIDEO: Scientists print out human genome from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA seeks concepts for innovative uses of large space telescopes from Science Daily
Martian dust storm dissipating from Science Daily
Researchers examine 'nestedness' of industrial ecosystems from Physorg
Bigger fish to fry: Egg position affects size and behaviour of young trout from Physorg
Earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia from Physorg
UN agency: 2012 warmer than normal despite La Nina from Physorg
UK firm buys Texas-based Healthpoint for $782 mln from Physorg
British student avoids US extradition over TV website from Physorg
Biggest Black Hole Blast Ever Could Solve Cosmological Mystery from
Printing Soil Science from Newswise - Scinews
One child mothers with pre-eclampsia at higher risk of heart problems from Science Daily
Thyroid problems linked to irregular heart rhythm from Science Daily
The hungry caterpillar: Beware your enemy's enemy's enemy from Science Daily
Orsini's viper: Growth or reproduction? from Physorg
How Should NASA Use Former Spy Satellite Telescopes? from
What sound? Popular music devices could be dialing up hearing losses from Science Daily
One in five U.S. adults experienced mental illness in the past year, report says from Science Daily
Most women who have double mastectomy don't need it, study finds from Science Daily
Tracking pollution from outer space: Team uses NASA satellites to measure pollution hovering over world's megacities from Science Daily
Topical simvastatin shown to accelerate wound healing in diabetes from Science Daily
'Walking on marbles' could be a thing of the past for arthritis patients from Science Daily
Hydrogen production: Can cobalt be used to replace platinum? from Science Daily
Scientists come together to fight EU budget cuts from Chemistry World
What's the secret to Gangnam Style's success? from CBC: Technology & Science
Household flame retardants potentially ineffective, dangerous from CBC: Health
Promising new research in the fight against ash dieback from Physorg
Name that ant! New online tool helps identify alien ant invaders from Physorg
The music of the silks from MIT Research
Researchers explore social media as preventative method for infectious diseases from Science Daily
From Mediterranean coasts to Tatra Mountains and beyond: Plant chromosome number variation from Science Daily
Graphene switches: Research group makes it to first base from Science Daily
An energy conscious workforce: New research looks at how to encourage staff to go green from Science Daily
M&S nano fears for recycled packaging from Chemistry World
U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency reports being hacked from CBSNews - Science
Most patients in the dark about what radiologists do from Science Blog
Four is the magic number from Science Blog
Fish ear bones point to climate impacts from Science Blog
Immune system could play a central role in AMD from Science Blog
Fast Forward to the Past: NASA Tests Analog Data Technology from Science Blog
Fish ear bones and their distinctive growth rings offer clues to the likely impacts of climate change in aquatic world from Physorg
Research helps businesses optimize benefits of crowdsourcing from Physorg
Game-changing propellant tank arrives at Marshall from Physorg
Synthetic fuels could eliminate entire US need for crude oil, create 'new economy' from Physorg
Breakthrough offers new route to large-scale quantum computing from Physorg
3Qs: The evolution of profanity from Physorg
Florida's consumer confidence shows post-election decline, study finds from Physorg
Upgrade to visualization and analysis system eases path for beginning supercomputer users from Physorg
Researchers use 3-D printer to make parts from moon rock from Physorg
France launches Twitter probe in racism test case from Physorg
World record human-powered flight confirmed from Physorg
Dust grains highlight the path to planet formation from Physorg
Can new barriers end flood risk? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Amyloid imaging helps in evaluating possible Alzheimer disease from Science Daily
New method for diagnosing malaria from Science Daily
Live Chat: Doomsday from Science NOW
Make or break: the laws of motion from Chemistry World
Hagfish slime as a model for tomorrow’s natural fabrics from Science Blog
Researchers use 3D printer to make parts from moon rock from Science Blog
Potentially toxic flame retardants found in many US couches from Science Blog
Biggest black hole blast discovered from Science Blog
Men with belly fat at risk for osteoporosis from Science Blog
NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission turns 15 from Physorg
Incredible raw image of Saturn's swirling north pole from Physorg
