We're spotlighting 'plantfluencers' of color in our new series: PLANT PPL
Here at L.A. Times Plants, we love "plantfluencers" — people whose Instagram feeds and stories are abundantly verdant. We've launched a new series, PLANT PPL, where we interview people of color in the plant world, such as the voice behind @LatinxWithPlants, Andi Xoch. When customers buy from Xoch's pop-up shop in Boyle Heights, they don't just buy the plant, they support the whole business. They spread the word: "Supporters have expressed that they don't want to support big corporations, and people are dealing with anxiety caused by COVID and the long history of systemic oppression," she says. "People are hungry for any sense of normalcy, and plants provide that."Here are some of our favorite plantfluencers, plant stylists, floral artists, enthusiasts, experts and garden store owners to follow on Instagram and to perhaps support when you're looking to add to your plant family. If you have any suggestions for PPL to...