Science Daily

Monday th 1st of June 2015

Revolutionary technology to improve bedside tumor diagnosis in patients - 09:30

73% of insomniacs cured after 1-hour therapy session - 09:30

People more likely to cheat as they become more economically dependent on their spouses - 09:01

Psychology: Does aging affect decision making? - 09:01

Contaminant particles increase hospital admissions for children with respiratory illnesses - 09:01

Helping hearing impaired hear movies - 09:01

Genome assembly in minutes: Deciphering the ‘book of life’ with supercomputers - 09:01

Poliovirus study finds that less is more - 09:01

Seeing tubular plasma structures in inner layers of magnetosphere surrounding Earth - 09:01

Anastrozole prevents recurrence more than tamoxifen in some with noninvasive breast cancer - 09:01

Reading: Brain waves study shows how different teaching methods affect reading development - 09:01

Staring pain in the face: Software 'reads' kids' expressions to measure pain levels - 08:30

Diode lasers bars with 2 kW output power for ultra-high power laser applications - 08:30

A new site on the World Heritage List? - 08:30

Lasers are key to mastering challenges in lightweight construction - 08:30

Better welding with speedy laser mirrors - 08:30

Novel X-ray lens sharpens view into the nano world - 08:30

Quick to laugh or smile? It may be in your genes - 08:01

Unconscious use of 'medical marijuana? ' Hunter-gatherer cannabis use linked to fewer internal parasites - 08:01

Sunday th 31st of May 2015

High cost of healthcare for UK military amputees from Afghan conflict - 20:50

Discovery could improve radiotherapy for wide range of cancers - 20:50

No reason for laughing gas to be withdrawn from operating theaters - 20:50

American surgery patients: More pain medication, yet more pain - 20:50

Preoperative statins reduce mortality in coronary artery bypass graft surgery - 20:50

Research solves mystery of memory and mood - 20:50

Immunotherapy drug improves survival for common form of lung cancer - 20:20

75 per cent of annual global greenhouse gas emissions covered by national targets - 20:20

Contact lens wearers: Eyes may get more infections because their 'microbiomes' have changed - 13:30

Mobile Maestro: Immersive sound reproduction system from several smart phones - 09:30

Gene therapy, surgery could mean eight more months for sickest brain cancer patients - 09:30

Immunotherapy combo increases progression-free survival in advanced melanoma patients - 09:30

Risks of whole brain radiation therapy added to radiosurgery outweigh benefits for patients with limited brain metastases - 09:30

Possible New Combination Chemotherapy for Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer - 09:30

Saturday th 30th of May 2015

Doctors' checklist could help decrease length of COPD patients' hospital stay - 10:30

Removing more tissue during breast cancer surgery reduces by half the need for second procedure - 10:30

Targeted drug can ‘diminish the suffering’ of myelofibrosis - 10:00

Practice-changing study offers new option for tough breast cancer cases - 10:00

Scale to stratify magnitude of clinical benefit of anticancer medicines - 10:00

Combining targeted drug with chemotherapy offers longer life to b-cell cancer patients - 10:00

Carbon nanotubes grown in combustion flames - 09:30

End European agreements with tobacco industry designed to curb smuggling, urge experts - 09:30

Many UK patients with gonorrhea prescribed outdated antibiotics - 09:30

Altered pain processing in patients with cognitive impairment - 09:30

Friday th 29th of May 2015

Race influences warfarin dose - 22:00

Biomarker analysis reveals several potential treatment targets in subtype of anal cancer - 22:00

ONT-380 has stage IV HER2+ breast cancer patient 'worrying about normal stuff again' - 22:00

Sensor measures properties of tiny amounts of fluid - 21:30

Manipulating cell membranes using nanotubes - 21:30

Using carbon nanotubes to improve bio-oil refining - 21:30

Food or fuel? How about both? - 21:30