Archive of articles published on the 20th of August 2012
The wasp that never cries wolf
Binge drinking college students are happier than their non-binge drinking peers
Study examines the relationship between marriage and alcohol
Big Bang theory challenged by big chill
As smart electric grid evolves, Virginia Tech engineers show how to include solar technologies
Next generation 3-D theater: Optical science makes glasses a thing of the past
Imprisoned molecules 'quantum rattle' in their cages
Scientists shed light on glowing materials
Ecologist: Genetically engineered algae for biofuel pose potential risks that should be studied
Experiment would test cloud geoengineering as way to slow warming
Why do the Caribbean Islands arc?
Drink made from berry wine may provide tasty drug for diabetes
Lao skull earliest example of modern human fossil in Southeast Asia
Scientist finds new way to predict heat layer troublemaker
U of S-led team unlocks link between sex and the female brain
Information overload in the era of 'big data'
Anthrax targets
UCSB scientists examine effects of manufactured nanoparticles on soybean crops
Model shows dramatic global decline in ratio of workers to retired people