Neural Network Simulator Models Blood Platelet Response During Heart Attack
We often think of our blood as specifically tasked with carrying oxygen to our brains and other organs, but it's also a living fluid, changing up its duties in response to various stimuli. To better understand -- and anticipate -- one aspect of this complicated biology, researchers have trained a neural network computer to model how platelets in the blood react to complicated conditions like those experienced during heart attack or stroke. The University of Pennsylvania's robotic automated system works by measuring the reaction of platelets to agonists -- chemicals that bind to platelets to initiate a cellular response -- introduced in pairs. The process tags each platelet with 34,000 data points acquired during those evaluations, with each duo of agonists leaving its unique fingerprint. Related ArticlesSynthetic Nano-Platelets Added to Blood Cut Healing Time in HalfArtificial Red Blood Cells To Aid Drug Delivery, Imaging Gold Nanosensors Can Be Implanted in the Body...