Archive of feed items published on the 28th of August 2008
Britain's happiest places mapped from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gene therapy 'may repair hearing' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Irrigation boost for Malawi farms from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brazil delays Indian land ruling from BBC News: Science & Nature
Emblem in danger from BBC News: Science & Nature
Oil bonanza? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Wednesday's Sports Scoreboard from AP Health
'Social injustice killing on grand scale': report to WHO from CBC: Health
Thailand puts big money into nanoscience from SciDev
China too must confront obesity from SciDev
New tropical depression forms over Atlantic from Reuters:Science
Antidepressants need new nerve cells to be effective from Physorg
Family are forced out of their Essex home by spider from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tom Feilden blog from BBC News: Science & Nature
New media army descends on convention from Physorg
Futuristic fridges invade Berlin consumer electronics show from Physorg
Purdue reprimands fusion scientist for misconduct from Physorg
Blogger arrested over leak of Guns N' Roses songs from Physorg
Tropical Storm Gustav shifts track slightly from Reuters:Science
Putting the Jelly in the Space Donut from Live Science
Putting the Jelly in the Space Donut from
Drilling Down to Alien Oceans from
"Major Leap" In Medical Cell Research from CBSNews - Science
Drilling Down to Alien Oceans from Live Science
Feature: Climate code red - the case for emergency action from Science Alert
Arctic ice 'is at tipping point' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Live Architecture: Grow Your Own Home from Live Science
Cluster watches Earth’s leaky atmosphere from European Space Agency
Quake swarm rocks West Coast's ocean depths from CBC: Technology & Science
Viagra might prevent heart attack, stroke from UPI
Sony to launch world's slimmest 40-inch LCD TV from Physorg
Doggy joggers: Tips for taking Rover on your run from CBC: Health
10 Species You Can Kiss Goodbye from Live Science
Protection Zones In The Wrong Place To Prevent Coral Reef Collapse from Science Daily
Findings Challenge Common Practice Regarding Glucose Control For Critically Ill Patients from Science Daily
Proteins Have Controlled Motions, Researcher Shows from Science Daily
Study Reveals Gap In HIV Testing Knowledge Among College Students from Science Daily
One Form Of Adult Mouse Cell Transformed Directly Into Another; Insulin-producing Cells Created from Science Daily
Recent Advances Make Cervical Cancer Control In Developing World Feasible For First Time from Science Daily
Incidence Of Intestinal Parasite Coccidia Is Increasing In Broilers from Science Daily
Research Ethics Committees Identify And Correct Problems In Applications To Do Cancer Trials from Science Daily
Researchers Provide Solution To World’s Worst Mass Poisoning Case from Science Daily
Why Transplanted Insulin Cells Die from Science Daily
Multinational Oceanographic Cruises To Study Climate Change In The Mediterranean & Black Sea from Science Daily
Antidepressants Need New Nerve Cells To Be Effective, Researchers Find from Science Daily
Recent Advances Make Cervical Cancer Control In Developing World Feasible For First Time from Science Daily
New Guideline On Diagnosis And Treatment Of Primary Aldosteronism from Science Daily
HIV Patients At Greater Risk For Bone Fractures from Science Daily
HIV patients at greater risk for bone fractures from Physorg
Renowned HIV Expert, Laura Ann Guay, MD, Accepts Dual Appointment from Newswise - Scinews
Expert Contributors Sought to Expand Database on Materials for Medical Devices from Newswise - Scinews
Gustav to become 'powerful hurricane': forecasters from CBC: Technology & Science
Origin of Nerves Traced to Sponges from Live Science
Armpit Screens Are The Pits from Live Science
Chemist Conjured Exciting Experiment at Age 10 from Live Science
Opinion: Equity and morality in food and technology - biofuels or food? from Science Alert
Gold mines could save cockatoos from Science Alert
Vines prove Lisa Simpson wrong from Science Alert
Sanctuaries "may not save corals" from Science Alert
Youth prefer blogging to voting from Science Alert
New distraction leaves pain behind from Science Alert
Feature: Fencing wire and mirrors - the world of the national energy system from Science Alert
Arctic ice on the verge of another all-time low from European Space Agency
