Archive of feed items published on the 7th of April 2009
Weight gain early in life leads to physical disabilities in older adults from Science Blog
Cigarette smoke may alter immune response in COPD exacerbations from Science Blog
A woman's nose knows body odor from Science Blog
A Woman's Nose Knows Body Odor from Newswise - Scinews
Removing Medtronic Heart Cables Is Hard Choice from NY Times Health
Pistachio Recall Signals Tough Stance on Safety from NY Times Health
Early warning clue for dementia from BBC News: Science & Nature
Universal health coverage in spotlight at L.A. forum from LA Times - Health
Did scientist predict Italy quake? from LA Times - Science
In double transplant, left hand works first from AP Science
To Cure An Itch, Without A Scratch from CBSNews - Science
Calif. river system is nation's most endangered from AP Science
Ford Trucks To Offer In-Dash Web Browsing from CBSNews - Science
Acupuncture 'probably ineffective' in treatment of hot flushes from Science Blog
Salmonella found in central Calif. pistachio plant from Physorg
Calif. river system is nation's most endangered from Physorg
In double transplant, left hand works first from Physorg
Saving energy and the environment with Flywheels from Physorg
Rare window on spinal muscular atrophy genetics from Physorg
Evolution-proof insecticides may stall malaria forever (w/Video) from Physorg
How the retina works: Like a multi-layered jigsaw puzzle of receptive fields from Physorg
Simple bedside test improves diagnosis of chronic back pain, could guide treatment from Physorg
Australia announces $30 bln broadband plan from Physorg
Wall Street rocket scientists crash to Earth from Physorg
Intel handed 643-million-dollar Danish tax bill: report from Physorg
Caution urged on green tax effect from BBC News: Science & Nature
Compendium of pancreatic cancer biomarkers established as strategic approach to early-detection from Physorg
Cigarette smoke may alter immune response in COPD exacerbations from Physorg
A woman's nose knows body odor from Physorg
GM, Segway Team Up To Build Urban Vehicle from CBSNews - Science
Soyuz successor contract awarded from BBC News: Science & Nature
Row over Italian quake 'forecast' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tremor history from BBC News: Science & Nature
Weight gain early in life leads to physical disabilities in older adults from Physorg
What Is The Best Strategy For Overcoming Constant Worries? from Physorg
Can Family Therapy Help The Depressed Patient? from Physorg
Wet stalagmites show sea level from Science Alert
Arctic ice shows winter thinning from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tiny rock excites astrochemists from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pentagonal Ice Discovered: Could Be Used To Modify Weather from Science Daily
Scientists Discover Pentagonal Ice from Physorg
From three to four: a quantum leap in few-body physics from Physorg
Quake predictability still distant dream, say seismologists from Physorg
The pig of the future might be free of diseases that can infect people from Physorg
Fishermen Catch Rare Shark, Then Eat It from CBSNews - Science
Stem Cell Therapy Grows New Blood Vessels from Science Daily
Workhorse Immune Molecules Lead Secret Lives In The Brain from Science Daily
Large Number Of New Prions Discovered: Scientists Redefining What It Means To Be A Prion from Science Daily
Sun Dial Uses Mobile Phones To Alert Muslims To Prayer from Science Daily
Is There A Seat Of Wisdom In The Brain? from Science Daily
Dramatically Backlit Dust In Giant Galaxy from Science Daily
From Three To Four: A Quantum Leap In Few-body Physics from Science Daily
Hope shines on P.E.I. couple waiting in Toronto for daughter's transplant from CBC: Health
Wait times for hospital beds afflict Queen Elizabeth II from CBC: Health
Calif. River System Most Endangered from CBSNews - Science
Setton Farms pistachios recall is expanded from UPI
French claim full face transplant from BBC News: Science & Nature
Subtle gender hormone found from Science Alert
From three to four: a quantum leap in few-body physics
Link between widely used osteoporosis drugs and heart problems probed
Evolution-proof insecticides may stall malaria forever
Male flower parts responsible for potent grapevine perfume
Coral's fragility revealed through a study of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
Study finds pre-surgical stress management improves mood, quality of life
Diarrhoea treatment fails to reach the poorest children
Weight gain early in life leads to physical disabilities in older adults
Major breakthrough in transplantation immunity from Science Blog
Vancouver police draw fire over camera confiscation from CBC: Technology & Science
Biotransformation woodrat genes studied from UPI
Indonesian palm oil industry takes step towards sustainability
Polar bears and penguins 'just tip of climate change iceberg'
Quantum simulator with a great potential
New risk variant for atopic dermatitis identified
Obesity rates differ among ethnic groups in kids as young as four
New pain assessment tool distinguishes between pain subtypes
How the retina works: Like a multi-layered jigsaw puzzle of receptive fields
Stanford study first ever to show US AIDS Relief program saved a million lives
Is there a seat of wisdom in the brain?
