Latest science news in Biology & Nature

Software teaches helicopters new tricks

15 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Birds learn to fly by watching other birds. Now helicopters can watch each other to learn complex aerial tricks and maneuvers.

Delaying Evolution Of Drug Resistance In Malaria Parasite Possible

15 years ago from Science Daily

There's no magic bullet for wiping out malaria, but a new study offers strong support for a method that effectively delays the evolution of drug resistance in malaria parasites, a...

Modelling may save kakapo

15 years ago from Science Alert

A mathematical model used to assess the nutrient balance of the kakapo diet has the potential to help solve a huge challenge to saving the endangered native parrot.

Wolves Prefer Salmon to Deer?

15 years ago from National Geographic

"Fishing wolves" in coastal British Columbia forgo their usual prey and eat salmon almost exclusively in the fall, says a new study that "absolutely shocked" its authors.

U.S.-Born Panda Placed In Incubator

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

The only panda born at a U.S. zoo so far this year was placed in an incubator for closer monitoring by zookeepers after visitors flocked to watch mother and child...

Scientists Develop New Computational Method To Investigate Origin Of Life

15 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have developed a new computational method that they say will help them to understand how life began on Earth. The method has the potential to trace the evolutionary histories...

Broad Institute awarded $86 million NIH grant

15 years ago from Harvard Science

Researchers at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT have been chosen to receive a six-year, $86M grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to identify and develop molecular...

Tropical plants bigger and tastier

15 years ago from Science Alert

A worldwide study has revealed many secrets of tropical and non-tropical plants, and is helping botanists understand how they will deal with climate change.

4,000+ Japan Whale Harvest Not Justified, Experts Say

15 years ago from National Geographic

A new Japanese-led study that says minke whales have gotten thinner over time did not justify the killings of thousands of the animals for research, conservationists argue.

Old drug shows new use against hepatitis C

15 years ago from UPI

STANFORD, Calif., Sept. 2 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say they've developed a novel approach to fighting the hepatitis C virus's reproduction process using an obsolete antihistamine.

'Lab On A Chip' Improves Success Of In Vitro Fertilization

15 years ago from Science Daily

In a finding that could boost the success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF), researchers report development of a tiny "lab on a chip" to evaluate the fitness of embryos...

The Science of Stickiness Revealed

15 years ago from Live Science

There are two separate ways for stuck things to become unstuck, according to a new study.

Trees Suffer One-Two Punch of Acid Rain and Climate Change

15 years ago from Live Science

Trees hike uphill surprisingly quickly.

To Find Campylobacter jejuni, Look in the Biofilms

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Research at the University of Arkansas shows that Campylobacter jejuni is vulnerable to stress, so it survives by latching onto other colonies of bacteria known as biofilms.

Saskatoon Parkinson's pioneer hosts international gathering

15 years ago from CBC: Health

A gathering of 20 of the world's leading experts on Parkinson's disease took place over the weekend in Saskatoon.

Mountain lion sightings prompt study

15 years ago from UPI

DENVER, Sept. 1 (UPI) -- Increased mountain lion sightings in Colorado have prompted a study intended to minimize risks when humans impinge on the big cats' turf, state...

Cancer target structure unveiled

15 years ago from Chemistry World

First detailed structure of a key enzyme involved in cancer should help scientists develop new tumour-targeting drugs

Breeding 'first' for birds on bay

15 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Experts believe a wading bird rarely spotted in the UK has bred in Scotland for the first time.

Pakistan launches national biosafety body

15 years ago from SciDev

A national biosafety body has been established in Pakistan, which will monitor biotechnology and trans-border infectious diseases.

Lovers vs. Fighters Speed Up Evolution

15 years ago from Live Science

Larger fighting horns or genitalia may drive dung beetles to evolve into new species.

Hopes raised for block on cancer

15 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Scientists say they have taken a big step towards blocking a chemical vital to the growth of many cancers.

Experts poised for rare frog hunt

15 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Scientists are to hunt for some of the world's rarest frogs in Costa Rica, including the iconic golden toad, last seen 20 years ago.

James Lovelock: Medicine for a feverish planet: kill or cure?

15 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Planetary scale engineering might be able to combat global warming, but, as with nineteenth century medicine, the best option may simply be kind words and letting Nature take its course,...

New Master Switch Found in the Brain That Regulates Desire for Food and Ability to Reproduce

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Body weight and fertility have long known to be related to each other - women who are too thin, for example, can have trouble becoming pregnant. Now, a master switch...

'Fingerprinting' Helps Make Great Grapes

15 years ago from Science Daily

At about this time next year, nearly all of the 2,800 wild, rare and domesticated grapes in a unique northern California genebank will have had their "genetic profile" or "fingerprint"...

More Than 150,000 Species Of Flies, Gnats, Maggots, Midges, Mosquitoes Documented In Database

15 years ago from Science Daily

Distinguishing between insect pests and partners starts with an ironclad identification. Entomologists have now prepared a database with information to accurately identify and name almost 157,000 flies, gnats, maggots, midges,...

New Report Loosens Noose Around Albatross’s Neck

15 years ago from Science Daily

The survival chances of the albatross, now officially the most threatened seabird family in the world, have been improved following a new report released by WWF-South Africa.

The incredible journey taken by our genes

15 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Project maps humanity's voyage out of Africa to new continents and domination of the world