Science Daily

Thursday th 31st of January 2013

Study of vegetation changes challenges long-held theories of human evolution - 13:01

Zebrafish may hold the answer to repairing damaged retinas and returning eyesight to people - 13:01

'Hungry twin' stars gobble their first meals - 11:31

Aztec conquest altered genetics among early Mexico inhabitants, new DNA study shows - 11:00

Disease not a factor in Tasmanian Tiger extinction - 11:00

Study rebuts hypothesis that comet attacks ended 9,000-year-old Clovis culture - 10:30

Chimpanzees learn a more efficient tool technique by watching others - 10:00

In beef production, cow-calf phase contributes most greenhouse gases - 00:30

How does fibrosis occur in Crohn's disease? - 00:01

Alive? You are a bed bug magnet - 00:01

Chronic kidney disease increases risk of death for both women and men - 00:01

Checking out open access - 00:01

New model to determine lifetime spending - 00:01

Prostate cancer study tracks long-term urinary, sexual and bowel function side effects - 00:01

NASA launches next-generation communications satellite - 00:01

Wednesday th 30th of January 2013

Alternate walking and running to save energy, maintain endurance - 23:30

New research shows complexity of global warming - 23:30

Aging cells lose their grip on DNA rogues - 23:30

Mindfulness meditation heightens a listener's musical engagement - 23:30

Value of flow-diverting device confirmed for most challenging aneurysms - 23:30

Biofuels blend right in: Researchers show ionic liquids effective for pre-treating mixed blends of biofuel feedstocks - 23:30

Itching for new help for eczema: Recently identified immune cells possible therapeutic target - 23:30

Setting the stage for a new paradigm in treatment of heart failure - 23:30

Obesity may increase risk of multiple sclerosis in children and teens - 23:30

Binge drinking increases risk of type 2 diabetes by causing insulin resistance - 23:00

U.S. water supply not as threatened as believed - 23:00

After Super Bowl, many fans will suffer football withdrawal symptoms - 22:31

Potential therapy target in multiple sclerosis - 22:31

Rude behavior at work is increasing and affects the bottom line - 22:31

Virtual superheroes more helpful in real world too - 22:00

Adding new members to group increases distrust among older members, impacts coordination - 22:00

Leading by the nose: Star-nosed mole reveals how mammals perceive touch, pain - 22:00

Chimp see, chimp learn: First evidence for chimps improving tool use techniques by watching others - 22:00

Tapeworm eggs discovered in 270 million year old fossil shark feces - 22:00

New order found in quantum electronic material: May open door to new kinds of materials, magnets and superconductors - 22:00

Husbands who do more traditionally female housework have less sex - 21:30

Antibiotics cut death rate for malnourished children - 21:30

Vultures foraging far and wide face a poisonous future - 20:00

West Nile virus spreading due to mosquitoes in orchards and vineyards, experts warn - 20:00

Homicide-suicides unrelated to social class, Swiss study shows - 19:31

Even the brains of people with anxiety states can get used to fear - 19:31

Androgenic hormones could help treat multiple sclerosis, study suggests - 19:31

Archaic Native Americans built massive Louisiana mound in less than 90 days - 19:31

Bonobos predisposed to show sensitivity to others - 19:31

Gut microbes at root of severe malnutrition in kids - 19:31

Empathy varies by age and gender: Women in their 50s are tops - 19:31

Scientists unveil a superbug's secret to antibiotic resistance - 19:31

New semiconductor research may extend integrated circuit battery life tenfold - 19:31

Fuel of the future: Cheap hydrogen from water one step closer - 19:31

Telephone physiotherapy reduces waiting times and provides equally good patient results - 19:00