Researchers regenerate axons necessary for voluntary movement
New Arctic satellite data shows Arctic literally on thin ice
Gene helps protect tumour suppressor in breast cancer
Sexual behaviour at work still a problem new study shows
Study reveals potential to amass more carbon in eastern North American forests
Amino acids used for cellular interactions from UPI
Astronauts Need Tougher Workouts in Space from
Astronauts Would Live in Space Module 'Colbert' from
Illegal fishing still a problem from Science Alert
Rhythmic Genomics - The Yeast Metronome And The Walk Of Life from Science Daily
New Security And Medical Sensor Devices Made Possible By Fundamental Physics Development In Metallic Nanostructures from Science Daily
New, Simple Method Identifies Preterm Infants At Risk Of Eye Disease from Science Daily
New Method For Assessing Mood Changes from Science Daily
Weight Gain Early In Life Can Lead To Physical Disabilities In Older Adults from Science Daily
Cigarette Smoke May Alter Immune Response In COPD Exacerbations from Science Daily
Acupuncture 'Probably Ineffective' In Treatment Of Hot Flushes from Science Daily
Women May Be Sniffing Out Biologically-relevant Information From Underarm Sweat from Science Daily
Lowly Worms Wiggle With Style from Live Science
EU: Earth warming faster from Reuters:Science
Biology of flushing could renew niacin as cholesterol drug
New technique analyses seaweed chemical defences
Avastin effective at delaying brain tumour progression in recurrent disease
Young adults at future risk of Alzheimer's have different brain activity
Children with low self-control more likely to become overweight preteens
Mental health problems in childhood may predict later suicide attempts in males
Reducing sugar and increasing fibre intake may improve diabetes risk factors in Latino teens
Two nondrug treatments appear to reduce depression after heart surgery
Compendium of pancreatic cancer biomarkers established as strategic approach to early-detection
Separating the beneficial effects of a drug from the adverse side effects
A woman's nose knows body odour
Simple bedside test improves diagnosis of chronic back pain, could guide treatment
MIT: Cooperative behaviour meshes with evolutionary theory
When physical and mental health problems co-occur and money gets tight, which prescriptions go unfilled? from Science Blog
Has HIV become more virulent? from Science Blog
Not just a long-distance relationship: Immune cells in skin fight off infection better than the rest from Science Blog
Earthshine reflects Earth's oceans and continents from the dark side of the moon from Science Blog
Rhythmic genomics -- the yeast metronome and the walk of life from Science Blog
Scientists discover pentagonal ice from Science Blog
New security and medical sensor devices made possible by metallic nanostructures from Science Blog
I'm forever imploding bubbles from Science Blog
New, simple method identifies preterm infants at risk of eye disease from Science Blog
Climate Change Leads to Major Decrease in CO2 Storage from Newswise - Scinews
New insecticides may stall malaria forever from UPI
Earth reflection shows oceans from Science Alert
MetroPCS mimics landline with family 'groupline' from Physorg
DSi adds cameras, downloads to Nintendo's portable from Physorg
Texas School Standards: Age of the Universe Erased from Physorg
Researchers develop new way to see single RNA molecules in living cells
Dramatically backlit dust in giant galaxy
Scientists discover pentagonal ice
Big belly and obesity linked to increased risk of restless legs syndrome
You wear me out: Thinking of others causes lapses in our self-control
Cigarette smoke may alter immune response in COPD exacerbations
Rare window on spinal muscular atrophy genetics
A potential new target for treatment of hormone refractory prostate cancer
Biomarker associated with poor outcome in aggressive childhood cancer
Substituting water for sugar-sweetened beverages can reduce excess calorie consumption
Rural medics to get mobile advice 'hotline' from SciDev
Hunt for quake survivors continues in Italy amid aftershocks from CBC: Technology & Science
Being Cute Helps, But It Won't Save You from PopSci
Potential New HIV Drug May Help Patients Not Responding To Treatment from Science Daily
