Science Blog

Thursday th 16th of July 2009

Study reveals sandfish tucks legs and swims like a snake through desert sand - 13:35

Secrets of a life-giving amino acid revealed by Yale researchers - 13:35

La Jolla Institute discovers genetic trigger for disease-fighting antibodies - 13:35

Genetic source of muscular dystrophy neutralized - 13:35

New science of learning offers preview of tomorrow's classroom - 13:35

Solar cycle linked to global climate, drives events similar to El Nino, La Nina - 12:49

Data show ATryn effectively prevents serious blood clots - 12:49

Targeting MMPs to halt advanced metastatic breast cancer - 11:42

New pheromone helps female flies tell suitors to 'buzz off' - 11:42

Active video games a good alternative for kids - 11:21

Military model shows why defeating insurgent groups like Taliban is so difficult - 11:21

Multitasking ability can be improved through training - 10:35

Solar cycle linked to global climate - 10:35

New geothermal heat extraction process to deliver clean power generation - 10:35

Stress and depression worsen childhood asthma, UB researchers show - 10:35

Estrogen can reduce stroke damage by inactivating protein - 09:49

New study finds 'delinquent behavior among boys contagious' - 09:49

Researchers find that eating high levels of fructose impairs memory in rats - 09:49

Obesity raises risk of complications in pregnancy, study shows - 09:49

Cystic fibrosis treatments may have unseen long-term benefits - 09:49

An eagle of cosmic proportions - 09:49

Is a society with smokers profitable? - 09:49

Less trouble at mill, thanks to earthworms - 09:49

Possible dinosaur burrows clues to survival strategies - 08:42

Study to assess hip exercises as treatment for osteoarthritis in the knee joints - 08:42

The New Cognition and Language Laboratory - 06:49

UT Southwestern researchers investigate high-risk populations for bladder-cancer screenings - 01:35

Private and public insurance choices could help pay for national health care reform - 01:35

Quantum goes massive - 01:35

Wednesday th 15th of July 2009

Fossilized dung balls reveal secret ecology of lost world - 18:49

Laser technology creates new forms of metal and enhances aircraft performance - 16:35

Alzheimer's risk: Would you want to know? - 16:35

Disclosing genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease does not cause psychological distress - 16:35

Childhood adversity may affect processing in the brain's reward pathways - 15:49

Trojan horse for ovarian cancer -- nanoparticles turn immune system soldiers against tumor cells - 15:49

Can children outgrow chronic daily headache? - 15:49

Blind can take wheel with vehicle designed by university engineering design team - 14:42

New map of genomic variations will enable disease research - 14:42

St. Jude scientists discover a new mechanism controlling neuronal migration - 14:42

MGH study identifies first molecular steps to childhood leukemia - 13:35

UCSF researchers help crack parasite genome, identify drug leads - 13:35

A ticking bomb: Novel UCLA procedure treats high-risk aortic aneurysms - 13:35

Primitive asteroids in the main asteroid belt may have formed far from the sun - 13:35

'Sloppier copier' surprisingly efficient - 13:35

Complete fluke? Genome sequencers crack parasite genome - 13:35

Genomes of parasitic flatworms decoded - 13:35

Primate archaeology sheds light on human origins - 13:35

Vitamin D, curcumin may help clear amyloid plaques found in Alzheimer's disease - 11:42

FSU scientists unveil new seasonal hurricane forecasting model - 11:42

Classifying 'clicks' - 11:42