Innovative method inexpensively and energetically efficiently reduces CO2 emissions from Physorg
New ground-based laser system tested against rockets and unmanned aerial system from Physorg
IGZO: LCD monitor featuring the industry's thinnest design in a high-resolution 4K2K display from Physorg
New experiments challenge fundamental understanding of electromagnetism from Physorg
Scientists image the molecular structure of polymer blends from Physorg
NIST publishes methods to manage risk in the federal ICT supply chain from Physorg
Pollen: Can humans' seasonal bane become a tool in the fight against disease? from Physorg
Regional dust storm dissipating from Physorg
Pollution-detecting aircraft hunts for gas leaks from Physorg
J-2X: Back in the saddle again from Physorg
Science should be ready to jump off ‘the cliff’ from News @ Nature
Space History Photo: Saturn V Stage at Michould Assembly Facility from
Cash for nature park improvements from BBC News: Science & Nature
Biggest black hole blast discovered: Most powerful quasar outflow ever found from Science Daily
The New Old Age Blog: Doctor's Orders? Another Test from NY Times Health
Robert Darnell named president of New York Genome Center from The Rockefeller University
What to do with former spy satellite telescopes? from CBSNews - Science
Polio watchers want bar on travellers without vaccination proof from CBC: Health
Microsoft's ads deride Google a bad place to shop from Physorg
Fiat 500 adds electric and big versions to lineup from Physorg
University of Tennessee supercomputer sets world record for energy efficiency from Physorg
Researchers identify ways to exploit 'cloud browsers' for large-scale, anonymous computing from Physorg
Yahoo! chief bets on mobile future from Physorg
EU rejects French report linking GM corn to cancer (Update) from Physorg
BP banned from US government contracts from Physorg
Twitter fiction festival kicks off Wednesday from Physorg
Seven days: 23–29 November 2012 from News @ Nature
Sea levels rising faster than IPCC projections from Science Daily
Potentially toxic flame retardants found in many US couches from Science Daily
Many flame retardants in house dust at unsafe levels from Science Daily
For some feathered dinosaurs, bigger not always better from Science Daily
Blue whales’ diet and exercise rolled into one from
SDSS J1106+1939 : Biggest Black Hole Blast Discovered
Big Pharma Doing More For Access To Medicine In Developing Countries Than Two Years Ago
Young adults more likely to smoke pot than drink before driving from Science Blog
Why Impatience May Hurt Your Heart from Live Science
Researchers synthesize a new kind of silk fiber (w/ video) from Physorg
Graphite experiment shines new light on giant planets, white dwarfs, laser-driven fusion from Physorg
Big genomics data, big scientific impact: New challenges for further development of life science from Physorg
Graphite experiment shines new light on giant planets, white dwarfs and laser-driven fusion from Science Daily
Lignin to lead bio-based chemicals? from Chemistry World
GSK expands in India and Nigeria from Chemistry World
Smartphones as environmental sensors from Chemistry World
Sea-levels Outpace Some IPCC Projections, According To New Analysis
Video: Robots to help with household chores? from CBSNews - Science
Fully 3D Printable Guns Waiting on Firearms License from Live Science
Stop Touching Yourself, Flu Researchers Say from Live Science
US suspends embassy account on Vietnam website from Physorg
Scientists sniff out the substances behind the aroma in the 'king of fruits' from Physorg
Hagfish slime as a model for tomorrow's natural fabrics from Physorg
Outside a vacuum: Model predicts movement of charged particles in complex media from Physorg
Study shows trends in public and private agricultural R&D from Physorg
International Space Station salutes the Sun from European Space Agency
Mars Rover Curiosity Celebrates 1st Birthday Off Earth from
Beauty and the Beef: S. Africa Moves to Capitalize on Both from Newswise - Scinews
Family's economic situation influences brain function in children from Science Daily
Four is the 'magic' number from Science Daily
Fish ear bones point to climate impacts from Science Daily
Immune system could play a central role in age-related macular degeneration from Science Daily
Malaria study suggests drugs should target female parasites from Science Daily
Could astronauts use a 3-D printer to make parts from moon rocks? from Science Daily
Not 7? 4 Is The 'Magic' Number For Memory, Says Psychiatrist
Smith Wins Chair of U.S. House Science Committee from Science NOW
Climate funds must help integrate climate into policy from SciDev
Climate forecasts boosted West African floods response from SciDev
Patent laws key to drug innovation, argues report from SciDev