Control, Treatment Of Bed Bugs Challenging from Science Daily
Focus On The Future: Long-term Goals Help Us Resist Unhealthy Urges from Science Daily
Bad Mix Of Bacterial Remnants And Genetics Leads To Arthritis from Science Daily
New Approach Discovered To Lowering Triglycerides from Science Daily
What's In Your Water? Disinfectants Create Toxic By-products In Drinking Water And Public Swimming Pools from Science Daily
Tight Races In Major League Baseball's Eastern Divisions, Mathematician Predicts from Science Daily
How The Retina Works: Like A Multi-layered Jigsaw Puzzle Of Receptive Fields from Science Daily
Caffeine Reduces Pain During Exercise, Study Shows from Science Daily
Brain Mapping Time Reduced From Years To A Few Months With New Technology from Science Daily
New Options For People With PKU from Science Daily
Computer Simulations Explain The Limitations Of Working Memory from Science Daily
Sexual Behavior At Work Still A Problem, Study Shows from Science Daily
Tiny super-plant can clean up animal waste, be used for ethanol production from Physorg
New project aims to boost performance on every chip from Physorg
Altered gene can increase risk of schizophrenia from Physorg
Has HIV become more virulent? from Physorg
Ontario to target toxic chemicals from CBC: Health
Obese Sask. residents pay big bucks for weight loss surgery from CBC: Health
Ontario to target toxic chemicals from CBC: Technology & Science
Fitting pieces for biosensors
Tiny super-plant can clean up animal waste and be used for ethanol production
Major breakthrough in transplantation immunity
Altered gene can increase risk of schizophrenia
Earthshine reflects Earth's oceans and continents from the dark side of the Moon
Immune cells in skin fight off infection better than the rest
U study shows MRI-based method holds promise for predicting treatment outcomes in patients with AF from Science Blog
Mass spec exposes seaweed defences from Chemistry World
Cells get in line from Chemistry World
Double standard in pesticide ban? from Chemistry World
Biocompatible polymers keep the blood flowing from Chemistry World
Torn catalysts help polymers heal themselves from Chemistry World
US funding boost – a threat to EU science? from Chemistry World
New dye design for solar cells from Chemistry World
Did salt lake halogens help cause mass extinction? from Chemistry World
Lab-on-a-tube for brain monitoring from Chemistry World
Dopamine neurons motivate behavior from UPI
Biggest Tornado Chasing Effort Ever Planned from Live Science
Hubble Photographs a Big Ol' Galaxy from
Doctor and Patient: From Medical School to Middle Age from NY Times Health
Ontario doctors urge fast food chains, schools to list calories from CBC: Health
Sask. adopts British program to increase time with patients from CBC: Health
U.S. WWII shipwreck found off Australia's coast from MSNBC: Science
Study Pinpoints Role of Insulin on Glucagon Levels from Newswise - Scinews
Cheap and Efficient White Light LEDs from Newswise - Scinews
'Pain in the ICU' report suggests comprehensive approach from Science Blog
Intervention reduces children's viewing of violent TV from Science Blog
VA/UAB study looks at functional decline in older patients after hospitalization from Science Blog
Carbon Nanotubes Toughen a Common Plastic from Physorg
Nanostructures make birds' bright plumage from UPI
Lowly worms wiggle with style from MSNBC: Science
Support Kenyan researchers to innovate more from SciDev
Atomic quartets spotted in ultracold gas from Physics World
DNA walks the line from Physics World
Study pinpoints role of insulin on glucagon levels from Physorg
Changes take effect in Apple's iTunes prices from Physorg
Oral contraceptives associated with increased risk of lupus from Physorg
Genetic risk factors play role in autoantibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis from Physorg
Intervention reduces children's viewing of violent TV from Physorg
Fat-derived inflammatory factor may explain diseases that come with obesity from Physorg
AP to crack down on websites that copy its news from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientist Has Starquakes on the Brain from Live Science
Scientists to chase tornadoes to learn secrets from AP Science