Pre-Incan female Wari mummy unearthed in Peru from Reuters:Science
Gustav weakens after slamming Haiti as hurricane from Reuters:Science
Human exoskeleton suit helps paralyzed people walk from Reuters:Science
Infections may cause many premature births: study from Reuters:Science
Tests clear way for "Big Bang" experiment from Reuters:Science
Monkeys experience joy of giving, too, study finds from Reuters:Science
Deer, cattle have true animal magnetism: study from Reuters:Science
NY nuclear plant likely a quake risk: study from Reuters:Science
Fay weakens to depression after drenching Florida from Reuters:Science
Tropical storm Julio hits Mexico's Baja California from Reuters:Science
Samuel Kou appointed professor of statistics from Harvard Science
Swiss 3-D system aids weather forecasting from UPI
Babbling Baby Bats from Live Science
Funeral to be held for suspected listeriosis victim as recall widens from CBC: Health
Cluster Watches Earth's Leaky Atmosphere from Science Daily
Student-designed Device To Help Poor East Africans Coax Oil From Coconuts from Science Daily
Variations Of Rare Lung Disease Examined from Science Daily
Tiny 3-D Ultrasound Probe Guides Catheter Procedures from Science Daily
Cystic Fibrosis: Engineered Proteins Can 'Bypass' Genetic Defect from Science Daily
Risk Of Repeat Attacks In Heart Patients Causes Concern For Doctors from Science Daily
Study Says Eyes Evolved for X-Ray Vision from Newswise - Scinews
Why Do Lizards Do Push-Ups? from Live Science
No plans to change Ontario meat inspection: minister from CBC: Health
Ottawa woman joins listeria lawsuit after month-long illness from CBC: Health
Fewer young Islanders lighting up: survey from CBC: Health
Rains revive prehistoric shrimp from BBC News: Science & Nature
Apple's Steve Jobs Caught In Obituary Oops from CBSNews - Science
Purdue sanctions professor for misconduct from UPI
Variation of normal protein could be key to resistance to common cancer drug from Physorg
Research Ethics Committees identify and correct problems in applications to do cancer trials from Physorg
Risk of repeat attacks in heart patients causes concern for doctors from Physorg
Jumping for joy... and stronger bones from Physorg
Study says eyes evolved for X-Ray vision from Physorg
Two-For-One Catalyst from C&EN
ATSDR Confirms Cancer Cluster from C&EN
'Single-Crystal' Superconductors are a Big Step for the Field from Physorg
Tiny 3-D ultrasound probe guides catheter procedures from Physorg
Reborn retail site fires salvo in shipping war from Physorg
Lebanon launches campaign to counter fake drugs from SciDev
Cafe Scientifique Pittsburgh! from Science Blog
Series Of Quakes Shaking Up B.C. Coast from CBSNews - Science
New microwaveable ceramic material created from UPI
New concepts in contraception from Biology News Net
Chronic stress alters our genetic immune response from Biology News Net
No-take zones offer no boost for bleached reefs from Biology News Net
Protection zones in the wrong place to prevent coral reef collapse from Biology News Net
Protein misprediction uncovered by new technique from Biology News Net
Research examines variations of rare lung disease from Biology News Net
Study of islands reveals surprising extinction results from Biology News Net
UBC scientist unveils secret of newborn's first words from Biology News Net
Study points to potential new use for Viagra from Biology News Net
How does bluetongue virus survive through the winter? from Biology News Net
Study: DNA barcoding in danger of 'ringing up' wrong species from Biology News Net
Yerkes researchers find monkeys enjoy giving to others from Biology News Net
'Perfect pitch' in humans far more prevalent than expected from Biology News Net
State's first single incision robotic kidney removal from Biology News Net
Saving lives through smarter hurricane evacuations from Physorg
Immaterial display allows viewers to handle 3D images in air from Physorg
Live architecture: Grow your own home from MSNBC: Science
Change in South Africa medicines approval 'unscientific' from SciDev
Unexpected large monkey population discovered from Science Blog
Endangered Species Act Proposal Called Bad Science from Live Science
Giant Clams Fed Early Humans from Live Science
Rocket Racing League Tests New Engine from
Ceramic material revs up microwaving from Physorg
Researchers provide solution to world's worst mass poisoning case from Physorg
New giant clam species offers window into human past from Physorg
Unexpected large monkey population discovered from Physorg
Scientists discover why flies are so hard to swat from Physorg
