
Monday th 8th of November 2010

Latin America to boost renewable energies - 21:50

Brazil establishes a fund to mitigate climate change - 21:50

Sterile pest could do away with Bt cotton in Arizona - 13:30

Madagascan scientists say they warned of locust swarms - 12:50

Friday th 5th of November 2010

Nagoya biopiracy agreement 'is unexpected success' - 12:50

Simple test identifies earthquake-vulnerable buildings - 12:50

Africa Analysis: The benefits of open source software - 05:40

Thursday th 4th of November 2010

Pakistan to prepare climate change strategy post floods - 14:00

Anthony Mbewu steps down as Global Forum director - 14:00

Lack of engineers stifling development, says report - 13:20

How science is tackling Pakistan's water shortages - 11:20

Mexico opens bank to maintain its genetic heritage - 08:01

Wednesday th 3rd of November 2010

Brazil publishes science plan as Rousseff replaces Lula - 17:10

Brazil publishes science plan as Rouseff replaces Lula - 13:20

Green algae boost wheat yields, say scientists - 13:20

Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 21 October–3 November 2010 - 12:40

South Africa must strengthen green tech transfer - 10:40

Uruguayan citizen jury says no to nuclear energy - 06:00

Tuesday th 2nd of November 2010

Malaysia to release GM mosquitoes into the wild - 12:50

Nepal's gene bank gets going - 12:10

UK science society network to go global - 12:10

Monday th 1st of November 2010

Chile and Germany team up on research - 22:00

Colombia launched strategy to bring science to society - 13:00

Plant bank to preserve biodiversity of Pacific crops - 13:00

Mobile technology doubles HIV treatment rate in babies - 12:20

Friday th 29th of October 2010

Development needs a holistic approach - 12:50

Dispute erupts over Indonesian tsunami alerts - 12:50

Malaria elimination 'most feasible' in Latin America - 12:10

Thursday th 28th of October 2010

Africa to get continent-wide data centre - 12:40

Botswana gets Thailand's help with mystery fish disease - 11:20

Manganese exposure linked with intelligence quotient - 07:40

Wednesday th 27th of October 2010

Cities are crucial for climate mitigation - 12:30

South Africa's HIV research 'on the rise' - 12:30

Saudi Arabia at risk from rare volcanic earthquakes - 11:50

Reality check for 'miracle' biofuel crop - 06:10

Herbaceous plants ‘may explain high methane levels in tropical forests’ - 04:50

Tuesday th 26th of October 2010

Nobel Prize winner working towards a greener Mexico City - 13:00

Argentina reignites environmental debate with Uruguay - 13:00

Haiti at risk of another earthquake, scientists say - 12:20

US fund links USAID with entrepreneurs - 12:20

Monday th 25th of October 2010

'Mega' climate research centre proposed at TWAS meeting - 12:10

US to boost links with African universities - 12:10

Friday th 22nd of October 2010

Chile invention protects tall buildings from earthquakes - 12:30

Nanotech's impacts on Africa must be carefully considered - 12:30

Yemen's capital 'will run out of water by 2025' - 11:10

Thursday th 21st of October 2010

Haiti earthquake study suggests higher tsunami risk - 21:40

UNESCO puts controversial Obiang prize on hold - 21:40

Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 7–20 October 2010 - 18:00

US$27 million for nanotechnology centre in Puerto Rico - 09:10

Wednesday th 20th of October 2010

China extends brain drain campaign to young scientists - 12:40