Archive of articles published on the 22nd of May 2011
Scientists discover new drug target for squamous cell carcinoma
Heart Failure: Targeting the right patients for CRT-D
EMPHASIS HF: Study shows epleronone to reduce atrial fibrillation
Telemonitoring can improve overall survival of HF patients
Ulcer bacteria may contribute to development of Parkinson's disease
Genomics and social network analysis team up to solve disease outbreaks
Scientists find new drug target in breast cancer
Gulf currents primed bacteria to degrade oil spill
A direct path for understanding and treating brittle bones
The dance of the cells: A minuet or a mosh?
Study identifies novel role for a protein that could lead to new treatments for rheumatoid arthritis
UBC-led team develops platform to monitor hematopoietic stem cells
Scientists find odd twist in slow 'earthquakes': Tremor running backwards
Human brain's most ubiquitous cell cultivated in lab dish