Latest science news in Paleontology & Archaeology

Who Are The Ancestors Of Modern Squid?

12 years ago from

Some people might suggest the nautilus as the ancestor of modern squid, since they're the only "ancient-looking" cephalopods most of us have seen. But the lineage that led to modern...

Ancient burial site found in Scotland

12 years ago from UPI

ORKNEY, Scotland, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- British researchers say they've found the remains of at least eight people at an ancient Neolithic tomb site discovered in Scotland in October.

Evidence of New Female Pharaoh

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Gallery Research Suggests the Existence of a New Female Pharaoh - One of Many Who Also Ruled from Ancient Egypt's Throne

Arsenic-munching germ redefines "life as we know it"

12 years ago from Reuters:Science

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A strange, salty lake in California has yielded an equally strange bacterium that thrives on arsenic and redefines life as we know it, researchers reported on Thursday.

Plan for Creationist 'Ark' Park Draws Paleontologists' Ire

12 years ago from Science NOW

Kentucky scientists are slamming Governor Steve Beshear's (D) announcement yesterday that the state is partnering...

Why the Arsenic-Eating Microbe is a Huge Deal

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

No ET Cameos but Still Quite an Important Date in the History of Scientific Discoveries

Sows ears and silk purses: Packing more flavor into modern pork

12 years ago from Physorg

Perhaps you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, but scientists are reporting progress in pulling off the same trick with the notoriously bland flavor of pork....

Heat helped hasten life’s beginnings

12 years ago from Science Blog

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -- There has been controversy about whether life originated in a hot or cold environment, and about whether enough time has elapsed for life to have evolved...

Trading up, trading down

12 years ago from The Guardian - Science

A divided-up mansion that has appeared in several films, a picturesque Yorkshire village and a Cumbrian holiday retreatAnna Tims

Hunters May Have Killed Off Mammoths

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

While Many Scientists Believe a Dramatic Climate Shift Caused Mammoths to Disappear, 2 Say Man Hunted Them to Extinction

Video: Montana's Wild Turkeys

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

This Sunday Morning's moment of nature takes you to Montana's Flathead Valley, home to some very thankful wild turkeys.

China's Baidu expands as Google contracts

12 years ago from Physorg

The name of the search engine "Baidu" means "hundreds of times", and comes from an ancient Chinese verse often cited today to refer to the continuous search for one's dreams.

Strange 'whiskered owl' spotted

12 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

A group of tourists in Peru catch a rare glimpse of a strange owlet that has not been seen for more than 25 years.

Lives they have lived

12 years ago from Harvard Science

Harvard’s emeritus and emerita professors astonish by their scholarly accomplishments — and also by the lives they have lived and what they have seen. Norman F. Ramsey, a Harvard professor emeritus and the...

Video: Sharks Chew Off More Than They Can Bite

12 years ago from Science NOW

Jaws of adolescent great whites are too weak to crush large prey

'Pseudoscorpion' discovered at Yosemite

12 years ago from MSNBC: Science

A new venomous animal has been found in the granite caves of Yosemite National Park, according to Texas Tech University's Natural Science Research Laboratory. The new species, a blind pseudoscorpion...

Mystery bird: ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres

12 years ago from The Guardian - Science

This mystery bird's common name honours its habit of flipping stones on the beach as it searches for creatures that are hiding underneathWinter-plumage ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres, sometimes known as the seaweed bird,...

Biologist illuminates unique world of cave creatures

12 years ago from Physorg

They are dark, sometimes forbidding landscapes molded by volcanic eruptions or subterranean streams, but caves are also home to a host of creatures strangely adapted to the underworld.

Play a game to solve serious genetic puzzles

12 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Cosmic Log: Canadian researchers are offering an online puzzle challenge that's addictive enough to appeal to gamers, and scientific enough to trace the roots of genetic diseases.

For the Good of the Gut: Can Parasitic Worms Treat Autoimmune Diseases?

12 years ago from Scientific American

In 2007, parasite immunologist P'ng Loke sat down for lunch at a University of California, San Francisco, cafeteria with an inquisitive man who had called him earlier that...

Damage to U.S. birds by cats: $17 billion

12 years ago from UPI

LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 1 (UPI) -- Feral cats are a threat to birds across the United States, whether or not they are fed by kindhearted humans, a study released...

Dig Fusion? Now You Can Call the Shots

12 years ago from Science NOW

Fancy yourself as an armchair fusion scientist? Well, there's no need to build a...

Jane of the Jungle: Additional Commentary and Insights from Jane Goodall

12 years ago from Scientific American

Fifty years ago Jane Goodall entered Tanzania 's Gombe Stream Game Reserve to study wild chimpanzees. Scientific American 's Kate Wong recently called Goodall to ask her...

The true language of love? It's math, says Berkeley professor

12 years ago from Physorg

Beauty and truth aren't the first things that come to mind, for most people, when they think about math. Berkeley math professor Edward Frenkel is trying to change that.

US deploys 'game-changer' weapon to Afghanistan

12 years ago from Physorg

It looks and acts like something best left in the hands of Sylvester Stallone's "Rambo," but this latest dream weapon is real -- and the US Army sees it becoming...

Prehistoric crocodile species found in Thailand

12 years ago from MSNBC: Science

A new species of crocodile that lived 100 million years ago has been identified from a fossil found in Thailand, researchers said Thursday.

Gray wolf no longer endangered?

12 years ago from UPI

DENVER, Nov. 30 (UPI) -- U.S. and state officials are trying to determine what a healthy number of gray wolves is for the species in the northern Rockies.

Wisconsin Man Builds Backyard Planetarium

12 years ago from

A Wisconsin paper-mill worker who once dreamed of being an astrophysicist has brought the stars within his grasp, building an elaborate planetarium in his own backyard.