Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Iran vows no concessions in nuke dispute
Iran will not “retreat one iota” over its disputed nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday.
Subtitled movies help reading fast
A programme used in the US that teaches reading by using movies with subtitles has been highly successful for struggling readers in New Zealand research.
Analysis: Obama makes war gains
Analysis: Iraqi leader's embrace of withdrawal timeline highlights Barack Obama's good fortune.
Video: Better Bug Sprays?
50 years of DEET has left a bad taste. Now some promising replacements are emerging.
NYT: McCain goes from heckler to deal maker
Once better known for criticizing the Senate than for influencing it, John McCain has evolved into perhaps the chamber’s most influential member.
Facebook gets a facelift to help users share
(AP) -- The popular online hangout Facebook is sporting a new look to reflect changes in how its members communicate with each other and how they share photos and...
Concerns over Olympic drug test
Serious question marks hang over a key drug test just two weeks before the start of the Olympic Games, a BBC investigation finds.
Spectra of gravitational waves
In Jim Arnold's blog, we have been having an occasionally enlightening, occasionally exasperating discussion about whether gravitational waves (GWs) exist. The evidence strongly supports the interpretation of the mathematics of general...
Some Earthworms Make Septic Systems Work Better, Others Do The Opposite
The right earthworms can make home septic systems work better. The wrong ones could do the opposite. That's the finding in a study of worm populations living in the soil...
Africa's women last and least in food crisis
Women grow the food, fetch the water, shop at the market and cook the meals. But when it comes time to eat, men and children eat first, and women eat...
Rapper DMX arrested in false ID case
Rapper DMX was arrested at a Phoenix mall Saturday on suspicion that he gave a false name and Social Security number to a hospital to get out of paying for...
Nazi reference rocks WTO talks
Brazil's foreign minister touched off a storm Saturday when he said rich countries' deception in trade talks reminded him of tactics used by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels.
MLK's children embroiled in lawsuit
Even Toddlers Get It: Data 'Chunks' Are Easier To Remember
Which is easier to remember: 4432879960 or 443-297-9960? The latter, of course. Adults seem to know automatically, in fact, that long strings of numbers are more easily recalled when divided...
Teen Smokers Struggle To Kick The Habit; Most Want To Quit And Can't
Most teenagers who smoke cigarettes make repeated attempts to quit but most are unsuccessful, according to new research. The study found that more than 70 percent of the teens expressed...
Advocating a Treatment, but Denied Access to It
It is a case that pits a mother desperately seeking a medical treatment for her son against a biotechnology company for whom she claims to have worked tirelessly as an...
Treatment policy seems to write off seniors
At 80, she was told she no longer needed periodic colonoscopies. Why? ...
Shopping's dark side: The compulsive buyer
As mental health professionals debate the problematic behavior, clinics spring up. ...
Water-diffusion Technology Identifies Brain Regions Damaged By Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder often have structural brain damage. Recent findings show that several specific white matter regions, as well as deep gray matter areas, of the brain...
Studies refute myths of obese in the workplace
New research led by a Michigan State University scholar refutes commonly held stereotypes that overweight workers are lazier, more emotionally unstable and harder to get along with than their "normal...
Loud bar music makes customers drink more: study
LONDON (Reuters) - Customers of bars that play loud music drink more quickly and in fewer gulps, French researchers said on Friday.
Stumbling on the path to G-spot utopia
Eager to connect with that elusive (some say mythical) 'erotogenic zone'? Years after the hype began, finding it remains easier said than done. But that's not stopping researchers from looking.
Smoking and Coffee-Drinking Really Is High Among AA Attendees
A church sits across the street from one of my previous apartments in Manhattan. In the evenings, I’d see a passel of people emerge from it for a spell of...
ITunes Allows Radiologists To Save, Sort And Search Personal Learning Files
iTunes has the ability to manage and organize PDF files just as easily as music files, allowing radiologists to better organize their personal files of articles and images, according to...
Benefits Of A Little Resistance Training For Older Adults
New research is showing the benefits of resistance training in keeping older people in tip top form.
Right and Wrong: How War Changes Children
Childhood is a carefree time, that is, unless your country is torn apart by war.
No place for mentally ill young people, parent says
Newfoundland and Labrador doesn't have a psychiatric unit designed specifically for young people, something the province desperately needs, says the father of a mentally ill teenager.
'Rampage' Jackson hospitalized for mental health evaluation
Irvine police are called to his home after acquaintances say they were concerned for the popular MMA fighter's well-being. ...