Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Cancer Patients Turning To Mass Media And Non-experts For Info

9 years ago from

PHILADELPHIA (February 24, 2014) – The increasing use of expensive medical imaging procedures in the U.S. like positron emission tomography (PET) scans is being driven, in part, by patient decisions...

Higher Risks Among Perinatal Women With Bipolar Disorder

9 years ago from

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Pregnant and postpartum women with bipolar disorder more frequently have significant mental health and early mothering challenges than other perinatal women undergoing psychiatric treatment, according...

Patient-centered medical home program results in little improvement in quality

9 years ago from Science Daily

One of the first, largest, and longest-running multipayer trials of patient-centered medical home medical practices in the United States was associated with limited improvements in quality and was not associated...

Blood transfusion for PCI associated with increased risk of cardiac event

9 years ago from Science Daily

In an analysis that included more than two million patients who underwent a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI; procedures such as balloon angioplasty or stent placement used to open narrowed coronary...

Use of acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to ADHD in children, researchers say

9 years ago from Science Daily

Taking acetaminophen during pregnancy has been shown to be associated with a higher risk in children of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Hyperkinetic Disorders, new research indicates. Acetaminophen, found in over-the-counter products...

Wildlife Did Not Receive Dangerous Doses Of Radiation From Fukushima

9 years ago from C&EN

Environment: Researchers estimate that radiation exposure from the 2011 nuclear disaster mostly remained below harmful levels for organisms

Nighttime Smartphone Use Can Sap Next Day's Energy

9 years ago from PopSci

Sleepy Charidy / YouTube Using your smartphone at night might not be the smartest plan. A pair of studies found that people who used the devices after 9 p.m. were more tired and less engaged at...

Abdominal fat accumulation prevented by unsaturated fat

9 years ago from Science Daily

New research shows that saturated fat builds more fat and less muscle than polyunsaturated fat. This is the first study on humans to show that the fat composition of food...

Significant discrepancies between FISH, IHC results for ALK testing

9 years ago from Science Daily

Routine testing with both fluorescent in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry may enhance the detection of ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer, new research suggests. Accurate determination of ALK-positive tumors is necessary...

Fast, effective mechanism to combat an aggressive cancer

9 years ago from Science Daily

A new strategy to tackle an aggressive subtype of ovarian cancer using a new nanoscale drug-delivery system designed to target specific cancer cells has been developed. A research team has...

Preventing suicide should start in general medical setting

9 years ago from Science Daily

The mental health conditions of most people who commit suicide remain undiagnosed, even though most visit a primary care provider or medical specialist in the year before they die. To...

Personalized medicine best way to treat cancer, study argues

9 years ago from Science Daily

Assessing the route to cancer on a case-by-case basis might make more sense than basing a patient's cancer treatment on commonly disrupted genes and pathways, a new study indicates. "This...

A paper diagnostic for cancer: Low-cost urine test amplifies signals from growing tumors to detect disease

9 years ago from Science Daily

A low-cost urine test amplifies signals from growing tumors to detect disease. Cancer rates in developing nations have climbed sharply in recent years, and now account for 70 percent of...

Body shape index as new predictor of mortality

9 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have developed a new method to quantify the risk specifically associated with abdominal obesity. A follow-up study, published Feb. 20 by the online journal PLOS ONE, supports their contention...

Global Health: Indonesia Urged to Spend to Make Birth Less Risky

9 years ago from NY Times Health

Even as Indonesia has gotten richer, it has maintained a decentralized system in which most rural women are attended by local midwives.

Well: Blood Pressure Drugs Tied to Risk of Falls

9 years ago from NY Times Health

Older adults who take blood pressure drugs have a greater risk of serious falls and related injuries, a new study reports.

The New Old Age: Pap Smears in Perpetuity

9 years ago from NY Times Health

Many women receive Pap smears well after age 65, despite recommendations to reduce testing and evidence that they have little value.

Personal Health: Progress Against Hepatitis C, a Sneaky Virus

9 years ago from NY Times Health

Hepatitis C can go undiagnosed for decades, sometimes becoming evident only after liver damage has already occurred. But there is good news on the pharmaceutical front.

Drug lord 'El Chapo' Guzman charged in Mexico

9 years ago from AP Science

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has been formally charged with violations of Mexico's drug-trafficking laws, starting a legal process that makes...

Ovary removal aids high-risk women but at what age

9 years ago from AP Science

WASHINGTON (AP) -- For women who carry a notorious cancer gene, surgery to remove healthy ovaries is one of the most protective steps they can take....

Worldwide cancer

9 years ago from The Guardian - Science

According to Cancer UK and the World Health Organization, Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide with an estimated 8.2 million deaths in 2012. Lung cancer was the highest...

A Scientific Look At Why You Hate Hawaiian Shirts

9 years ago from PopSci

Hawaiian Shirt Flickr/bobbi vie A couple jokes, from New Yorker cartoons: A penguin arrives at work with other penguins, except the arriving penguin is wearing a Hawaiian shirt. "You're kidding," he says. "I thought it was Friday.”   A...

Some antibacterials come with worrisome silver lining

9 years ago from Physorg

Silver has long been known for its ability to kill some of the nasty microbes that can make people sick. In hospitals, it's used to help burn victims, to combat...

Next generation of drones wait for FAA go-ahead

9 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Entrepreneurs are designing the next generation of drones -- but still waiting for approval to get them off the ground

Study Of Hispanic/Latino Health Presents Initial Findings

9 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL), the landmark research study of Hispanic/Latino health funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has released initial findings that show significant...

Mdm2 Suppresses Tumors by Pulling the Plug on Glycolysis

9 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Cancer cells have long been known to have higher rates of the energy-generating metabolic pathway known as glycolysis. This enhanced glycolysis is thought to allow cancer cells to survive the...

Vaccine-related adverse event rates found to be low in Ontario study

9 years ago from CBC: Health

A new Ontario report on vaccine safety shows the rate of adverse events reported after vaccinations in the province is low.

Dilemma road: Pitfalls and possibilities of development

9 years ago from SciDev

This audio slideshow explores the economic benefits and environmental risks of new roads.