Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Saturn's Shimmying Rings May Be Imitating Galaxy

13 years ago from Live Science

Saturn's rings shake like a miniature version of our own Milky Way galaxy.

Video | The making of Robonaut 2

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

A guided tour of the development and testing of Nasa's Robonaut 2 robot, which will help astronauts with manual work on the international space station

India launches South Pole mission

13 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

India is to make its first expedition to the South Pole, in a mission focusing on the impact of climate change.

VIMS scientists help solve mystery of 'alien pod'

13 years ago from Physorg

Tracy Collier, an employee at Home Technologies in Newport News, Virginia, was walking her employer's Westie around the Center's manmade lake on Thursday when she saw a large, mysterious blob...

Time for a rain dance? Research finds 'cloud seeding' doesn't produce rain

13 years ago from Physorg

In many areas of the world, including California's Mojave Desert, rain is a precious and rare resource. To encourage rainfall, scientists use "cloud seeding," a weather modification process designed to...

Comet Hartley 2 Could Deliver 'Bonus' Meteor Shower

13 years ago from

The icy Comet Hartley 2 may spawn a meteor shower this week, or it may not, but skywatchers are hopeful.

Focusing on aerosols through the macro lens

13 years ago from Physorg

The devil is in the details, the very small details, when it comes to global climate models, and those details are now easier to see, thanks to climate change researchers...

Voyager explores new territory as new project manager steps on

13 years ago from Physorg

As NASA's two Voyager spacecraft hurtle towards the edge of our solar system, a new project manager will shepherd the spacecraft into this unexplored territory: Suzanne Dodd, whose first job...

Iran wants better energy deals on border

13 years ago from UPI

TEHRAN, Nov. 1 (UPI) -- Iran and Iraq are moving closer to finding common ground on the exploitation of oil fields straddling their shared border, an Iranian executive said.

Earth’s first great predator wasn’t

13 years ago from Science Blog

Boulder, CO, USA - The meters-long, carnivorous "shrimp" from hell that once ruled the seas of Earth a half billion years ago may have been a real softy, it turns...

Starwatch: The November night sky

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The next two weeks, until moonlight intensifies, may be a good time to seek out a dark night sky, as far away as possible from the blight of light pollution. If successful,...

Mars volcanic deposit tells of warm and wet environment

13 years ago from Science Daily

Planetary scientists have found a volcanic deposit on Mars that would have been a promising wellspring for life. The silica deposit clearly shows the presence of water and heat. It...

Habitable Hotspots on Mars? Volcano Vents May Be Signs

13 years ago from

New observations of volcano vents on Mars hint that the vents may have once been habitable hotspots on the Red Planet.

8 Shocking Things We Learned From Stephen Hawking's Book

13 years ago from Live Science

In his book "The Grand Design," physicist Stephen Hawking argues our universe is one of many and God didn't create it.

Want to Mine the Solar System? Start With the Moon

13 years ago from

The first extraterrestrial mining operation in human history will likely start up on the moon, thanks to its ample and relatively accessible stores of water ice. Mining the moon will...

US space shuttle programme faces its final countdown | Discover

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Tomorrow, Discovery will take off on one of its final missions. Why, 30 years after the reusable rocket launcher threatened to make travel beyond Earth commonplace, did the project fall from grace?On the...

Study links fresh Mars gullies to carbon dioxide

13 years ago from

A growing bounty of images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reveals that the timing of new activity in one type of the enigmatic gullies on Mars implicates carbon-dioxide frost, rather...

Antarctic balloon sees particles with a million times more energy than the LHC

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The ANITA experiment is designed to look for neutrinos, but saw 16 ultra-high-energy cosmic rays by mistake.Ryan Nichol, who works upstairs from me at UCL, gets together with NASA every now and...

Black Hole Duality: General Relativity Without Singularities

13 years ago from

In one description, an observer falls freely through empty space, in another one, she hits a surface smack on, yet both descriptions are completely equivalent. This example for a duality...

Into the darkness: stargazing in Nova Scotia

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Canada's Kejimkujik national park is now a Dark Sky Preserve, with perfect conditions for tracking the constellations – provided you take the weather with youThey call this the place where fairies dance. I...

Stargazing: great places to enjoy the night sky

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

From astronomy tours in the Atacama desert to a Dark Sky Park in Galloway, constellation-spotters are spoilt for choiceHeavens aboveCosy up in a little cabin for two and stargaze from the bed...

Hellish 'Super-Earths' Likely Prevalent Throughout Our Galaxy

13 years ago from Science NOW

Study suggests that many extrasolar planets will be too hot for life

Virgin Galactic�s SpaceShipTwo Completes 2nd Glide Test

13 years ago from

Virgin Galactic's private SpaceShipTwo suborbital spacecraft has completed its second glide test at the Mojave Air and Space Port in California.

BYU telescope captures Halloween sights in the stars?

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- What do you see in these gassy remnants of an exploded star? A bird? A plane? A witch?

Understanding coronal mass ejections

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- The corona of the sun is the hot (over a million kelvin), gaseous outer region of its atmosphere. The corona is threaded by intense magnetic fields that extend...

Revealing the galaxy’s dark side

13 years ago from

Excess of gamma rays at Milky Way’s center may indicate universe’s missing mass

Horror Stories From Space: 10 Ways Life in Orbit Can Be Rough

13 years ago from

In honor of Halloween, here are 10 ways space station living can be a horror story.

European Satellite Navigation Competition awards

13 years ago from European Space Agency

This year’s ESA Innovation Prize for the European Satellite Navigation Competition has been awarded to an application that uses satellites to detect river pollution. A separate prize supported by ESA...