Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

'Live from Space': National Geographic Brings Astronaut Life to Earth on TV Tonight

9 years ago from

NASA and the National Geographic Channel is about to take one giant leap for cable kind tonight with 'Live From Space,' unprecedented TV event to share the wonder —and drama...

NASA's latest smartphone satellite ready for launch

9 years ago from Physorg

( —NASA's preparing to send its fifth in a series of smartphone-controlled small spacecraft into orbit. PhoneSat 2.5 will ride into space as part of the SpaceX-3 commercial cargo resupply...

Why the 'Venus rainbow' is actually a glory

9 years ago from News @ Nature

The first sighting of the light spectacle on another planet reveals properties of the mysterious Venusian clouds.Nature News doi: 10.1038/nature.2014.14869

Astronaut Tim seeks mission name

9 years ago from European Space Agency

ESA astronaut Timothy Peake will be heading to the International Space Station next year and he needs your help to name his six-month mission. Send us your suggestion and help...

Behemoth star destroys potential solar systems

9 years ago from

A massive star in the Orion Nebula is evaporating disks surrounding young stars in its neighborhood but some disks mysteriously manage to survive.

Can satellites help find missing flight MH370?

9 years ago from Physorg

China has released several satellite images its officials say could be wreckage from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with 239 people onboard.

NASA Offers Cash Prizes for Help Hunting Dangerous Asteroids

9 years ago from Live Science

NASA and asteroid-mining company Planetary Resources have teamed up to launch a contest series called "Asteroid Data Hunter," which asks the public to develop algorithms that can help identify space...

Rosetta's Brightening Comet Emerges From Behind the Sun

9 years ago from

Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, the icy target of Europe's Rosetta spacecraft and Philae lander, has been spotted by the Very Large Telescope in Chile. It is the first sighting of the comet...

Researchers achieve breakthrough in robotics for space exploration

9 years ago from Physorg

In a breakthrough that will help make it possible for astronauts and robots to work together in deep space, researchers at the Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] Advanced Technology Center (ATC),...

The 9/11 attack seen from space – an image of impotence | Jonathan Jones

9 years ago from The Guardian - Science

We witness world events as never before, but despite getting so much information so quickly, we remain ultimately helplessThis still from a video shot by an astronaut from the International Space Station offers...

750km of solid rock: new long-baseline neutrino results | Jon Butterworth | Life & Physics

9 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Jon Butterworth: Neutrino physics is one of the fastest-developing areas of particle physics. Two ‘long-baseline’ neutrino experiments in the US and Japan reported results last week

Soyuz space capsule returns US and Russian astronauts safely back to Earth

9 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The Soyuz space capsule has returned one American and two Russians safely back to Earth after more than six months on the International Space Station

Science close up - Wellcome Images 2014

A kidney stone, a head louse egg and bright pink agricultural sludge

Headset Lets You Explore a Brain in Real Time

9 years ago from MSNBC: Science

AUSTIN, Texas — What if it were possible to explore your brain in virtual reality, watching your thoughts flashing before your eyes? A team of neuroscientists and software developers have...

Milky Way amidst a 'Council of Giants'

9 years ago from Science Daily

We live in a galaxy known as the Milky Way -- a vast conglomeration of 300 billion stars, planets whizzing around them, and clouds of gas and dust floating in...

Saturn and Jupiter: X-ray laser spies deep into giant gas planets

9 years ago from Science Daily

Using DESY's X-ray laser FLASH, researchers took a sneak peek deep into the lower atmospheric layers of giant gas planets such as Jupiter or Saturn. The observations reveal how liquid...

Possible evidence for dark matter particle presented at UCLA physics symposium

9 years ago from Science Daily

Dark matter, the mysterious substance estimated to make up approximately more than one-quarter of the mass of the universe, is crucial to the formation of galaxies, stars and even life...

Galaxies in the early universe mature beyond their years

9 years ago from Science Daily

An international team of researchers has discovered the most distant examples of galaxies in the early universe that were already mature and massive. The mature galaxies were found at a...

Photographer Captures 'Impossible' View of Milky Way from Light-Polluted Singapore (Video, Photo)

9 years ago from

Bright Venus rises and the Milky Way dazzles over the light-polluted skies above Singapore in this rare image recently sent to See how the photographer did it.

NASA TV show Cosmos back after 34 years

9 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

NASA television show Cosmos is remade 34 years after the original series hosted by Carl Sagan. The 13-episode series hosted by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson premiered on Sunday in about...

South By Southwest: Secrets, spying, chef Watson

9 years ago from Physorg

FOMO —or the fear of missing out— is a common complaint at the South By Southwest Interactive festival in Austin, Texas each year.

VIDEO: Safe space landing for torch mission

The two cosmonauts, Oleg Kotov and Sergei Ryazansky, and American astronaut Michael Hopkins, have landed safely after completing their Sochi Olympic torch mission.

President Obama Hopes 'Cosmos' TV Reboot Inspires Next Generation of Scientists (Video)

9 years ago from

Even the president of the United States is into the new 'Cosmos.' President Barack Obama introduced 'Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey' last night (March 9) during the FOX premiere of the...

For Astronomers, Plan to Ground SOFIA Comes as a Shock

9 years ago from Science NOW

White House wants to mothball airborne telescope in money-saving move

50 Amazing Facts About Antarctica

9 years ago from Live Science

Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, driest continent on the planet, and researchers are still discovering many of its secrets. Find out some of the most interesting facts about the southernmost...

AUDIO: Moss used as a 'biological solar panel'

Dr Paolo Bombelli, a biochemist at the University of Cambridge, discusses how moss was used to power a radio.

Alien moons could bake dry from young gas giants' hot glow

9 years ago from Physorg

When we think of where else life might exist in the universe, we tend to focus on planets. But on a grander cosmic scale, moons could prove the more common...

Incredible Technology: How Fleets of 'Flat Landers' Could Explore Other Planets

9 years ago from

Researchers are developing flat, blanket-size landers that could be delivered en masse to worlds such as Mars or Jupiter's moon Europa. The approach could enable NASA to mount missions to...