RIM falls on Nokia patent dispute report from CBC: Technology & Science
North Korea may launch rocket soon, satellite photos show from CBSNews - Science
7 Gift Ideas For The Climate Change Denier In Your Life from PopSci
New study shows how climate change could affect entire forest ecosystems from Physorg
NIST releases annual report on federal technology transfer from Physorg
Fracking in Michigan: Researchers study potential impact on health, environment, economy from Physorg
Research criticizes young offenders' institution for gang-related violence from Physorg
Welcome to my page from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers synthesize new kind of silk fiber, and use music to fine-tune material's properties from Science Daily
Sea Levels Outpace Some IPCC Projections, According To New Analysis
British company claims biggest engine advance since the jet from Reuters:Science
Topical Pain Relief Using D-Amino Acid Hydrogels from C&EN
Simple measures cut infections caught in hospitals from AP Health
Scott keys Colorado 2 OT win over Texas-Southern from AP Health
Cell phone addiction similar to compulsive buying, credit card misuse from Science Blog
UCLA Medical Center gets failing grade on patient safety from LA Times - Health
Commons committee summons Twitter for privacy study from CBC: Technology & Science
White House #My2K Twitter hashtag enters "fiscal cliff" debate from CBSNews - Science
Breathtaking! Watch Fiery Lava Spill into Ocean from Live Science
New research suggests massive marsupials lived in treetops in early Australia from Physorg
Captain Kirk Touts Medical Tech Spun From NASA | Video from
Fracking in Michigan: U-M Researchers Study Potential Impact on Health, Environment, Economy from Newswise - Scinews
Record-Setting X-Ray Jet Discovered from Newswise - Scinews
'Chill-coma' recovery: Cold cricket case could defrost mysteries of changing climate from Science Daily
College students more eager for marriage than their parents from Science Daily
NASA Study Could Improve Hurricane Strength Forecasts from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Black Hole Blast Biggest Ever Recorded from National Geographic
College students more eager for marriage than their parents from Science Blog
Scientists sniff out substances behind the durian aroma from Science Blog
Britain Is Testing An Amphibious House That Rises Along WIth Floodwaters from PopSci
New powerful toolkit accelerates creation of potential new drugs from Physorg
Astronomers measure most massive, most unusual black hole from Physorg
Researchers decipher genetic code of wheat from Physorg
Study: Autumn sets in rapidly on Saturn's moon Titan from Physorg
Tiny algae shed light on photosynthesis as a dynamic property from Physorg
Scientists develop new approach to support future climate projections from Physorg
Algae held captive and genes stolen in crime of evolution from Physorg
Cell phone addiction similar to compulsive buying and credit card misuse, experts say from Science Daily
Scientists uncover a novel cooperative effort to stop cancer spread from Science Daily
How climate change could affect entire forest ecosystems from Science Daily
Changes in nerve cells may contribute to the development of mental illness from Science Daily
Gargantuan Black Hole Occupies Modest Galaxy from Science NOW
Scientists make wheat genetic code breakthrough from Reuters:Science
Doctors lobby against part of new N.S. health-care act from CBC: Health
'Smart drug' use discouraged as study aid from CBC: Health
N.Y. man suing Facebook wants his lawyer to stay from CBSNews - Science
In Photos: Cave of the Underworld from Live Science
College students more eager for marriage than their parents from Physorg
Funding protest hits Bulgarian research agency from News @ Nature
The Kyoto Protocol: Hot air from News @ Nature
Chandra Space Telescope: Revealing the Invisible Universe from
Key wheat genetic codes unlocked from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tight times may influence how we perceive others from Science Daily
Federal technology transfer in the United States from Science Daily
Record-setting X-ray jet: X-rays from supermassive black hole 12.4 billion light years from Earth from Science Daily
First success of targeted therapy in most common genetic subtype of non-small cell lung cancer from Science Daily
Outside a vacuum: Model predicts movement of charged particles in complex media from Science Daily
Young adults more likely to smoke cannabis than drink before driving, survey of Canadians shows from Science Daily
Most patients in the dark about what radiologists do from Science Daily
NASA's Cassini Sees Abrupt Turn in Titan's Atmosphere from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Undisclosed Finding by Mars Rover Fuels Intrigue from NY Times Science
