Eco-friendly diapers to reduce waste and keep your baby fresh
Save the world one diaper at a time. (Depositphotos/)Every year, an estimated 27.4 billion diapers make their way to landfills in the United States, accounting for a chunk of trash weighing in at roughly 3.4 million tons. With our waste management capabilities already strained by chemical content and sheer volume, there’s never been a more crucial time for us to minimize our contributions to the degradation of the planet, and people everywhere are doing their part by switching over to reusable and biodegradable products. Diapers in particular now come in a huge variety of eco-friendly forms that are also super comfy and non-toxic for little ones’ sensitive skin. Switching from traditional diapers to plant-based or cloth diapers is an affordable and easy way to make a big impact on your waste output.Here’s a list of the best eco-friendly diapers currently available.Washable diapers that grow with your kid. (Amazon/)These super soft...