Archive of articles published on the 5th of July 2012
Extreme weather conditions cost EU’s transport system at least €15 billion annually
Individuals cooperate according to their emotional state and their prior experiences
Hormones dictate when youngsters fly the nest, says new research
Yak genome provides new insights into high altitude adaptation
Research shows endowment effect in chimpanzees can be turned on and off
Robot vision: Muscle-like action allows camera to mimic human eye movement
Employees' interests predict how they will perform on the job
Another M-class flare from Sunspot 1515
First direct evidence that elemental fluorine occurs in nature
Eddies, not sunlight, spur annual bloom of tiny plants in North Atlantic
Climate change suspended reef growth for 2 millennia
Gladstone scientists identify critical process in stem cell development
Nitrogen pollution changing Rocky Mountain National Park vegetation, says CU-Boulder-led study
US Drought Monitor shows record-breaking expanse of drought across US
Astronomers discover Houdini-like vanishing act in space
New instrument sifts through starlight to reveal new worlds
Satellite research reveals smaller volcanoes could cool climate
Most accurate robotic legs mimic human walking gait
Toward a better understanding of earthquakes
When to rein in the stock market