Science Daily

Saturday th 21st of January 2012

Multiple partners not the only way for corals to stay cool - 00:30

Mysterious monkey re-discovered in Borneo - 00:30

Researchers solve questions about Ethiopians' high-altitude adaptations - 00:30

Fundamental malaria discovery - 00:30

In solar cells, tweaking the tiniest of parts yields big jump in efficiency - 00:30

Friday th 20th of January 2012

Why bats, rats and cats store different amounts of fat - 20:30

Carbon dioxide is 'driving fish crazy' - 20:30

T-rays technology could help develop Star Trek-style hand-held medical scanners - 19:30

Tiny amounts of alcohol dramatically extend a worm's life, but why? - 19:30

Color-coding, rearranging food products improves healthy choices in hospital cafeteria - 01:31

Investigators achieve important step toward treating Huntington's disease - 01:30

Thursday th 19th of January 2012

Study finds potential key to immune suppression in cancer - 17:30

Researchers' refinement increases solar concentrator efficiency - 17:30

How immune cells move against invaders - 17:30

'Pulverized' chromosomes linked to cancer? - 17:30

Nanoparticles refined for more accurate delivery of cancer drugs - 17:30

Native forest birds in Hawaii in unprecedented trouble - 17:30

Scientists make progress in assessing tornado seasons - 16:31

Food security road map while adapting to climate change - 16:31

How protein in teardrops annihilates harmful bacteria: Novel technology reveals lysozymes have jaws - 16:31

NASA sees repeating La Niña hitting its peak - 16:31

NASA finds 2011 ninth-warmest year on record - 16:30

Mysterious flotsam in Gulf of Mexico came from Deepwater Horizon rig - 16:30

When it comes to accepting evolution, gut feelings trump facts - 15:30

Manganese may have potential in neutralizing deadly Shiga toxin - 15:30

Another clue in the mystery of autism - 15:30

'Rules' may govern genome evolution in young plant species - 15:30

Hearty bacteria help make case for life in the extreme - 15:30

Chemists unlock potential target for drug development - 14:30

Snakes improve search-and-rescue robots - 11:30

The helix in new colors - 11:30

Anti-malaria drug synthesized with the help of oxygen and light - 00:30

New gene discovery unlocks mystery to epilepsy in infants - 00:30

Inventory lists 19,232 newly discovered species during latest count - 00:30

Wednesday th 18th of January 2012

Enhancing cognition in older adults also changes personality - 23:30

Breast cancer cells targeted, then burned, by gold-filled silicon wafers - 22:30

Taking another look at the roots of social psychology - 22:30

Polar growth at the bacterial scale reveals potential new targets for antibiotic therapy - 21:30

Study maps destructive path from cigarette to emphysema - 21:30

Good intentions ease pain, add to pleasure - 21:30

Faint 'satellite galaxy' discovered - 21:30

Unusual 'tulip' creature discovered - 21:30

Impact of land use activity in the Amazon basin evaluated - 21:30

Revisiting the 'Pillars of Creation' - 21:30

Voyager instrument cooling after heater turned off - 21:30

Montana students pick winning names for moon craft - 21:30

Planck space telescope warms up as planned - 21:30

Solar Dynamics Observatory helps measure magnetic fields on the sun's surface - 21:30

NASA clears the runway for open source software - 21:30

Mechanism by which newly approved melanoma drug accelerates secondary skin cancers uncovered - 18:30