Archive of feed items published on the 6th of October 2009
Los Angeles fast-food restaurant ban unlikely to cut obesity, study finds from Science Blog
News briefs from the October issue of Chest from Science Blog
Continuing racial differences in HIV prevalence in US from Science Blog
Children recruit higher-order brain mechanisms during a numerical comparison task from Science Blog
All Eyes on Nobel Physics Prize from CBSNews - Science
DNA sequencing in a holey new way from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientist reproduces Turin shroud from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ms. Right Stuff: The Lovelace Space Program And The Mercury 13 Women
A New Web Tool to Take Control of Your Health from NY Times Health
In Debate on Health, It’s Coverage vs. Cost from NY Times Health
Health Insurance Exchanges: Will They Work? from NY Times Health
Obama Reaches Past Congress for Health Care Support from NY Times Health
Study Finds Calorie Postings in Restaurants Don’t Change Eating Habits from NY Times Health
3 Americans Share Nobel for Medicine from NY Times Health
Cocaine Vaccine Is Developed, but It Does Not Keep Users From Wanting the Drug from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Health: Schools Selling Fewer Sugary Snacks from NY Times Health
Lee N. Robins dies at 87; pioneer in field of psychiatric epidemiology from LA Times - Science
Vaccines for drug addiction show promise from LA Times - Science
Facelift for Scotland's 'Hubble' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Maldives ministers plan underwater cabinet meeting from BBC News: Science & Nature
Paper pesticide sensor from Chemistry World
To peer inside a living cell from MIT Research
3 Questions: Vincent Lépinay on bankers unleashed from MIT Research
Technology: Represser of the People from CBSNews - Science
Stags locked in 'mortal combat' from BBC News: Science & Nature
- mines online coupons with new aggregator from Physorg
Research points to potential chink in cancer's armor from Physorg
Researchers identify key behavior of immune response to Listeria from Physorg
Los Angeles fast-food restaurant ban unlikely to cut obesity, study finds from Physorg
How should mental, neurological and substance use disorders be treated where resources are scarce? from Physorg
A woman in space from Physorg
Swine flu -- were people in the UK ever really that concerned? from Physorg
High-fat diet impairs muscle health before impacting function from Physorg
A simple way for older adults to assess arterial stiffness: reach for the toes from Physorg
3 share 2009 Nobel Prize in physics from AP Science
Nobel recognises communications from BBC News: Science & Nature
Continuing racial differences in HIV prevalence in US from Physorg
Antibiotic may be new stroke treatment from Physorg
Does work kill in the country of 35-hour week? from Physorg
The Nobel Prize in physics is going to Kao, Boyle and Smith
Three share 2009 Nobel Prize in physics from LA Times - Science
3 share Nobel physics prize from CBC: Technology & Science
Communication pioneers win 2009 physics Nobel from Reuters:Science
American Light Gurus Take Nobel in Physics from CBSNews - Science
3 Americans share Nobel physics prize from MSNBC: Science
The disbelievers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Sun Down: High-Energy Cosmic Rays Reach a Space Age Peak from Scientific American
Downturn is 'climate opportunity' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Plasma Rocket Could Travel to Mars in 39 Days from Physorg
'Masters of light' win Nobel Physics Prize from Physorg
Scientists Try to Debunk Shroud of Turin from CBSNews - Science
Cosmic entropy could be 100 times greater than previously thought from Physorg
Big Japanese brands readying 3D flat-screen TVs from Physorg
Nobel Prize in Physics Goes to Pioneer in Fiber Optics and Inventors of Digital Image Sensor from Scientific American
Dusty seas capture carbon from Science Alert
Self-driving car will get smarter from Physorg
To peer inside a living cell from Physorg
Nerve cells live double lives from Physorg
Bell will sell iPhones next month from CBC: Technology & Science
Bell to launch national high-speed network from CBC: Technology & Science
Costly food hinders nutrition from Science Alert
