MIT Research

Friday th 18th of October 2013

Reif announces plans to launch an MIT Innovation Initiative - 09:00

Adrift in a sea of change - 03:30

Automatic speaker tracking in audio recordings - 03:30

Who’s the ace among aces? - 03:30

Thursday th 17th of October 2013

‘Cool’ invention wins first place at MADMEC - 03:30

Wednesday th 16th of October 2013

Separating the good from the bad in bacteria - 20:20

Schizophrenia linked to abnormal brain waves - 15:30

Dude, where’s my code? - 03:30

Finding blood clots before they wreak havoc - 03:30

Tuesday th 15th of October 2013

New role for ‘hunger hormone’ - 07:30

Fighting for social justice - 03:30

Friday th 11th of October 2013

Creating a permanent bacteria barrier - 03:20

Advantage, Arnaud - 03:20

Thursday th 10th of October 2013

Innovation in renewable-energy technologies is booming - 20:30

Thinking globally - 03:30

Wednesday th 9th of October 2013

Study: Ethanol not a major factor in reducing gas prices - 19:30

An experiment puts auditing under scrutiny - 06:30

Cracked metal, heal thyself - 03:30

Tuesday th 8th of October 2013

In search of transparency - 16:30

New space opens for MIT’s youngest attendees - 14:00

Making Martian clouds on Earth - 03:30

Monday th 7th of October 2013

Better robot vision - 03:30

Friday th 4th of October 2013

New position aims to strengthen MIT’s sustainability - 03:50

New kind of microscope uses neutrons - 03:50

Surprisingly simple scheme for self-assembling robots - 03:50

Thursday th 3rd of October 2013

New view of dengue fever - 03:30

Scientists generate first map of clouds on an exoplanet - 03:30

Wednesday th 2nd of October 2013

Seeing through silicon - 08:30

Droplets get a charge out of jumping - 07:00

Keeping ‘digital storefronts’ fresh - 07:00

Under the sea - 07:00

Tuesday th 1st of October 2013

Probing the surface of pyrite - 03:30

Monday th 30th of September 2013

Building disaster-relief phone apps on the fly - 04:00

Friday th 27th of September 2013

3 Questions: Scott Kemp on North Korea’s nuclear program - 14:30

El Niño cycle has a big effect on a major greenhouse gas - 03:30

Thursday th 26th of September 2013

New approach to global health challenges - 19:30

How to make ceramics that bend without breaking - 17:30

Wednesday th 25th of September 2013

Nanoparticle vaccine offers better protection - 19:30

Broadcasting rights - 03:30

Tuesday th 24th of September 2013

Achieving an innovation nation - 19:00

Bringing ‘common sense’ to text analytics - 14:30

Race and class - 03:30

Monday th 23rd of September 2013

Understanding a new kind of magnetism - 03:30

Friday th 20th of September 2013

Water-shedding surfaces can be made to last - 09:30

Watching tumors burst through a blood vessel - 03:30

Thursday th 19th of September 2013

3 Questions: Suzanne Berger on converting innovation into growth - 15:00

Teaching computers to see — by learning to see like computers - 03:30

Wednesday th 18th of September 2013

How old memories fade away - 15:30

Accelerating startups, the MIT way - 03:30

Tuesday th 17th of September 2013

New materials improve oxygen catalysis - 08:30