Science Daily

Wednesday th 6th of July 2011

Cheap, common drug could dramatically reduce malaria transmission in Africa - 22:30

Gray whales likely survived the Ice Ages by changing their diets - 22:30

Beauty is in the medial orbito-frontal cortex of the beholder - 22:30

Combination therapy as good as old regimen to prevent full-blown TB in people with/without HIV - 22:30

Lack of clarity about HPV vaccine and the need for cervical cancer screening - 22:30

Using vital signs to predict severity of illness in children - 22:30

Women less likely than men to fake soccer injuries - 22:30

Celecoxib may prevent lung cancer in former smokers - 15:32

Just add water and treat brain cancer: Freeze-dried gene therapy system avoids virus, potential complications - 15:32

Reported costs of drug R&D questioned - 15:32

Mercury vapor released from broken compact fluorescent light bulbs can exceed safe exposure levels for humans, study finds - 15:32

Nano detector for deadly anthrax - 15:32

Can in-hospital falls really be prevented? Study shows that current prevention strategies may not be very effective - 15:32

A look back: Scientists raced to estimate oil flow from Deepwater Horizon Macondo well - 15:32

Unhealthy lifestyle is associated with sexual dysfunction - 15:32

Mushroom lights up the night in Brazil: Researcher finds bioluminescent fungus not seen since 1840 - 15:32

Energy-storage capacity of ancient microorganism could lead to power source for synthetic cells - 14:30

Vertebrate jaw design locked early: Study on initial diversification of jaws sheds light on early vertebrate feeding ecology - 14:30

Mechanical micro-drum cooled to quantum ground state - 14:30

Worldwide study identifies top global challenges in mental health - 14:30

Thinking globally to improve mental health - 14:30

Final countdown: Atlantis to carry next-generation vaccine candidate on last space voyage - 14:30

Cassini captures images and sounds of Saturn storm - 14:30

Microalgae could be Texas' next big cash crop - 14:30

You are what you tweet: Tracking public health trends with Twitter - 14:30

New force driving Earth's tectonic plates - 13:31

NMR/MRI applied to microfluidic chromatography - 13:31

Climate change forces early spring - 13:31

A mother's salt intake could be key to prenatal kidney development - 13:30

Socioeconomic class and smoking linked to premature menopause - 12:31

Hydrogen peroxide found in space - 12:31

Traffic pollution affecting unborn children, says asthma expert - 12:31

Pixel perfect: Lens-free, pinhead-size camera developed - 12:30

Can gulls smell out a good partner? Study suggests kittiwakes use body odor to assess genetically compatible mates - 12:30

Molecular gastronomy: Science behind the art of cooking - 12:30

Teaching workshops fail to spur learner-centered teaching - 12:30

Socioeconomic status as child dictates response to stress as adult - 12:30

Emergency departments need to do more to support older adults with cognitive impairment, study finds - 11:32

What causes brain cancer? Understanding glioblastoma at the genetic, molecular level - 11:32

Natural iron fertilization influences deep-sea ecosystems off the Crozet Islands - 11:32

The rise and rise of the flying reptiles: Pterosaurs not driven into extinction by birds, study reveals - 11:32

English for advanced learners: Linguists examine obstacles to native-like proficiency in foreign language acquisition - 11:31

Eye of Gaia: billion-pixel camera to map Milky Way - 11:31

Bigger than football: Study shows sports can help communities recover from disaster - 11:31

Transcription factor is potential target for liver cancer treatment - 11:31

Chromosomes' big picture: Similarities found in genomes across multiple species; Platypus still out of place - 11:31

Steps needed to reduce likelihood that pilot commuting practices could pose safety risk, report finds - 11:31

Eggs' antioxidant properties may help prevent heart disease and cancer, study suggests - 10:30

Self-paced walking test useful for evaluating progress in lifestyle intervention programs - 10:30

Being small has its advantages -- if you are a leaf - 10:30