Patient preferences play role in racial disparities in rheumatoid arthritis treatment from Physorg
New, simple method identifies preterm infants at risk of eye disease from Physorg
Dramatically backlit dust in giant galaxy from Physorg
I'm forever imploding bubbles from Physorg
Earthshine reflects Earth's oceans and continents from the dark side of the moon from Physorg
Not just a long-distance relationship: Immune cells in skin fight off infection better than the rest from Physorg
High-fat diets plus extra protein make for bad mix from Physorg
Cheap, efficient white light LEDs new design from Physorg
New drug shows promising results for psoriatic arthritis from Physorg
Universities plan homeland security study from UPI
Otherworldly Scenes Found on Seafloor from Live Science
8.7 ideas in earthquake prediction from MSNBC: Science
New security and medical sensor devices made possible by metallic nanostructures from Physorg
Acupuncture 'probably ineffective' in treatment of hot flushes from Physorg
Study first ever to show US AIDS Relief program saved a million lives from Physorg
Major breakthrough in transplantation immunity from Physorg
Spitzer looks for prebiotic chemicals from UPI
Weight discrimination could contribute to the glass ceiling effect for women, study finds (w/Video) from Physorg
Biologists use DNA to study migration of threatened whale sharks from Physorg
Is love at first sight real? Geneticists offer tantalizing clues from Physorg
Fluorescent brain cells may guide surgeons from UPI
Cool Stars Have Different Mix of Life-Forming Chemicals from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Applying Newton's Laws of Motion to Baseball Pitching from Newswise - Scinews
Biologists Use DNA to Study Migration of Threatened Whale Sharks from Newswise - Scinews
Brit officials wrestle with cost of cancer drugs from Physorg
Gene therapy appears safe to regenerate gum tissue from Physorg
Nanofarming technology harvest biofuel oils without harming algae from Physorg
Pentagon spends $100 million to fix cyber attacks from Physorg
Scientists to chase tornadoes to learn secrets from Physorg
Can PUMA Really Transform Urban Transportation? from Physorg
Brit officials wrestle with cost of cancer drugs from AP Health
NASA selects Orion heat shield material from UPI
Pentagon Bill To Fix Cyber Attacks: $100M from CBSNews - Science
Applying Newton's Laws of Motion to Baseball Pitching from Physorg
Catheter helps get oxygen to blood when lungs aren't working from Physorg
Go from hobby to money-maker: For freelancers, Web makes fun pursuits pay from Physorg
High tech needs patent reform from Physorg
Empire State Building going green from Physorg
Sony PS3 tops Nintendo Wii in Japan in March: survey from Physorg
Harmful 'red tide' hits Dubai beaches from Physorg
Scientists dismiss earthquake prediction from Reuters:Science
Inbreeding led to deformed bones in wolves from UPI
Back pain evaluation goes beyond how much it hurts from CBC: Health
Prostate drug shows promise in early testing from AP Health
Study shows Brazilian waistlines expanding from AP Health
Google To Publishers: We're Not Evil from CBSNews - Science
Billionaire Space Tourist to Land Wednesday from
Nearby Galaxy Looks Bigger in Infrared from
Bankrupt planet from BBC News: Science & Nature
Quake-prone Italy lags in quake-proofing buildings from AP Science
5 Years After: Portugal's Drug Decriminalization Policy Shows Positive Results from Scientific American
Volcanoes ignite monitoring efforts from News @ Nature
AAPS and FDA Announce Appointment of Research Fellow from Newswise - Scinews
Gene therapy appears safe to regenerate gum tissue from Science Blog
Bridging the gap between wireless sensor networks and the scientists who use them from Science Blog
UIC biologists use DNA to study migration of threatened whale sharks from Science Blog
Journal Chest: April news briefs from Science Blog
Digital album puts focus on kids' health from Physorg
Researchers shine light on compact fluorescent bulb problems from Physorg
ACS announces winners of 'What is Nano?' video contest from Physorg
New neurons update remote memories from Physorg
MEGAMOUTH SHARK PICTURE: Ultra-Rare Shark Found, Eaten from National Geographic