National Briefing | West: California: Poisonous Mushroom Soup Kills Another from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Research Animals Lost in Wolf Hunts Near Yellowstone from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work Blog: Bidding Farewell to the Jewel of the Lotus from NY Times Science
How Does SpaceX Plan To Move Thousands Of Humans To Mars? from PopSci
Bizarre Insectlike Creatures Discovered in Spanish Cave from Live Science
Killer Cave May Have Inspired Myth of Hades from Live Science
Navy Drone Boards Aircraft Carrier for 1st Time from Live Science
'Cyber Monday' shoppers spent record $1.46 bn from Physorg
Math detects contamination in water distribution networks from Physorg
Record-setting X-ray jet discovered from Physorg
Legacy of a climate treaty: After Kyoto from News @ Nature
Adapting to a warmer world: No going back from News @ Nature
Super gas meets with no resistance from News @ Nature
Super-Giant Black Hole Discovered | Video from
Saturn Moon Titan's Atmosphere Shows Surprising Rise from
Monster Black Hole Is Biggest Ever Found from
Solar Super-Flare Likely Sparked Ancient Tree Mystery from
Astronomers measure most massive, most unusual black hole from Science Daily
Giant black hole could upset galaxy evolution models from Science Daily
Imaging technologies used to solve puzzle of plant architecture: Breakthrough could help optimize capture of sugars for biofuels from Science Daily
Men with belly fat at risk for osteoporosis from Science Daily
Kerosene Lamps Pack Big Climate Punch from C&EN
CSI Evolution: Genes Stolen, Bigelowiella Natans Algae Implicated
A Step Toward a Universal Cancer Blood Test from Science NOW
Digital society from the bottom up from Harvard Science
Video: Churches profit from turning steeple into cell tower from CBSNews - Science
Watch: Fiery lava spills into Pacific ocean from CBSNews - Science
Apatosaurus: Facts About the 'Deceptive Lizard' from Live Science
The global energy challenge: Awash with carbon from News @ Nature
Cancer-causing flame retardants linger on in California from News @ Nature
Past 5,000 years prolific for changes to human genome from News @ Nature
Stunning Photos of Saturn's Weird Vortex Storms from
Huge Saturn Vortex Swirls in Stunning NASA Photos from
Navy Drone Boards Aircraft Carrier for 1st Time from
Bread wheat's large and complex genome is revealed from Science Daily
Major breakthrough in deciphering bread wheat's genetic code from Science Daily
Biggest Black Hole Blast Ever Could Solve Cosmological Mystery from Live Science
How Should NASA Use Former Spy Satellite Telescopes? from Live Science
US tea and tech firms in Rwanda, Vietnam win awards from Physorg
7 hot cars at the LA Auto Show from Physorg
Knight Capital jumps on Getco buyout offer from Physorg
Researchers test powerful new tool to advance ecology, conservation from Physorg
Mexican banking data reveal cities and villages that borrow more have a better quality of life from Physorg
Research discovery could revolutionize semiconductor manufacture from Physorg
Italian probe alleges Google underpaid tax from Physorg
Implantable silk optics multi-task in the body from Physorg
Scientists sequence the wheat genome in breakthrough for global food security from Science Daily
Major breakthrough in deciphering bread wheat's genetic code from Science Daily
Autumn sets in rapidly on Saturn's giant moon from Science Daily
Scientists decipher genetic code of wheat from Science Daily
Researchers team up to sequence the complex wheat genome from Science Daily
Chemists invent powerful toolkit, accelerating creation of potential new drugs from Science Daily
Farthest Ever: Record-Setting X-Ray Jet From Quasar GB 1428
Taking a Slice at the Wheat Genome from Science NOW
In the Yard, a changing of the guard from Harvard Science
Facebook profile photo prank delights Reddit from CBSNews - Science
Copycat Facebook friend requests go viral from CBSNews - Science
Mars Rover Curiosity Celebrates 1st Birthday Off Earth from Live Science
Sea Levels Rising Faster Than Projected from Live Science
Bizarre creatures found in Spanish cave from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Europe defends emissions record at climate talks from Physorg
New light shed on virus associated with developmental delays and deafness from Science Daily
Algae held captive and genes stolen in crime of evolution from Science Daily
Tiny algae shed light on photosynthesis as a dynamic property from Science Daily
Italy cancels €1bn SuperB collider from Physics World
Physicists claim microwave-imaging 'breakthrough' from Physics World
Help with kids. And pets. And … from Harvard Science
Antarctic bacteria a clue to different kinds of life: study from Reuters:Science