Arctic ice on the verge of another all-time low from Physorg
Common treatment to delay labor decreases preterm infants' risk for cerebral palsy from Physorg
Class of diabetes drugs carries significant cardiovascular risks from Physorg
TMS Prepares for Record-Breaking Annual Meeting from Newswise - Scinews
Unexpected Large Monkey Population Discovered from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Find Oil Leak Threatening Chuuk Lagoon from Newswise - Scinews
Studies Question Health Benefit of Post-Exercise Meals from Newswise - Scinews
Blogger Arrested Over Guns N' Roses Leak from CBSNews - Science
FAA Slammed For Software Glitch Delays from CBSNews - Science
U.N. Makes Headway In Climate Talks from CBSNews - Science
Did Hillary Mean It? from CBSNews - Science
Arctic Ice At 2nd-Lowest Level On Record from CBSNews - Science
Potential type 1 diabetes therapy studied from UPI
Report Hits Safety Board from C&EN
First Light from Space Telescope Reveals Gamma-Ray Sky from Scientific American
On a Wing and Low Air: The Surprising Way Wind Turbines Kill Bats from Scientific American
Not-So-Permafrost: Big Thaw of Arctic Soil May Unleash Runaway Warming from Scientific American
Moo North: Cattle and Deer May Sense Earth's Magnetic Field from Scientific American
How Puzzling Stars Formed near Galactic Black Hole from Scientific American
Could We Lose Weight by Injecting Fat into Our Bellies? from Scientific American
Drilling for Hot Rocks: Google Sinks Cash into Advanced Geothermal Technology from Scientific American
Like the Taste of Chalk? You're in Luck--Humans May Be Able to Taste Calcium from Scientific American
Fewer April Showers for U.S. Southwest as Climate Changes from Scientific American
If You Use the Web, You May Have Already Been Enlisted as a Human Scanner from Scientific American
Body May Reject Transplanted Human Embryonic Stem Cells from Scientific American
Using a Poison to Turn Sunlight into Food from Scientific American
Bigfoot Press Conference Yields Little Evidence, Lots of Scorn from Scientific American
Antibody Drug Unleashes Tumor-Killer T Cells from Scientific American
Oceanic Dead Zones Continue to Spread from Scientific American
Could Next-Gen Cell Phones Interrupt a Football Game? from Scientific American
The 2003 Northeast Blackout--Five Years Later from Scientific American
Making a Solar Cell Component without Using Fossil Fuels from Scientific American
Hacking Memory to Break Drug Addiction from Scientific American
Population Bomb Author's Fix For Next Extinction: Educate Women from Scientific American
Explosives go 'green' from Physorg
Japan's Fujifilm slashes profit forecast by 23 percent from Physorg
"Cold feet" may halt toad march from BBC News: Science & Nature
Follow That Robot! from PopSci
B.C. coast shaken by powerful earthquake from CBC: Technology & Science
Threatened Monkey Populations Surprisingly Large from Live Science
Model Helps Computers Sort Data More Like Humans from Science Daily
Unexpected Large Monkey Population Discovered from Science Daily
Class Of Diabetes Drugs Carries Significant Cardiovascular Risks from Science Daily
New Beta-blocker To Offer Hope To Heart And Lung Sufferers from Science Daily
Saving Lives Through Smarter Hurricane Evacuations from Science Daily
Study: 12 percent of Indian deaths due to alcohol from AP Health
ANIMAL PHOTOS WEEKLY: Albino Whale, Baby Giraffe, More from National Geographic
Rogers extends iPhone prices, revamps data plans from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA wants students to choose sciences from UPI
Caltech scientists discover why flies are so hard to swat from Science Blog
New giant clam species offers window into human past from Science Blog
Study says eyes evolved for X-Ray vision from Science Blog
Explosives go 'green' from Science Blog
Dead Star Shines Bright from Live Science
Dead Star Shines Bright from
Czech firm plans giant wind farm from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hutton warns over energy policy from BBC News: Science & Nature
Canadian PM presses Arctic claim from BBC News: Science & Nature
How the Amazon’s lost cities worked from MSNBC: Science
Fusion scientist reprimanded for misconduct from MSNBC: Science
Riding A Raft Of Junk Across The Pacific from CBSNews - Science
Epsom salts protect against cerebral palsy risk: study from CBC: Health
P.E.I. meat producer looking at regular bacteria testing from CBC: Health
Life Under The Laser: Unique Technology Illuminates Microscopic Activity In Body's Chemical Messenger System from Science Daily
