
Friday th 27th of May 2011

Undertreatment of cardiovascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients following a heart attack - 04:00

Scientist instils new hope of detecting gravitational waves - 04:00

The use of placebo in rheumatoid arthritis clinical trials may negatively impact patients - 04:00

E-Book report: Nook is up, iPad still catching up - 04:00

Google unveils smartphone pay service, PayPal sues - 04:00

Astronauts make history on 4th, final spacewalk - 04:00

Is a repeat flu shot needed? This fall, maybe not - 04:00

Facebook rejects ownership suit as a 'fraud' - 04:00

Cisco counterfeit conspirators convicted - 04:00

Venezuela, China to launch satellite next year - 04:00

Thursday th 26th of May 2011

NASA: Songda becomes a super typhoon - 16:30

NASA is making hot, way cool - 16:30

Omega-3 may cut risk of artery disease, heart attacks for patients with stents - 16:00

Disparities in stroke care prevail among US racial/ethnic groups - 16:00

Canadians using smartphones for everything but talking - 16:00

US online advertising soars in first quarter: report - 16:00

Skype scrambles after service crash - 16:00

Driver's data may be used to check workers' status - 15:01

Researchers butter up the old 'scratch test' to make it tough - 14:30

YouTube chemistry sensations share formula for success - 14:30

Folic acid given to mother rats protects offspring from colon cancer - 14:30

High risk of Parkinson's disease for people exposed to pesticides near workplace - 14:30

Cancer cells accelerate aging and inflammation in the body to drive tumor growth - 14:30

University of Chicago's Joe and Rika Mansueto library make book retrieval a robotic affair - 14:00

Green and lean: Secreting bacteria eliminate cost barriers for renewable biofuel production - 14:00

Scientists turn human skin cells directly into neurons, skipping IPS stage - 13:31

Five new hot spots where medicine and technology will converge - 13:31

New study identifies compounds that could slow down Alzheimer's disease - 13:31

Current test-based incentive programs have not consistently raised - 13:31

People with body-image disorders process 'big picture' visual information abnormally - 13:31

Common transplant drug inhibits breast cancer growth, study shows - 13:31

Twitter diplomacy new face of foreign relations - 13:31

Finnish record label petition to block Pirate Bay - 13:31

Huffington Post launches Canadian edition - 13:31

Cigarette health warnings push smokers to quit: study - 13:31

Pioneer previews integrated floating image display technology - 13:31

Babies can perform sophisticated analyses of how the physical world should behave: study - 13:30

New study argues against conclusion that bacteria consumed Deepwater Horizon methane - 13:30

Parts of moon interior contains as much water as Earth's upper mantle - 13:30

Why do pivotal cultural differences among countries exist? - 13:30

Introduce specialized teaching for dyscalculia in schools, urge experts - 13:30

The quantum computer is growing up: Repetitive error correction in a quantum processor - 13:30

New research points to the significant role of oceans in ancient global cooling - 13:30

Experts create first legal roadmap to tackle local ocean acidification hotspots - 13:30

Master gene may shed new light on lysosomal and neurodegenerative disorders - 13:30

Cucumbers blamed for deadly German E. coli outbreak - 13:30

Google launches trial of tap-to-pay phone system - 13:30

Study: 6.5 percent of adults active enough at work - 12:30

Aging, obsolete cells prime the lungs for pneumonia - 12:30

Study finds two gene classes linked to new prion formation - 12:01