Order of Psychiatric Diagnoses May Influence How Clinicians Identify Symptoms from Science Blog
Largest Quasar Ever Discovered Burns 100 Times Brighter Than Entire Milky Way from PopSci
10 Animals That Are Smarter Than You Think from PopSci
Earth from Space: Downtown Dubai from Live Science
$550 Million Powerball: What Are Your Chances? from Live Science
US pushes to keep entrepreneur jobs in the country from Physorg
Archaeologists discover shipwrecks, ancient harbor on coast of Israel from Physorg
Qatar unveils low-emission hybrid car from Physorg
Implantable Silk Optics Multi-Task in the Body from Newswise - Scinews
Researcher Tests Powerful New Tool to Advance Ecology, Conservation from Newswise - Scinews
Joslin Researchers Increase Understanding of Genetic Risk Factor for Type 1 Diabetes from Newswise - Scinews
Double Duty: Immune System Regulator Found to Protect Brain From Effects of Stroke from Newswise - Scinews
The R Coronae Australis Region from
Apple wins Netherlands Samsung Galaxy ban from UPI
Experiment yields possible 'spooky' matter from UPI
Research discovery could revolutionize semiconductor manufacture from Science Daily
Implantable silk optics multi-task in body: Dissolvable micro-mirrors enhance imaging, administer heat, deliver and monitor drugs from Science Daily
Double duty: Immune system regulator found to protect brain from effects of stroke from Science Daily
Bread Wheat Genome Sequenced
'Pac-Man' spotted on Saturn's moons from CBC: Technology & Science
Bread wheat’s large and complex genome is revealed from Science Blog
SOPA Author Recommended As Chairman Of Science, Space, And Tech Committee from PopSci
Solar Super-Flare Likely Sparked Ancient Tree Mystery from Live Science
New media world won't end need for journalists, study says from Physorg
Arctic sea ice larger than US melted this year from Physorg
Moody's cuts HP long-term debt rating to Baa1 from Physorg
Space Station to reposition for science from UPI
Cellphone addiction called pathological from UPI
Long-held memory tenet challenged from UPI
Women 16-49 (and their unborn babies) at risk of multiple pollutants from Science Daily
NIH Has No Plans to Bring Back Third Grant Submission from Science NOW
Microsoft focused on devices and services, CEO says from CBSNews - Science
More omnivore dilemmas: Seasonal diet changes can cause reproductive stress in primates from Physorg
Skeletons in cave reveal Mediterranean secrets from Physorg
Can Technology Make You Happy? from Newswise - Scinews
Archaeologists discover shipwrecks, ancient harbor on coast of Israel from Science Daily
Mathematics used to identify contamination in water distribution networks from Science Daily
Swirling Storms on Saturn from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Drug May Offer New Approach to Treating Insomnia from Science Blog
Health Canada issues advisory about thermography tests from CBC: Health
Moral judgments are often speedy and extreme from CBC: Technology & Science
Cadbury's Chocolate Of The Future Doesn't Melt Even At 104 Degrees from PopSci
Monster Black Hole Is Biggest Ever Found from Live Science
Deadly cave may have inspired Hades myth from MSNBC: Science
J.J. Abrams: 'It’s like driving in the fog' from MIT Research
Dazzling Jupiter Rises Over Himalayan Telescope (Photo) from
Clash on Web radio royalties hits Congress from Physorg
Let there be clean light: Kerosene lamps spew black carbon, should be replaced, study says from Physorg
Google buys marketing firm to boost discount moves from Physorg
Infrared NASA imagery sees Tropical Storm Bopha grow a tail from Physorg
Elk more concerned by human behavior than their natural predators from Physorg
Order of psychiatric diagnoses may influence how clinicians identify symptoms from Science Daily
Drug may offer new approach to treating insomnia from Science Daily
Researcher tests powerful new tool to advance ecology, conservation from Science Daily
Scientists pair blood test and gene sequencing to detect cancer from Science Daily
ScienceShot: Living in a Landscape of Fear from Science NOW
White wine is photosensitive from Science Alert
Huge Saturn Vortex Swirls in Stunning NASA Photos from Live Science
Prehistoric Skeletons Reveal First Sicilians Avoided Seafood from Live Science
Electrifying News: Lightning Deaths Decline from Live Science
Saturn Moon Titan's Atmosphere Shows Surprising Rise from Live Science
'Born-Again' Nebula Foreshadows Fate of Our Sun from
Genetic diversity exploded in recent millennia from
Missing Jupiters May Have Brought Massive Comet Belts
Shipwrecks And Ancient Harbor Discovered Off The Coast Of Acre In Israel
European Agency's Final Verdict on Controversial GM Study: Not Scientifically Sound from Science NOW
