Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Astronomers determine chemical composition of a nearby stellar stream

3 years ago from Physorg

By conducting high-resolution optical spectroscopic observations of a nearby stellar stream known as Pisces–Eridanus, astronomers have unveiled essential information about its chemical nature. Results of the new study are presented...

How will NASA deal with the moon dust problem for Artemis lunar landings?

3 years ago from

Scientists and engineers are trying to work out ways to tamp down lunar dust so billowing clouds don't pose a problem to astronauts landing on the moon in 2024.

Image: The southern hemisphere of Jupiter

3 years ago from Physorg

NASA's Juno mission captured this look at the southern hemisphere of Jupiter on Feb. 17, 2020, during the spacecraft's most recent close approach to the giant planet.

ESA Mission Control adjusts to coronavirus conditions

3 years ago from Physorg

Responsible for spacecraft orbiting Earth, the Sun and exploring the Solar System, teams at ESA's ESOC mission control deal with in-flight challenges every day, from faulty hardware, problematic software and...

Merger between two stars led to blue supergiant, iconic supernova

3 years ago from Physorg

A supernova in a nearby galaxy may have originated from an explosion of a blue supergiant formed by the merger of two stars, simulations by RIKEN astrophysicists suggest. The asymmetric...

Migrants at U.S.-Mexico border must get past cartels before journey ends

3 years ago from UPI

One in four migrants who traveled across Mexico between 2009 and 2015 suffered physical violence, ranging from street assaults and beatings with wooden boards by cartel enforcers to extortion at...

The year 2022 is going to be lit! (With NASA space launches.)

3 years ago from

2022 is going to be big for science at NASA, with science missions observing Earth, the universe and everything in between.

NASA asks public to design sensors for Venus rover concept

3 years ago from

NASA is asking the public to help them explore "hell," as the agency terms it — the roasting surface of the planet Venus.

Slooh will livestream astronomy lesson for K-12 students during coronavirus outbreak

3 years ago from

Slooh astronomers will livestream a free astronomy lesson on Thursday (March 19) for K-12 students who are homebound during the coronavirus pandemic.

Google celebrates spring and fall equinox with new Doodles

3 years ago from UPI

Google is welcoming the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and fall in the Southern Hemisphere with different Doodles.

A massive laboratory

3 years ago from European Space Agency

Image: This image shows a region of space called LHA 120-N150. It is a substructure of the gigantic Tarantula Nebula. The latter is the largest known stellar nursery in the local...

Letters to the Editor: It's obscene for ICE to arrest immigrants during the coronavirus pandemic

3 years ago from LA Times - Health

It doesn't make anyone safer for ICE to arrest and possibly deport immigrants while the COVID-19 pandemic rages on.

SpaceX plans first manned flight to space station in May

3 years ago from Physorg

Elon Musk's SpaceX will send astronauts to the International Space Station for the first time in May, NASA said, announcing the first crewed launch from the United States to the...

Al Worden, Apollo 15 astronaut who circled the moon, dies at 88

3 years ago from LA Times - Science

Worden performed the first deep-space spacewalk — nearly 200,000 miles from Earth

This scene of stellar creation, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Te...

3 years ago from Science Blog

This scene of stellar creation, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, sits near the outskirts of the famous Tarantula Nebula. This cloud of gas and dust, as well as...

'See you in orbit?' New book tackles the enduring dream of public spaceflight

3 years ago from

In "See You In Orbit? Our Dream Of Spaceflight," former NASA manager Alan Ladwig takes a look back at the missions and milestones in developing public spaceflight opportunities.

Apollo astronaut Al Worden, who orbited the moon, dies at 88

3 years ago from

Apollo 15 astronaut Alfred M. Worden, who performed the first-ever spacewalk in deep space while on his way home from the moon in 1971, has died at the age of...

New telescope design could capture distant celestial objects with unprecedented detail

3 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have designed a new camera that could allow hypertelescopes to image multiple stars at once. The enhanced telescope design holds the potential to obtain extremely high-resolution images of objects...

Darwin theory confirmed 161 years after conception

3 years ago from UPI

An evolution theory espoused 161 years ago by naturalist Charles Darwin has finally been proven, University of Cambridge researchers reported on Wednesday.

'Hypertelescope' camera could revolutionize celestial photography

3 years ago from UPI

A new camera design, using arrayed telescopes, could capture images of celestial objects simultaneously and with great detail, a study released Wednesday said.

Black hole team discovers path to razor-sharp black hole images

3 years ago from Science Daily

A team of researchers have published new calculations that predict a striking and intricate substructure within black hole images from extreme gravitational light bending.

NASA analyzes tropical cyclone Herold's water vapor concentration

3 years ago from Physorg

When NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the Southern Indian Ocean on Mar. 18, it gathered water vapor data that showed wind shear was adversely affecting Tropical Cyclone Herold.

Elon Musk says SpaceX will investigate Falcon 9 rocket engine anomaly before launching again

3 years ago from

One of the nine Merlin engines that powers the reusable Falcon 9 rocket's first stage shut down too early during today's launch, Elon Musk said. He vowed to get to...

Research team discovers path to razor-sharp black hole images

3 years ago from Physorg

Last April, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) sparked international excitement when it unveiled the first image of a black hole. Today, a team of researchers have published new calculations that...

'Infinite subrings' may be next frontier for photographing black holes

3 years ago from

Black-hole photography could be even more powerful and revelatory than scientists had thought.

This gorgeous picture of Jupiter from NASA is just what we need right now

3 years ago from

Even as Earth is in turmoil, NASA continues to share amazing pictures from across the solar system — allowing us to (virtually) travel far while staying in place.

Event Horizon Telescope, which hunts black holes, cancels 2020 observations due to coronavirus

3 years ago from

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a global network of telescopes to cancel its annual observations of black holes, which last spring published the first ever image of such an object.

Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden, who circled moon, dies at 88

3 years ago from Physorg

Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden, who circled the moon alone in 1971 while his two crewmates test-drove the first lunar rover, has died at age 88, his family said Wednesday.