Bird With "Human" Eyes Knows What You're Looking At from National Geographic
Pancreatic cancer biomarkers list created from UPI
Digital model could relaunch one of the world's iconic ships from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pristine land from BBC News: Science & Nature
Open-access policy flourishes at NIH from News @ Nature
NASA Selects Material for Orion Spacecraft Heat Shield from Physorg
Waist size predictor of heart failure in men and women from Harvard Science
Transplanted hands differ in connecting to brain: study from CBC: Technology & Science
Transplanted hands differ in connecting to brain: study from CBC: Health
Manitoba flood officials getting a lift from Alberta air ambulance company from CBC: Health
Male flower parts give grapevine perfume from UPI
Setton Farms pistachios recall expanded from UPI
How space eruptions happen from Physorg
New high-energy cathode material can significantly increase safety, life of lithium batteries from Physorg
Australia to build $38B national broadband network from CBC: Technology & Science
Gapping the bridge from News @ Nature
Scientists pin cacao virus hopes on resistant tree strains from SciDev
Picture This: Digital Album Puts Focus on Kids' Health from Newswise - Scinews
Teaching autistic teens to make friends from Science Blog
New medications show promise in treating drug-resistant prostate cancer from Science Blog
More intense bladder cancer treatment does not improve survival, U-M study finds from Science Blog
Cool Stars Have Different Mix of Life-Forming Chemicals from Physorg
Teaching autistic teens to make friends from Physorg
Hurricane Forecast 2009: 6 Expected in "Average" Season from National Geographic
Six moose die after being tranquilized from UPI
Avastin effective in fighting brain tumors from UPI
For ADHD, It's Better to Teach Skills Than Prescribe Pills, Meta-Analysis Shows from Physorg
Molecular Alignment Gives Monolayers the Edge in Bendable Semiconductor from Physorg
Light Exercise May Aid Some Heart Failure Patients from NY Times Health
Facebook now available 'en bon québécois' from CBC: Technology & Science
Experimental prostate cancer drug shows promise from CBC: Health
Exercise is safe, improves quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure from Science Blog
Study shows Brazilian waistlines expanding from Physorg
Google CEO sees newspaper future in advertising from Physorg
CDC: Mild flu season apparently winding down from AP Health
Norwalk virus abates at Queen Elizabeth II hospital from CBC: Health
N.L. reaches tentative deal with Health and Safety workers from CBC: Health
Exercise Good Even After Heart Failure from Live Science
Electron spin control: A physics triumph from UPI
Earth's Reflection Varies on the Moon from
Cognitive behavior therapy helps older adults with anxiety reduce worry, improve mental health from Physorg
Exercise improves quality of life for heart failure patients from Physorg
Multifocal lung cancers appear to originate from single cancer clone from Physorg
Forecasters predict 6 Atlantic hurricanes for 2009 from Physorg
Prostate drug shows promise in early testing from Physorg
Cable's answer to online's ad success: targeting from Physorg
Group protests Kindle e-reader's read-aloud limits from Physorg
Ride the Beamline to Nuclear Fusion from Live Science
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
CDC: Mild flu season apparently winding down from Physorg
EPA to test air outside schools, but has largely ignoring its peer-reviewed screening tool from Physorg
Researchers discover mechanism of cell type-specific signaling in tumor development from Physorg
Adult brain processes fractions 'effortlessly' from Physorg
Underage drinking laws reduce fatal accidents, saving 732 lives per year from Physorg
More intense bladder cancer treatment does not improve survival from Physorg
A New Tool for Battling Prostate Cancer from Science NOW
Want to Stop Malaria? Target the Geezers from Science NOW
Patented Genes, Animal-Rights Protests, and Japanese Robots in Space from Science NOW
U.S. panel suggests limited approval for antipsychotic drug from CBC: Health
Earthquake Predictions Remain Faulty at Best from Live Science
Rare megamouth shark caught, then eaten from MSNBC: Science