Chemical from Soil Bacteria Shows Potential Neuron Toxicity; Has Possible Parkinson's Implications from Physorg
Emerson to buy Avocent for $1.2 billion from Physorg
Samsung expects strong 3rd-quarter profit from Physorg
Future diabetes treatment may use resveratrol to target the brain from Science Blog
Ethnic background may be associated with diabetes risk from Science Blog
Hotmail breach reveals passwords for a day from CBC: Technology & Science
Clear fish help brain research from Science Alert
Feature: Linking land clearing to drought and climate change from Science Alert
'Blue Stonehenge' discovered from Physorg
IBM Research Aims to Build Nanoscale DNA Sequencer (w/ Video) from Physorg
Childhood Stress Cuts Life Short, Study Suggests from Live Science
NASA Astronaut Frank Caldeiro, 51, Dies from
FORUM: Where is the New Horizon Probe's 3rd Stage Booster? from
Alcohol changes sleep patterns from Science Alert
'Inverse Energy Cascade' May Energize Jupiter's Jet Streams from Physorg
NASA to honor JFK with moon rock from UPI
Optics pioneers scoop Nobel prize from Physics World
The Internet And Photography: The Nobel Prize In Physics 2009
Considering Free Will: Moral Responsibility
Smoking ban proposed for parks, outdoor rinks from CBC: Health
St. John's detox centre smoking ban criticized from CBC: Health
Hairs control kidney regrowth from Science Alert
Research ensures 50 million vaccinated against deadly brain infection from Physorg
FDA sees no safety issues with Pfizer HIV drug from AP Health
Nobel In Physics: Creators Of Optical Fiber Communication And CCD Image Sensor from Science Daily
Opportunity To Usurp Reproductive Power Of Royal Throne Keeps Worker Termites Home from Science Daily
Parkinson’s Researchers Focus On Chemical From Soil Bacteria from Science Daily
Radical shift proposed for funding European research from News @ Nature
What toys can tell us from News @ Nature
Myths About Diabetes and Diet Persist from Live Science
Lost creatures found again from Science Alert
3 Americans share Nobel physics prize from MSNBC: Science
Crisis point from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists show how hematopoietic stem cell development is regulated from Physorg
FDA sees no safety issues with Pfizer HIV drug from Physorg
Ethnic background may be associated with diabetes risk from Physorg
Verizon Wireless, Google in Android partnership from Physorg
Custom-Tuned Eyesight Is the Latest Trend in Ophthalmology from PopSci
Discovery reported in fight against TB from UPI
Nobel Prize in physics awarded for work with light from
Controversial New Idea Surfaces on Origin of Moon's Water from Live Science
Origin of Komodo Dragon Revealed from Live Science
Controversial New Idea Surfaces on Origin of Moon's Water from
Inflamed passions from BBC News: Science & Nature
Coral bleaching can increase coral disease from UPI
Buried coins key to Roman population mystery? from Science Blog
Homebound termites answer 150-year-old evolution question from Science Blog
For future superconductors, a little bit of lithium may do hydrogen a lot of good from Science Blog
Stereotactic radiosurgery preferred method of treating cancer patients with brain metastases from Science Blog
Eating liquorice in pregnancy may affect a child's IQ and behavior from Science Blog
Research ensures 50 million vaccinated against deadly brain infection from Science Blog
Communicating person to person through the power of thought alone from Science Blog
Study shows how to lower costs, waiting times for colonoscopies from Science Blog
3 Americans win Nobel in physics from LA Times - Science
MINI-STONEHENGE PICTURES: Prehistoric Crematorium? from National Geographic
Rich circus man says space trip worth $35 million from AP Science
New Stonehenge Find a "Domain of the Dead" from CBSNews - Science
Did Viacom Find YouTube's smoking gun? from CBSNews - Science
‘Unique’ dinosaur footprints discovered from MSNBC: Science
Stereotactic radiosurgery preferred method of treating cancer patients with brain metastases from Physorg
Study shows how to lower costs, waiting times for colonoscopies from Physorg
Communicating person to person through the power of thought alone (w/ Video) from Physorg
Eating liquorice in pregnancy may affect a child's IQ and behavior from Physorg
GTRI is developing protocols for testing effects of RFID systems on medical devices from Physorg
