Latest science news in Earth & Climate
THEN and NOW: Africa Satellite Images Show Stark Changes
Before-and-after pictures from a new atlas show how Africa is altering from the shrinking of Kilimanjaro's snows to the expansion of an "instant" lake.
Arctic sea ice melt threatens permafrost
BOULDER, Colo., June 12 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say the rate of climate warming over northern Alaska, Canada, and Russia could more than triple during periods of rapid...
Has Global Warming Research Misinterpreted Cloud Behavior?
When researchers observe natural changes in clouds and temperature, they have assumed that temperature change caused the clouds to change, and not the other way around. This can lead to...
Guanaco study to be started in Chile
NEW YORK, June 12 (UPI) -- Wildlife Conservation Society veterinarians say they are about to release radio-collared guanacos as part of a new study in Chile's Karukinka reserve.
City seeks to be carbon neutral
A £1.25m grant will be spent trying to make Stirling the first carbon neutral city in the UK.
Science academies urge G8 commitment to carbon storage
G8 countries should step up efforts to combat climate change with the establishment of carbon capture and storage technology, say scientists.
South Asia News in brief: 29 May–11 June
Scientists warn against atmosphere engineering, community care 'improves baby survival', Indian region an 'earthquake hotspot', and more.
Gulf states should work together on research
A regional strategy and a focus on capacity building would strengthen Gulf investments in S&T, say Wael K. Al-Delaimy and Hilal A. Lashuel.
Basics: Tallying the Toll on an Elder of the Sea
The loss of the horseshoe crab would be tragic, researchers say, because so many contemporary life forms depend on them.
King Coal Country Debates a Sacrilege, Gas Heat
Officials in the heart of Pennsylvania’s coal mining region are considering using natural gas at county facilities.
Sensors to monitor city sewage system
SOUTH BEND, Ind., June 11 (UPI) -- Scientists at Purdue and Notre Dame Universities say they're developing a sensor network to prevent city sewage from flowing into waterways...
Strong Action Urged to Curb Warming
The scientific academies of 13 countries on Tuesday urged the world to act more forcefully to limit the threat posed by human-driven global warming.
Rocky water source
Gypsum, a rocky mineral is abundant in desert regions where fresh water is usually in very short supply but oil and gas fields are common. Writing in International Journal of...
'National effort' urged on floods
A national effort is needed to tackle the vulnerability of key infrastructure to flooding, warns the Environment Agency.
Really?: The Claim: Ice Is Good for a Skin Burn
A batch of ice for a sunburn may seem like the perfect remedy, but is it?
China Holds Funeral for Panda Killed by Earthquake
Mao Mao, a panda who has been missing since the May 12 earthquake, was found crushed under a wall and buried by keepers at the Wolong reserve.
German carmakers welcome modified emissions targets
German automakers could breathe easier Tuesday after Berlin and Paris agreed on a proposal that relaxes carbon dioxide emission targets for cars.
City-Size Tract of Amazon Forest Cleared in April
The sudden spate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is an alarming development brought on by rising food prices and lack of rain, officials say.
European system for cutting CO2 emissions is working well: Lessons to be learned for US, globe
In a bid to control greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change, the European Union has been operating the world's first system to limit and to trade carbon dioxide. Despite...
China claims 'decisive victory' in battle to drain quake lake
The once-brimming quake lake in central China was significantly drained on Tuesday, easing fears that it would overflow and wash away the homes of the 1.3 million people living downstream.
EPA: Permits not needed for water transfer
WASHINGTON, June 10 (UPI) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced a rule it says is designed to clarify that permits aren't required for transfers of water.
Opinion: Why listen to scientists?
Observations show disturbing signs that the Earth’s response to our activities is happening faster than expected, writes Geoff Davies.
Marine product could beat cancer
A New Zealand researcher has developed a natural marine product from sea sponges that could be used during chemotherapy as a successful anti-cancer drug.
Indonesian Monkeys Found Fishing For Food
Groups of long-tailed macaques were observed four times over the past eight years scooping up small fish with their hands and eating them along rivers in Indonesia's East Kalimantan and...
Global Temperature Report - May 2008
Global average temperatures and temperatures in the tropics continued to fall in May, driven by a La Nina Pacific Ocean cooling event. Monthly global temperature report shows the Tropics recorded the...
Forecast: Dead zone off La., Texas coasts to grow
(AP) -- Researchers predict a "dead zone" of oxygen-depleted waters off the Louisiana and Texas coasts could grow this summer to 10,084 square miles, making it the largest such...
Groups say they will sue over polar bears, drilling
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- Two conservation groups plan to sue to protect polar bears from petroleum exploration and drilling off Alaska's coast....
Climate change: Carbon capture from power stations must start soon, say scientists
Burying gas could achieve 1/3 of UK emissions targets but without it, experts say disaster is unavoidable