Elsevier launches Journal of Family Business Strategy
Elsevier, the world-leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced the launch of a new quarterly journal, Journal of Family Business Strategy (JFBS). The journal aims to be a primary publication outlet for academics and scholars in the field of family business strategic issues and the first issue is now available on ScienceDirect. The Journal of Family Business Strategy publishes research that contributes new knowledge and understanding to the field of family business. The journal is international in scope and welcomes submissions that address all aspects of how family influences business and business influences family.
The editorial board is led by the eminent academic Joseph H. Astrachan, Wachovia Eminent Scholar Chair of Family Business and Professor in the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at Coles College of Business, Cox Family Enterprise Center, Kennesaw State University, USA.
Torsten Pieper, Assistant Editor for the journal, commented: "Family businesses add an element of continuity and values (to business), which are very important to long-term survival." Professor Astrachan added. that "It seems natural that a new journal in the family business field will be affiliated with a publisher that stands for longevity, innovation and sustainability – all attributes associated with great family enterprises".
Tony Roche, Executive Publisher at Elsevier commented, "We have been able to attract submissions from leading scholars and to excite interest from younger researchers, our authors of today and tomorrow."
Shaker A. Zahra, Robert E. Buuck Chair of Entrepreneurship and Professor of Strategy and Organization at the University of Minnesota who said, "With its board membership and authors representing every corner of the globe, the journal is well positioned to influence the field, family firm decisions and public policy of all political leanings. Bold in its approach, ambitious in its goals, and careful in the scholarship it publishes, Journal of Family Business Strategy is destined to have a significant and unparalleled impact."
Source: Elsevier
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- Elsevier launches Journal of Family Business Strategyfrom Science BlogThu, 11 Mar 2010, 15:21:33 UTC