Kill Joy
Scientists develop a 'soil dipstick' from UPI
Room for Debate: America Takes On Swine Flu from NY Times Health
Name That Atom Smasher from NY Times Science
Cocaine Vaccine May Help Some Reduce Drug Use from Science Daily
Solving The Period Problem: Researchers Develop Sanitary Pads From Local, Organic Materials from Science Daily
Extremely Preterm Infants Receive More Treatments, But Are No More Likely To Survive Than In Previous Decade from Science Daily
Panama Butterfly Migrations Linked To El Niño, Climate Change from Science Daily
Drivers With Parkinson's Disease At Higher Risk Of Crashes In Low Visibility from Science Daily
Brain-Computer Interface Allows Person-to-person Communication Through Power Of Thought from Science Daily
Air Pollution Worse On One Side Of The Street from Science Daily
Research Points To Potential Chink In Cancer's Armor from Science Daily
Silver Nanoparticles Give Polymer Solar Cells A Boost from Science Daily
Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy Associated With Some Adverse Outcomes In Newborns from Science Daily
Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to light pioneers from News @ Nature
Radical shift proposed for funding European research from News @ Nature
Tsunami Maker from Live Science
Camera Components Win Physics Nobel from Live Science
Google: We Paid $1B Premium for YouTube from CBSNews - Science
New catalyst for propene oxidation from Chemistry World
Taking fleas for a spin from Chemistry World
Instant insight: Making synthetic cells from Chemistry World
Genetically Engineered Bacteria To Mine For Gold from PopSci
Firm sought for N.B. radiology review from CBC: Health
New test cuts dairy antibiotic use in half from CBC: Health
First European commander of the International Space Station – media opportunity from European Space Agency
Man-Made Activities Affect Blue Haze (w/ Video) from Physorg
Oropharyngeal cancer patients experience post-surgery sleep apnea from Physorg
Nobel Awarded for Advances in Harnessing Light from NY Times Science
100th anti-retroviral drug is approved from UPI
Nobel Prize in Physics Goes to "Masters of Light" from National Geographic
BPA in womb linked to aggression in girls from CBC: Health
Arctic sea ice recovers slightly in 2009, remains on downward trend from Physorg
Dirty stars make good solar system hosts (w/ Video) from Physorg
Rich circus man says space trip worth $35 million from Physorg
Nonallergic rhinitis symptoms more severe than allergic rhinitis
CGIAR reforms make research decision-making distant from SciDev
Eating Licorice In Pregnancy May Affect A Child's IQ And Behavior from Science Daily
New Method Predicts Dropping Out Of University from Science Daily
Fight Diabetic Non-Healing Wounds Lying Down from Science Daily
Are You At Risk For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? from Science Daily
Traumatic Childhood Might Take Years Off Adult Life from Science Daily
Prenatal Exposure To BPA Might Explain Aggressive Behavior In Some 2-Year-old Girls from Science Daily
Just A Yoctosecond: Shortest Flashes From Ultra-hot Matter from Science Daily
Major Irish River Now 'Wired' To Detect Pollution Incidents from Science Daily
Seaweed 'Super-Food' Flavoring Ingredients In Development By Irish Company from Science Daily
Rocket Smash Could Find Moon’s Water Ice, Expert Says from Science Daily
Nobel Prize In Physics from C&EN
Dow-Funded Dioxin Study Of Limited Value from C&EN
Preventing allergies from Physorg
Do dust particles curb climate change? from Physorg
Researchers identify better laser for treating facial spider veins from Physorg
Toyota unveils 'green' sports car from Physorg
New findings about brain proteins suggest possible way to fight Alzheimer's from Physorg
Come on in: Nuclear barrier less restrictive than expected in new cells from Physorg
New analyzers to unlock mineral value from Physorg
Future diabetes treatment may use resveratrol to target the brain from Physorg
Science Confirms the Obvious from PopSci
MicroRNA drives cells' adaptation to low-oxygen living from Physorg
Researchers find demand for cosmetic procedures in dermatologic surgery rising rapidly
Keeping children safe: Rethinking design
Bizarre new horned tyrannosaur from Asia described
Swine flu - were people in the UK ever really that concerned?
