Backpacks that will charge your phone
Always be prepared. (Felix Rostig via Unsplash /)Is there anywhere you want to go without your phone these days? Probably not. Whether you’re hiking a trail, packing for the beach, commuting to work, or on the way to class you’re going to want to keep your phone charged. These nifty backpacks come with built-in batteries to charge your phone while offering the storage capacity and durability of regular backpacks.You’ve got the glow. (Amazon/)The Lmeison Luminous Backpack will get your child noticed. It absorbs sun during the day, which it will reflect at night for up to six hours. It comes with a USB charging port, but you’ll have to provide the actual battery pack. The backpack itself is made of breathable, waterproof material that will survive spilled drinks, mud, and being tossed around. It also comes with a pencil holder and a lock. At 17.7 by 11.8 by 5.5 inches...