Final Report: Stapel Affair Points to Bigger Problems in Social Psychology from Science NOW
Fitness highly effective for lowering cholesterol from CBC: Health
Women seek provincial support for surgery in California from CBC: Health
Caves Reveal Picture of Ancient Winters from Live Science
First Sicilians didn't much care for seafood from MSNBC: Science
VIDEO: Is Antarctic find key to alien life? from BBC News: Science & Nature
China's 8-core Godson processor details to be shared at IEEE forum from Physorg
Microsoft: Windows 8 selling well despite PC slump from Physorg
Web news outlets victim of PR hoax from UPI
More exercise, healthier brain from Science Alert
The Broadcast Empire Strikes Back from Newswise - Scinews
Quasar in biggest cosmic blast ever seen from UPI
Human disturbances keep elk on high alert from Science Daily
Moral judgments quicker, more extreme than practical ones, but also flexible from Science Daily
Green Blog: Another Step to Smaller Reactors from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: A Certified Path to Environmental Progress from NY Times Science
The mind copes with 4 not 7 from Science Alert
2012 Mayan Apocalypse Rumors Have Dark Side, NASA Warns from Live Science
Unraveling the Secrets of the Knuckleball from Live Science
2012 Mayan Apocalypse Rumors Have Dark Side, NASA Warns from
Enormous Vortex On Saturn Snapped By Spacecraft | Video from
'The Hobbit' to debut high-tech projection from UPI
Study IDs kerosene lamps as big source of black carbon from Science Daily
Well: Ignoring the Science on Mammograms from NY Times Health
Well: Weight Loss Surgery May Not Combat Diabetes Long-Term from NY Times Health
Ask an Expert: Answers About Female Sexuality, Part 1 from NY Times Health
Study shows surge of bad disease genes in Europe from MSNBC: Science
Sea level rise said outpacing predictions from UPI
More omnivore dilemmas: Seasonal diet changes can cause reproductive stress in primates from Science Daily
Skeletons in cave reveal Mediterranean secrets from Science Daily
Risk of childhood obesity can be predicted at birth from Science Daily
David J. Kappos To Step Down From Agency In January from C&EN
Caterpillar Fungus Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties from National Geographic
Brazil says deforestation reduced from UPI
Seasons on Saturn moon observed from UPI
Health-care providers can play critical role in reducing and preventing intimate partner violence from Science Daily
Scientists identify depression and anxiety biomarker in youths from Science Daily
Moral evaluations of harm are instant and emotional from Science Daily
Mediation combined with art therapy can change your brain and lower anxiety from Science Daily
Ponatinib acts against the most resistant types of chronic myeloid leukemia from Science Daily
Experts recommend closer scrutiny of radiation exposure from CT scans from Science Daily
"Burn Notice" Wants To Give You $10K To Do Science
Scientists baffled by gargantuan black hole from LA Times - Science
Illegal trade in python skins reported from UPI
Family sues CIA over scientist's mysterious death from MSNBC: Science
Scientists crack the genetic code for wheat from MSNBC: Science
Burglars hack door locks at Texas hotel from UPI
Social media as weapon against disease? from UPI
How illegal Amazon logging persists from BBC News: Science & Nature
Black Hole Energy Blast Off the Charts, Virginia Tech Physicists Say from Newswise - Scinews
HIV treatment reduces risk of malaria recurrence in children from Science Daily
Combined RB and PTEN loss identifies DCIS primed for invasive breast cancer from Science Daily
NSAID use linked to reduced hepatocellular carcinoma risk and mortality due to chronic liver disease from Science Daily
KRAS and BRAF mutation screening in metastatic colorectal cancer costly in relation to benefits from Science Daily
Online tool creates catch-up immunization schedules from Science Daily
Analysis of conflicting fish oil studies finds that omega-3 fatty acids still matter from Science Daily
Common drug reverses common effect of becker muscular dystrophy from Science Daily
Japanese man's childhood dreams give birth to giant robot from Reuters:Science
Researchers increase understanding of genetic risk factor for type 1 diabetes from Science Daily
New practices reduce surgical site infections after colorectal surgery from Science Daily
Human genetic variation recent, varies among populations from Science Daily
New approach to support future climate projections from Science Daily
Hagfish slime as a model for tomorrow's natural fabrics from Science Daily
Scientists sniff out the substances behind the aroma in the 'king of fruits' from Science Daily
Mix masters: Scientists image the molecular structure of polymer blends from Science Daily