Higher folates, not antioxidants, can reduce hearing loss risk in men
Nose job recipients may want to consider chin augmentation as well
Smart lenses make spectacles accessible to millions from SciDev
Driving on Glass? Inventor Hopes to Lay Down Solar Roads from Scientific American
Oropharyngeal cancer patients experience post-surgery sleep apnea from Science Blog
Electrosurgical devices, lasers cited as most common igniters of operating room fires from Science Blog
Could antioxidants make us more, not less, prone to diabetes? Study says yes from Science Blog
MicroRNA drives cells' adaptation to low-oxygen living from Science Blog
Come on in: Nuclear barrier less restrictive than expected in new cells from Science Blog
Arctic sea ice recovers slightly in 2009, remains on downward trend, says U. of Colorado report from Science Blog
New findings about brain proteins suggest possible way to fight Alzheimer's from Science Blog
ACPM recommends primary care have systems in place for screening and treating depression from Science Blog
231 new genes ID'd in head, neck cancer from UPI
Gene controls number of brain cells from UPI
Scientists find cause of familial chordoma from UPI
Federal Complaint Targets DuPont Researcher from C&EN
Circus Billionaire Says Space Trip Worth Every Penny from
Dino footprints enter record books from Physorg
Major discovery opens door to leishmania treatment from Physorg
Genetic mutation a strong indicator of age-related hearing loss risk from Physorg
Scientists pinpoint breast cancer 'guard' gene from Physorg
Sand dunes reveal unexpected dryness during heavy monsoon from Physorg
A new method predicts dropping out of university from Physorg
Prostate Cancer Treated Using Microfluidics Technology from Physorg
Threat of next world war may be in cyberspace: UN from Physorg
Microsoft unveils line of Windows phones from Physorg
ACPM recommends primary care have systems in place for screening and treating depression from Physorg
Oropharyngeal cancer patients experience post-surgery sleep apnea from Science Blog
Electrosurgical devices, lasers cited as most common igniters of operating room fires from Science Blog
Could antioxidants make us more, not less, prone to diabetes? Study says yes from Science Blog
MicroRNA drives cells' adaptation to low-oxygen living from Science Blog
Come on in: Nuclear barrier less restrictive than expected in new cells from Science Blog
Arctic sea ice recovers slightly in 2009, remains on downward trend, says U. of Colorado report from Science Blog
New findings about brain proteins suggest possible way to fight Alzheimer's from Science Blog
ACPM recommends primary care have systems in place for screening and treating depression from Science Blog
To Save Forests, Think Blue And Not Just Green
Too Many Antioxidants, More Diabetes?
Telephone depression program offers benefits at a moderate cost
Depression predicts increases in inflammatory protein linked to heart disease
Continuing racial differences in HIV prevalence in US
Tracing ultra-fine dust
Going Green On Hold: Human Activities Can Affect 'Blue Haze,' World's Weather from Science Daily
Dirty Stars Make Good Solar System Hosts from Science Daily
New Findings About Brain Proteins Suggest Possible Way To Fight Alzheimer's from Science Daily
Arctic Sea Ice Recovers Slightly In 2009, Remains On Downward Trend from Science Daily
Come On In: Nuclear Barrier Less Restrictive Than Expected In New Cells from Science Daily
MicroRNA Drives Cells' Adaptation To Low-oxygen Living from Science Daily
Could Antioxidants Make Us More, Not Less, Prone To Diabetes? Study Says Yes from Science Daily
Eleven Genetic Variations Linked To Type 2 Diabetes from Science Daily
How Soy Reduces Diabetes Risk from Science Daily
Could antioxidants make us more, not less, prone to diabetes? Study says yes from Physorg
Keeping DNA 'all in the family' from Physorg
New research brings 'invisible' into view (w/ Video) from Physorg
Study: Perceptions might often kick a player when they are down from Physorg
Maize study may help improve crop yields from UPI
Men And Hearing Loss: Do We Just Rock Harder Or Are We Too Stupid To Turn Down The Volume?
