There are two near-perfect options for e-readers. And then there are the rest.
Trust us—if you were reading "War and Peace," that hammock wouldn't be half as comfortable. (Perfecto Capucine / Unsplash/)E-book readers are one of the clearest signs the future is now—having an entire library in your pocket powered by a battery that almost never runs out is exactly what my seven-year-old self was dreaming of (sorry, iPhone).If you love reading but are still new to e-readers, you’re in for a serious treat. It’s never been easier to carry around what would be a large hardcover to read on your commute or your vacation. And if you’re stuck with an old e-book reader and want to upgrade, now is a good time to do it. Unlike smartphones, the e-book landscape shifts glacially, but there are a few great options that weren’t available a few years ago.The library conundrum E-book readers aren’t really standalone devices—they’re the hardware expression of a whole software ecosystem....