Rapid changes in key Alzheimer's protein described in humans from Physorg
Breaking harmful bonds from Physorg
Crystals improve understanding of volcanic eruption triggers from Physorg
Gray, Howard, Cerreta, and Henein Join TMS Board of Directors in 2009 from Newswise - Scinews
Shipping companies eye NW Passage from UPI
Scientists rebut finding of 'Hobbit' bones from UPI
Arctic ice at near record low from UPI
Study: 12 percent of Indian deaths due to alcohol from Physorg
Bitter-tasting nectar and floral odors optimize outcrossing for plants from Physorg
Variant of mad cow disease may be transmitted by blood transfusions, according to animal study from Physorg
'Pristine' Amazonian region hosted large, urban civilization, study finds from Physorg
Tracking Alzheimer's-linked protein in live brains from AP Health
Jamaica braced for storm arrival from BBC News: Science & Nature
Jamaican lizards mark their territory with shows of strength at dusk and dawn from Harvard Science
Scientists Discover Why Flies Are So Hard To Swat from Science Daily
Cluster watches Earth's leaky atmosphere from Physorg
New Sony Cyber-Shot T500 Camera's Video Capture Goes High Def from Physorg
What does your MP really believe? from Physorg
New parasitic wasp discovered in Ireland from Physorg
CDC: Salmonella outbreak appears to be over from Physorg
Leon Eisenberg to receive Juan Jose Lopes Ibor Award from Harvard Science
Telus draws fire for cancelling 'unlimited' data plan from CBC: Technology & Science
Major security hole found in latest iPhone from CBC: Technology & Science
The hunt for the Higgs steps up a gear from Physorg
Internet law made simple from Physorg
'Space Cube' could be world's smallest PC from Physorg
New drug slows down cancer from Science Alert
Fly's brain 'senses swat threat' from BBC News: Science & Nature
New parasite wasp species found from BBC News: Science & Nature
Concrete plan to clear the air from UPI
Two-egg diet cracks cholesterol issue from Physorg
MIT software aims to thwart cyber hackers from Physorg
New Orleans Gears Up for Possible Hurricane Gustav Hit from National Geographic
Ancient Urban Network Mapped in Amazon Forests from National Geographic
Hurricane Gustav: Complete Coverage from National Geographic
EPA sued for info honeybee deaths from UPI
Study makes some explosives more stable from UPI
The Science of Fantasy Football from Live Science
Even critics give Apple a pass on iPhone 3G woes from Physorg
Small GPS devices help prosecutors win convictions from Physorg
'Armored' fish study helps strengthen Darwin's natural selection theory from Physorg
Treadmill exercise retrains brain and body of stroke victims from Physorg
Camera Iris Mechanism Saves Bacteria from C&EN
New underground CO2 monitoring begins from UPI
Study says eyes evolved for X-Ray vision from Biology News Net
Bitter-tasting nectar and floral odors optimize outcrossing for plants from Biology News Net
New giant clam species offers window into human past from Biology News Net
Unexpected large monkey population discovered from Biology News Net
Risk of fracture is significantly higher in HIV-infected patients from Biology News Net
UC team studies link between Parkinson's disease and depression from Physorg
Magnetism and Superconductivity Observed to Exist in Harmony from Physorg
Dell 2Q profit drops 17 percent from Physorg
Giant clams may have fed early humans from MSNBC: Science
Bubble-fusion researcher loses professorship from Physics World
Canada wants more study on polar bear protection from Reuters:Science
Brains of stroke survivors show improvements from exercise from CBC: Health
'Armored' Fish Study Helps Strengthen Darwin's Natural Selection Theory from Science Daily
Teflon: Chemists Break Harmful Bonds from Science Daily
Crystals Improve Understanding Of Volcanic Eruption Triggers from Science Daily
'Pristine' Amazonian Region Hosted Large, Urban Civilization from Science Daily
Variant Of Mad Cow Disease May Be Transmitted By Blood Transfusions, According To Animal Study from Science Daily
New Katrina death tally: Half of victims 75 and up from AP Health
Scientists discover new link in pathway to cancer: hope for drug design from Physorg
How accurate is your memory? from Physorg
Surgery By Numbers from PopSci
Huffing and Puffing from PopSci
Researchers identify a new approach to detect the early progression of brain tumors from Physorg
New paper sheds light on bonobo language from Physorg
Antarctic research helps shed light on climate change on Mars from Physorg
USC's 'print-a-house' construction technology from Physorg