Hypertension and diabetes are concern in long-term care of liver transplant patients
Iron regulates the TLR4 inflammatory signalling pathway
Antidepressant use during pregnancy associated with some adverse outcomes in newborns
Many childhood cancer survivors have uncomplicated pregnancies, healthy babies
Psychiatric symptoms may predict Internet addiction in adolescents
Drought-hardy maize ready for field trials from SciDev
Teens too open online: privacy watchdog from CBC: Technology & Science
First NASA Astronaut on Twitter Tops a Million Followers from Physorg
Juggling Video Highlights Breast Cancer Screening from Physorg
Ultrasound Used for Better Breeding in Sheep from Physorg
IBM Creates DNA-Sequencing Microchips In Race To The $1000 Genome from PopSci
Drivers of convertibles may be at risk for noise-induced hearing loss from Science Blog
Genetic mutation a strong indicator of age-related hearing loss risk from Science Blog
High-sensitivity bone marrow aspiration technology enhances leukemia cell detection from Science Blog
Physical activity in adolescence associated with decreased risk of brain cancer in adulthood from Science Blog
Keeping DNA 'all in the family' from Science Blog
Potential leap forward in electron microscopy from Science Blog
New chemo cocktail blocks breast cancer like a strong fence from Science Blog
A new method predicts dropping out of university from Science Blog
Trackway Analysis Shows How Dinosaurs Coped With Slippery Slopes from Science Daily
Do Dust Particles Curb Climate Change? from Science Daily
New Chemo Cocktail Blocks Breast Cancer Like A Strong Fence from Science Daily
Sand Dunes Reveal Unexpected Dryness During Heavy Monsoon from Science Daily
Major Discovery Opens Door To Leishmania Treatment from Science Daily
Mediterranean diet tied to lower depression risk from CBC: Health
White House to Throw Star Party Wednesday from
Origin of Komodo dragon revealed from MSNBC: Science
400-year-old law books returning to Germany from MSNBC: Science
Physical activity in adolescence associated with decreased risk of brain cancer in adulthood from Physorg
Electrosurgical devices, lasers cited as most common igniters of operating room fires from Physorg
IBM Researchers Develop Analytics Technology For Telecommunications Industry from Physorg
Enzyme may be a key to Alzheimer's-related cell death from Physorg
Gene linked with infertility in mice from UPI
Shuttle Atlantis to move to its launch pad from UPI
IBM developing nanoscale DNA sequencer from UPI
Drivers of convertibles may be at risk for noise-induced hearing loss from Science Blog
Genetic mutation a strong indicator of age-related hearing loss risk from Science Blog
High-sensitivity bone marrow aspiration technology enhances leukemia cell detection from Science Blog
Physical activity in adolescence associated with decreased risk of brain cancer in adulthood from Science Blog
Keeping DNA 'all in the family' from Science Blog
Potential leap forward in electron microscopy from Science Blog
New chemo cocktail blocks breast cancer like a strong fence from Science Blog
A new method predicts dropping out of university from Science Blog
With Campus Visits, Defense Agency Director Hopes to Renew Ties from NY Times Science
Drivers with Parkinson's disease at higher risk of crashes in low visibility
Men nearly 3 times as likely to develop noise-induced hearing loss
New recommendations on hoarseness for primary care physicians
Regional variations in rhinosinusitis shows southerners, women most frequent outpatients
Physicists seek to keep next-gen colliders in 1 piece
Multivisceral transplant survival rates improve with new treatment
First direct information about the prion's molecular structure reported
Israeli police nab 2 for vandalizing ancient site from MSNBC: Science
Outreach van makes sex trade workers safer: research from Physorg
Plesiosaur a victim of shark attack from Physorg
Black Holes Go 'Mano a Mano' from Physorg
Tiger rescue highlights poaching threat in Malaysia from Physorg
Invisible hand in invisible matter from Physorg
Nanoparticles give solar cells a boost from UPI
How will future sea-level rise linked to climate change affect coastal areas?
'Treason' by immune system cells aids growth of multiple myeloma
Colour sensors for better vision
And the beat goes on: Scientists jump-start the heart by gene transfer
Air pollution may trigger appendicitis
Inventive combination of research approaches identifies new target for treating leukaemia
Antibiotic may be new stroke treatment
How does a worm build a throat? from Harvard Science
Goal Posts Appear Smaller After Kicker Misses from Live Science
Israeli police nab 2 for vandalizing ancient site from MSNBC: Science
Climate Change Triggered Dwarfism in Soil-Dwelling Creatures of the Past from Physorg
Facebook measuring the mood in the US from Physorg
The International Space Station-- Gone By 2016?