Growth factor TGF-B helps maintain health of retinal blood vessels from Science Blog
FACT CHECK: Do smokers cost society money? from AP Health
The future of 999 from BBC News: Science & Nature
Did a Seismologist Accurately Forecast the L'Aquila Earthquake--Or Was It a Lucky Guess? from Scientific American
Sonar causes rock-concert effect in dolphins from
SPACE PHOTOS THIS WEEK: Blank Sun, Lacy Galaxy, More from National Geographic
PHOTOS: "Jupiter's Ghost," Galaxies Mark Skywatch Event from National Geographic
VIDEO: Arctic Ice Thinner, Smaller from National Geographic
Chimpanzees swap meat for sex from BBC News: Science & Nature
Amazonian reserves have fewer fires from News @ Nature
Climate Change to Cause Major Shifts in Global Wildfire Patterns from Newswise - Scinews
Rhythmic genomics -- the yeast metronome and the walk of life from Biology News Net
Major breakthrough in transplantation immunity from Biology News Net
Not just a long-distance relationship: Immune cells in skin fight off infection better than the rest from Biology News Net
UIC biologists use DNA to study migration of threatened whale sharks from Biology News Net
Has HIV become more virulent? from Biology News Net
Is love at first sight real? Geneticists offer tantalizing clues from Biology News Net
Adult brain processes fractions 'effortlessly' from Biology News Net
For chimps, candy is dandy but steak is quicker from Reuters:Science
Chimps Trade Meat for Sex -- And It Works from National Geographic
Skin cancer now top cancer among young women in UK from AP Health
Male chimps exchange meat for sex from
U.S. plans new government-owned satellites from Reuters:Science
Chimps Barter for Sex from Live Science
China looks to expand stake in stem cell technology from Reuters:Science
New Way To Split Water Into Hydrogen And Oxygen Developed from Science Daily
New Model For Drug Discovery With Fluorescent Anesthetic Demonstrated from Science Daily
New Sensor Ensures Hospitals Are Hygienic By Listening To Collapsing Bubbles from Science Daily
Is Love At First Sight Real? Geneticists Offer Tantalizing Clues from Science Daily
Wild Chimpanzees Exchange Meat For Sex, Researchers Find from Science Daily
Has HIV Become More Virulent? from Science Daily
Poison -- It's What's For Dinner: Hunt Narrows For Genes That Let Packrats Eat Creosote from Science Daily
Climate Change To Spur Rapid Shifts In Wildfire Hotspots, Analysis Finds from Science Daily
Oral Contraceptives Associated With Increased Risk Of Lupus from Science Daily
Fragility Of World's Coral Is Revealed Through Study Of Northwestern Hawaiian Islands from Science Daily
DNA Used To Study Migration Of Threatened Whale Sharks from Science Daily
Exercise Is Safe, Improves Outcomes For Patients With Heart Failure from Science Daily
Going Bananas For Sustainable Research: Scientists Create Fuel From African Crop Waste from Science Daily
Premature Ejaculation Spray Enables Men To Last Six Times Longer After Penetration from Science Daily
Some Underage Drinking Laws Reduce Drinking-and-driving Fatal Crashes Better Than Others from Science Daily
GOCE's Electric Ion Propulsion Engine Switched On from Science Daily
In an ailing economy, the doctor can wait from LA Times - Science
Dust Cover Jettisoned From NASA's Kepler Telescope from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Balancing Hormones May Help Prevent Preterm Births from Science Daily
Light Reveals Breast Tumor Oxygen Status from Science Daily
Better Way To Manufacture Fast Computer Chips Developed from Science Daily
Eye Cells Believed To Be Retinal Stem Cells Are Misidentified from Science Daily
New Images Of Marine Microbe Illuminate Carbon And Nitrogen Fixation from Science Daily
Engineers Develop Method To Disperse Chemically Modified Graphene In Organic Solvents from Science Daily
Mouse Models Of Leukemia That Predict Response To Chemotherapy Developed from Science Daily
Tanzania Study Reopens Debate On Targeting Mosquito Larvae To Control Malaria from Science Daily
Discovery Of Current Spike Phenomenon In Semiconductor Materials Leads To New Understanding Of Nanoscale Plasticity from Science Daily
Science with the stars from MSNBC: Science
Magnetic Vortex Switch Leads to Electric Pulse from Newswise - Scinews