Memory trick shows brain organization from Physorg
New Katrina death tally: Half of victims 75 and up from Physorg
Why it's so hard to swat a fly from Reuters:Science
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
NASA delays Atlantis move to launch pad from UPI
13% of Seniors Report Being Mistreated from Live Science
Source of legionella hard to pinpoint: Hamilton medical officer from CBC: Health
When good cells turn bad from News @ Nature
'Lost towns' discovered in Amazon from BBC News: Science & Nature
Phoenix Lander Pictures Show Robotic Arm's Workspace After 90 Sols from Physorg
Philips Research reveals ultra-thin backlight technology for TVs from Physorg
Lean on Me (Or at Least a Monkey) from PopSci
Of Brain Disease and Belly Ache from PopSci
Memory Trick Shows Brain Organization from Science Blog
Apple's Reputation Untarnished By Mishaps from CBSNews - Science
Scientists find ancient lost settlements in Amazon from Reuters:Science
Origin Of High Energy Emission From The Crab Nebula Identified from Science Daily
New Approach To Detect Early Progression Of Brain Tumors Identified from Science Daily
Antarctic Research Helps Shed Light On Climate Change On Mars from Science Daily
Linguistic Tools Used To Analyze Human Language Applied To Conversation Between Scientist And Bonobo from Science Daily
Ancient Amazon Actually Highly Urbanized from Scientific American
Eyes turn to dawn of 'visual computing' from Physorg
World's 1st pregnant turtle fossil found in Alberta from CBC: Technology & Science
Ont. urges family doctors to save blood tests for listeriosis patients from CBC: Health
Produce safety changes urged, U.S. salmonella outbreak appears over from CBC: Health
New drug slows down cancer from Science Alert
Feature: Climate code red - the case for emergency action from Science Alert
Opinion: Equity and morality in food and technology - biofuels or food? from Science Alert
Gold mines could save cockatoos from Science Alert
Vines prove Lisa Simpson wrong from Science Alert
Sanctuaries "may not save corals" from Science Alert
Youth prefer blogging to voting from Science Alert
New distraction leaves pain behind from Science Alert
Comptuting careers outstrip takers from Science Alert
Sea squirts have carefree sex from Science Alert
Researchers turn honey into antiseptic from Science Alert
Aussie children need better protection from Science Alert
Feature: Oil pressure lifting bio-plastics to favour from Science Alert
Another pesticide resistant weed found from Science Alert
Feature: The pursuit of happiness - sustaining human well-being from Science Alert
Climate protection game developed from Science Alert
Damage prevents feeling full from Science Alert
Opinion: Malaria vaccine warrants more support from Science Alert
Pets eating into fish stocks from Science Alert
Test singles out lung infection from Science Alert
Warming may spread coral disease from Science Alert
Grown skin to reduce animal testing from Science Alert
Subterranean water running out from Science Alert
Golden windows remove toxins from Science Alert
Opinion: Biotechnology can improve health, if we let it from Science Alert
90 Days on Mars: Phoenix Lander Sends Martian Postcard from
Cosmic Log: Fusion effort in flux from MSNBC: Science
90 Days on Mars: Phoenix Lander Sends Martian Postcard from Live Science
Why is it so hard to swat a fly? from MSNBC: Science
Industry Groups Sue Over Polar Bear Rule from CBSNews - Science
Good for Cops, Bad for NIH from Science NOW
Gustav kills 59 in Caribbean, aims at U.S from Reuters:Science
Ralph D. Feigin, 70; pediatrician built Baylor and Texas Children's Hospital into major teaching institutions from LA Times - Science
Opinion: Climate change, carbon sequestration and Tasmania from Science Alert
EPA sued for honeybee death info from UPI
Foreign plants taking over Australia from Science Alert
Arctic Ice On Verge Of Another All-time Low from Science Daily
Ceramic Material Revs Up Microwaving from Science Daily
Sticks And Stones: A New Study On Social And Physical Pain from Science Daily
Quantum 'Traffic Jam' Revealed: Findings May Help Get Current Flowing At Higher Temperatures from Science Daily
Eyes Evolved For X-Ray Vision: Forward-facing Eyes Allow Animals To 'See Through' Clutter In The World from Science Daily
Explosives Go 'Green' from Science Daily
Even Without Dementia, Mental Skills Decline Years Before Death from Science Daily
Fishing For Profits On World Caviar Market from Science Daily
Now Hear This: Don't Remove Earwax from Live Science