Microsoft launches cellphone software from CBC: Technology & Science
How to Watch NASA's Probe Smack the Moon Friday from
FORUM: Can Meteors Split in Two? from
New Vaccine May Immunize Addicts from Cocaine's Pleasurable Effects from Scientific American
Study shows performance affects perception from UPI
Researchers discover novel circulation in human eye, new glaucoma treatment target
Closing race, poverty and gender gaps in advanced high school course-taking
Violent upbringing may lead to domestic violence
Mutated FGFR4 protein helps a childhood cancer spread
Cocaine vaccine may help some reduce drug use
Mediterranean diet associated with reduced risk of depression
Study examines interventions for extremely preterm infants
18th Century Ships' Logs Predict Future Weather Forecast from Science Daily
Novel Breast Tissue Feature May Predict Woman's Cancer Risk from Science Daily
Scientists Find New Way To Classify Gastric Cancers from Science Daily
Renewable Hydrogen Production Becomes Reality At Winery from Science Daily
Keeping Children Safe: Rethinking Design from Science Daily
New Drug Aims To 'Seek And Destroy' Many Types Of Cancer from Science Daily
Body's Circadian Rhythm Tightly Entwined With Blood Sugar Control from Science Daily
Violent Upbringing May Lead To Domestic Violence from Science Daily
Nissan Leaf electric car to hit B.C. in 2011 from CBC: Technology & Science
U.S. counters H1N1 vaccine concerns from CBC: Health
Michigan hospital launches gene therapy study for Parkinson's disease from Physorg
Creators of CCDs and Fiber Optics Win 2009 Nobel Prize In Physics from PopSci
Study links consciousness with muscles from UPI
UBC researchers identify key behaviour of immune response to Listeria
Where religious belief and disbelief meet
Light shed on the secret behind probiotic bacteria promoting health
DNA test could be key to targeting treatments for head and neck cancer
Asthmatic children: Did mom use her pump during pregnancy?
Breast reconstruction varies by race, U-M study finds
Volcanoes Wiped Out All Forests 250 Million Years Ago from National Geographic
Bill would counter Supreme Court age bias ruling from AP Science
AES wind farm kicks off in Bulgaria from Physorg
Antarctic expedition studies survival strategies of Weddell seals from Physorg
Places to play, but 'stranger danger' fears keep inner-city kids home from Physorg
Novel polymer delivers genetic medicine, allows tracking from Physorg
Researchers fine-tune diffuse optical tomography for breast cancer screening from Physorg
Cooperative design shaves chip-making costs -- a boost for Europe's bottom line from Physorg
Premier strikes committee on Alberta Hospital bed closures from CBC: Health
Hire 3rd surgeon or N.L. patients will suffer: MDs from CBC: Health
Video: Space Camera Less Than $150 from CBSNews - Science
Doorstep Astronomy: The Moon and a Star Cluster from
Genetic variation of enzyme linked with outcomes for women receiving tamoxifen from Physorg
High-sensitivity bone marrow aspiration technology enhances leukemia cell detection from Physorg
Islands of Life Across Space and Time from Physorg
Water scarcity will create global security concerns from Physorg
Telepathy on the Horizon: New Interface Allows Brain-to-Brain Communication from PopSci
Body's circadian rhythm tightly entwined with blood sugar control
Study links electronic health records to improved quality in primary care treatment
Protein helps cells duplicate correctly, avoid becoming cancer
How should mental, neurological disorders be treated where resources are scarce?
