Science Daily

Saturday th 21st of April 2012

Cancer therapies affect cognitive functioning among breast cancer survivors - 11:31

Use of drug following first sign of possible multiple sclerosis reduces likelihood of progression to MS - 09:30

Primary seat belt laws mean even high-risk teens stay buckled up into adulthood - 09:30

Friday th 20th of April 2012

Scientists find Achilles' heel in life-threatening malaria parasites - 23:30

New genes discovered contributing to autism, links to psychiatric disorders - 22:30

Online chatter affects stock returns - 22:30

Warning signs from ancient Greek tsunami - 22:30

Body cooling cuts in-hospital cardiac arrest patient deaths nearly 12 percent - 22:30

New genes contributing to autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders uncovered - 22:30

Childhood trauma linked to schizophrenia - 21:30

New study links air pollution and early death in the UK - 21:30

Parent diet choice knowledge doesn't prevent child obesity - 20:30

Accelerating climate change exerts strong pressure on Europe's mountain flora - 15:30

Early treatment improves outcomes in rare, often undiagnosed form of encephalitis - 14:30

Soda consumption increases overall stroke risk - 14:30

Marine scientists urge government to reassess oil spill response - 13:30

Alzheimer's plaques disrupt brain networks - 12:30

Human neural stem cells with tumor targeting ability discovered - 12:30

Your left side is your best side: Our left cheek shows more emotion, which observers find more aesthetically pleasing - 12:30

How 'checkpoint' proteins bind chromosomes - 12:30

Polar bears evolutionarily five times older and genetically more distinct: Ancestry traced back 600,000 years - 11:31

Freeing loggerhead turtles comes at a price - 11:31

Meat eating behind evolutionary success of humankind, global population spread, study suggests - 11:31

New stem cell found in brain: Finding could be key to developing methods to heal and repair brain injury and disease - 11:31

NASA image gallery highlights Earth's changing face - 09:31

Cassini finds Titan lake is like a Namibia mudflat - 09:31

Dawn gets extra time to explore Vesta - 09:30

Thursday th 19th of April 2012

Cancer-fighting goodness found in cholesterol, study suggests - 20:30

New monitoring system clarifies murky atmospheric questions - 20:30

Mini-sensor measures magnetic activity in human brain - 20:30

Specific protein may increase risk of blood-vessel constriction linked to gum disease - 16:30

No proof found that gum disease causes heart disease or stroke - 16:30

Speed and ecstasy associated with depression in teenagers - 15:30

Carbon capture and storage: Tough road ahead to realize potential - 15:30

Insomnia takes toll on tinnitus patients - 15:30

Anti-tobacco TV ads help adults stop smoking, study finds - 15:30

Ravens remember relationships they had with others - 15:30

First atomic-scale real-time movies of platinum nanocrystal growth in liquids - 15:30

19th century therapy for Parkinson's disease may help patients today - 15:30

Parabolic flight mission over Japan - 15:30

Aspirin: New evidence is helping explain additional health benefits and open potential for new uses - 15:30

Atomic blockade: Technique efficiently creates single photons for quantum information processing - 15:30

Antidote for cocaine overdose shows promise in lab tests - 14:30

Rivers flowing into the sea offer vast potential as electricity source - 14:30

Advance could mean stain-busting super scrub brushes and other new laundry products - 14:30

Strange cousins: Molecular alternatives to DNA, RNA offer new insight into life’s origins - 14:30

State of Himalayan glaciers less alarming than feared - 14:30

Lizard moms may prepare their babies for a stressful world - 14:30

TV as thin as a sheet of paper? Printable flexible electronics just became easier with stable electrodes - 14:30

Groundbreaking device improves laser accuracy in surgeries - 13:30