Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Tai Chi Program Helps Prevent Falls Among Older Adults
Senior community centers in Oregon have successfully adopted an evidence-based Tai Chi program to prevent falls among older adults. Based on this success, the Oregon Department of Human Services has...
Caregivers Of Spouses With Dementia Enjoy Life Less
Spouses of husbands and wives with dementia pay an emotional toll as they care for their ailing spouse. This has prompted a call for new interventions and strategies to assist...
Scientists Call For Trial Of 'Hen Harrier Ceiling'
As the grouse shooting season gets under way, two scientists involved in high-profile studies of hen harriers and red grouse at Langholm Moor in Scotland have called for field trials...
Parents Shape Whether Their Children Learn To Eat Fruits And Vegetables
To combat the increasing problem of childhood obesity, researchers are studying how to get preschoolers to eat more fruits and vegetables. One way is early home interventions -- teaching parents...
Reality Check: Women Not Being Paid Better
Are women treated more fairly in today's labor market than decades ago? No, says a new study.
The Incredible Evolution of the Olympics
From the long defunct tug-of-war to the resurrected tennis matches and the tried-and-true gymnastics, a sea-change in Olympic events over the past 112 years provides a glimpse into the evolution...
Sound Adds Speed To Visual Perception
The traditional view of individual brain areas involved in perception of different sensory stimuli -- i.e., one brain region involved in hearing and another involved in seeing -- has been...
New Breastfeeding Study Shows Most Moms Quit Early
While the CDC recently reported that more moms than ever give breastfeeding a try, a new national study shows most moms do not stick with it as long as they...
How Babies Understand The World Around Them And Their Place In It
New research could provide an insight into the way that babies understand the world around them and their place within it. A new study suggests that babies as young as...
Taking shots at ShotPaks
The pocket-size alcoholic pouches appeal to teens, some worry. The makers say they're filling a niche. ...
Cases: Having Cancer, and Finding a Personality
I wanted to be someone, a recognizable personality, a full-blooded, memorable human being, and not just a cancer patient. I had already lost the person I used to be.
Prescriptions for Health, the Environmental Kind
Dr. Natalie Jeremijenko caters to those who want to know more about what they can do to clean up their personal environment.
Greater response to placebo in children than in adults
In a systematic review of antiepileptic drugs, Philippe Ryvlin (of the Hospices Civils de Lyon, France) and colleagues show that children with drug-resistant partial epilepsy enrolled in trials seem to...
Employers must support sun protection
A study has found that outdoor workers are more likely to protect themselves from sun exposure if they believe their workplace supports and enforces the behaviour.
Guardian Daily podcast: Victims of rape are told alcohol consumption could reduce payouts; plus our Olympic update from Beijing
In our daily audio show, Mike Duran and guests discuss financial compensation for rape victims; the conflict in Georgia; plus the latest from the Beijing Olympics
Olympic Athlete Study Shows That Pride And Shame Are Universal And Innate Expressions
The victory stance of a gold medalist and the slumped shoulders of a nonfinalist are innate and biological rather than learned responses to success and failure, according to a University...
Biology of mental retardation uncovered
SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 11 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers said they've found a clue to understanding the biology of gene-linked mental retardation.
Balancing brain time-out in concussion recovery
(AP) -- Your brain needs more of a time-out than just missing the next game to recover from a concussion. New research suggests student athletes who are too active...
Review: Online Olympics is ambitious, but not TV
(AP) -- NBC Universal is running an unprecedented 3,600 hours of Olympics coverage on television and the Internet, most of it live online, letting fans track their favorite sports...
VIDEO: Dog Meat off Menu at Olympics
China has banned dog meat from being served in designated Olympic restaurants, though it is still on the menu elsewhere.
Scientists measure connection between the built environment and obesity in baby boomers
Does your neighborhood have a lot of fast food outlets, few sidewalks, and no parks? If yes, your physical neighborhood may be hampering your ability to be physically active and...
Referees Prefer Athletes in Red
Referees may be biased in favor of athletes wearing red, awarding them more points.
Lenseless glasses the new Games trend?
BEIJING (Reuters) - If film stars in sunglasses in dark clubs at night seem ridiculous, it looked even more baffling when beach volleyball players at the Olympics took to the...
Evolution as Described by the Second Law of Thermodynamics
( -- Often, physics and biology appear as different worlds, from a scientist`s point of view. Each discipline has its own language and concepts, and physicists and biologists tend to...
New consumer research shows that Obama stands to gain from 'Hillary effect'
U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton may do more for U.S. Senator Barack Obama than Ralph Nader did for Al Gore: she could give him an unintended boost. Clinton sought the presidency...
Epson Develops New High-Resolution 3D LCD Display
( -- Seiko Epson Corporation has developed a high-resolution (equivalent to QVGA) autostereoscopic 3D liquid-crystal display that affords extra freedom of viewing position compared to conventional 3D displays, without the...
Vacations put extra strain on pharmacist shortage
A drop in new pharmacy graduates has exacerbated a shortage of professionals staffing pharmacies across Newfoundland and Labrador.
Psst! Obama To Text Supporters Veep Pick
The Obama campaign has instituted text-message alerts to inform supporters of the candidate's choice for vice presidential running mate.