Acidic clouds nourish world's oceans
Research gives new meaning to 'green' cross code
Los Angeles fast-food restaurant ban unlikely to cut obesity, study finds
Panama butterfly migrations linked to El Nino, climate change
Stanford analyses of flu pandemics project savings from earlier vaccinations
Vancouver-made game shines at PlayStation showcase from CBC: Technology & Science
Study examines use of clinical and cost-effectiveness data for drug coverage decisions from Physorg
Modern 'House Call' is Cost-Effective Model for Improving Blood Pressure from Physorg
Casting light on social blame from Physorg
UIC Researchers Probe Computer 'Commonsense Knowledge' from Physorg
How does a worm build a throat? Tackling the 'organ formation puzzle' from Physorg
Can Nanotubes Help Your Garden Grow? from Physorg
Milk protein supplement may help prevent sepsis in very low birth-weight infants from Physorg
If only the weeds would keep their genes to themselves from Physorg
New tracer for better melanoma image from Physorg
Study examines use of clinical and cost-effectiveness data for drug coverage decisions from Science Blog
Novel polymer delivers genetic medicine, allows tracking from Science Blog
Michigan hospital launches gene therapy study for Parkinson's disease from Science Blog
Arctic Sea ice extent is third lowest on record from Science Blog
U of A researcher has rare evidence of dinosaur cannibalism from Science Blog
Climate change triggered dwarfism in soil-dwelling creatures of the past from Science Blog
Ancient China's sand dunes reveal unexpected dryness during heavy monsoon rains from Science Blog
Models begin to unravel how single DNA strands combine from Science Blog
Study: Body posture affects confidence in your own thoughts
Novel breast tissue feature may predict woman's cancer risk
High-fat diet impairs muscle health before impacting function
The high cost of treating alcohol-impaired drivers
Enhanced stem cells promote tissue regeneration
Police sketch artist evolves
Silver nanoparticles give polymer solar cells a boost
Renewable hydrogen production becomes reality at winery
Alfalfa sprouts key to discovering how meandering rivers form and maintain
Wistar researchers identify gene that regulates breast cancer metastasis
Bill would counter Supreme Court age bias ruling from Physorg
NASA Invites Young People to Take Virtual Space Station Spacewalks from Physorg
New treatment more than doubles survival for high risk childhood leukemia from Physorg
Largest known planetary ring discovered from
Future Medicine - 'Closed' Heart Surgery Using Gene Therapy
Trackway analysis shows how dinosaurs coped with slippery slopes from Physorg
CDC: Spray is here; swine flu shots come next week from Physorg
Amazon, Apple, Google, Yahoo! targeted in patent case from Physorg
Where's the next boom? Maybe in 'cleantech' from Physorg
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Lack of Internet access and interest in Lima from SciDev
AT&T allowing Skype iPhone calls over cell network from CBC: Technology & Science
2009 Physics Nobel Winners See the Big Picture from Science NOW
Mystery Solved: The Dark Side of a Moon from Science NOW
One Planet, Two Parents? from Science NOW
The Fall of the Maya: 'They Did it to Themselves' from Science @ NASA
Alberta researchers study rock snot from CBC: Technology & Science
Ont. health minister resigns from CBC: Health
Genome sequence published for important biofuels yeast from Science Blog
New guidelines for incorporating spirituality in end-of-life care from Science Blog
Large-scale cousin of elusive 'magnetic monopoles' found at NIST from Science Blog
For safer emergencies, give your power generator some space from Science Blog
How To Evolve A Pandemic Flu Virus
Cosmic Log: Do a Nobel experiment from MSNBC: Science
Drivers of convertibles may be at risk for noise-induced hearing loss from Physorg
Draft NIST report on Cowboys facility collapse released for comment from Physorg
Genome sequence published for important biofuels yeast from Physorg
Large-scale cousin of elusive 'magnetic monopoles' found from Physorg
CDF Kisses Another New Physics Effect Bye-Bye
Volcanic eruptions may have thawed ice age from MSNBC: Science
Change Passwords to Thwart Phishing Scams from CBSNews - Science
Food habits of the poor unchanged by NY calories law: study from Physorg
For safer emergencies, give your power generator some space from Physorg
Bell's palsy: Study calls for rethink of cause and treatment from Science Blog
Promising results for rapid viral diagnosis tests in emergency rooms from Science Blog
Heart disease: B-vitamin pills have no effect from Science Blog
Area-wide traffic calming improves safety -- but will it work in low- and middle-income countries? from Science Blog
Chinese herbal medicines for preventing diabetes in high risk people from Science Blog
Stress urinary incontinence: Minimally invasive operations as effective as open surgery from Science Blog
Health in low-income countries: Outsourcing and cash incentives may help from Science Blog
Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis work, but which is best? from Science Blog
Darwin's brightest hour from MSNBC: Science
New computer security guide can help safeguard your small business (w/ Video) from Physorg
Heart disease: B-vitamin pills have no effect from Physorg
Bell's palsy: Study calls for rethink of cause and treatment from Physorg
Bell's palsy: Study calls for rethink of cause and treatment from Science Blog
Promising results for rapid viral diagnosis tests in emergency rooms from Science Blog
Heart disease: B-vitamin pills have no effect from Science Blog
Area-wide traffic calming improves safety -- but will it work in low- and middle-income countries? from Science Blog
Chinese herbal medicines for preventing diabetes in high risk people from Science Blog
Stress urinary incontinence: Minimally invasive operations as effective as open surgery from Science Blog
Health in low-income countries: Outsourcing and cash incentives may help from Science Blog
Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis work, but which is best? from Science Blog
AT&T to expand Internet calling services on iPhone from Physorg
New biologic drug is effective against rheumatoid arthritis from Physorg
Communication pioneers win 2009 physics Nobel from Reuters:Science
Study: Endangered AK beluga whale group declining from AP Science
Study: 2 million babies and mothers die at birth from AP Health
New coastland map could help strengthen sea defenses from Physorg
Floating House Makes Debut in New Orleans from CBSNews - Science
Lung stolen from exhibit of human cadavers from MSNBC: Science
Fewer hikers means less support for conservation, study says from Science Blog
Flu widespread in most of U.S. from LA Times - Science
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope Discovers Largest Ring Around Saturn from Science Daily
Albatross Camera Reveals Fascinating Feeding Interaction With Killer Whale from Science Daily
New Biologic Drug Is Effective Against Rheumatoid Arthritis from Science Daily
Wildlife As A Source For Livestock Infections from Science Daily
To Peer Inside A Living Cell: Quantum Mechanics Could Help Build Ultra-high-resolution Electron Microscopes from Science Daily
Perceptions Might Often Kick A Player When They Are Down from Science Daily
DNA Test Could Be Key To Targeting Treatments For Head And Neck Cancer from Science Daily
New Analyzers To Unlock Mineral Value from Science Daily
Rare Evidence Of Dinosaur Cannibalism: Meat-Eater Tooth Found In Gorgosaurus Jawbone from Science Daily
Growing Greener Greens: Research Could 'Biofortify' Cabbages And Their Relatives from Science Daily
Models Begin To Unravel How Single DNA Strands Combine from Science Daily
Protein Helps Cells Duplicate Correctly, Avoid Becoming Cancer from Science Daily
High-sensitivity Bone Marrow Aspiration Technology Enhances Leukemia Cell Detection from Science Daily
Why Did Cowboys Facility Collapse? from Science Daily
Physical Activity In Adolescence Associated With Decreased Risk Of Brain Cancer In Adulthood from Science Daily
'Closed Heart Surgery': Scientists Jump-start The Heart By Gene Transfer from Science Daily
Gene That Regulates Breast Cancer Metastasis Identified from Science Daily
Filming Photons, One Million Times A Second from Science Daily
Drivers Of Convertibles May Be At Risk For Noise-induced Hearing Loss from Science Daily
Climate Change Triggered Dwarfism In Soil-dwelling Creatures Of The Past from Science Daily
Fruit Juices Contain More Vitamin C Than Their Labels Indicate, Spanish Study Finds from Science Daily
High-efficiency Low-cost Silicon Solar Cell Demonstrated from Science Daily
Child Burn Injuries Down Significantly from Science Daily
NASA telescope discovers giant ring around Saturn from AP Science
Lack of retail grocery competition impacts Australians' health from Physorg
Conservation Conundrum - Discouraging Sportsmen Has Meant Less Money For Conservation
Breeding Super-Hygienic Bees to Take the Offensive in Colony Collapse Fight from PopSci
John Wild, 95, a Developer of Ultrasound in Cancer Diagnoses, Dies from NY Times Science
Swine Flu Vaccinations Start as Officials Attack Myths from NY Times Health
In Schools, New Rules on Snacks for Sale from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Washington: Airlines Ordered to Test and Disinfect Onboard Water from NY Times Health
4 Senators’ Concerns Reflect Health Care Challenge from NY Times Health
John Wild, 95, a Developer of Ultrasound in Cancer Diagnoses, Dies from NY Times Health
Pentagon Research Director Visits Universities in Bid to Re-energize Partnerships from NY Times Health
European Court Sides With Drug Companies Over Pricing Matter from NY Times Health