Archive of articles published on the 2nd of May 2011
Summary of NCRP Workshop on CT in Emergency Medicine, now available
Media multitasking is really multi-distracting
Higher HIV risk in black gay men linked to partner choice, risk perception
Early nutrition has a long-term metabolic impact
Wishful thinking
Injured children may not be getting best possible care
'It costs too much to be healthy'
Parents have role in smoking prevention
HIV risk in young black males
New studies show negative effects from revised mammography recommendation for women, ages 40-49
PET-CT exams help identify cognitive reserve in early-onset Alzheimer's disease
Advanced CT with 3-D scanning improve detection of drug trafficking and other contraband smuggling
Young adults' beliefs about their health clash with risky behaviors
Jackson Laboratory team finds genetic clue to 'emergency' glaucoma
Smoke-exposed children with flu more likely to need ICU care
Researchers find that aspirin reduces the risk of cancer recurrence in prostate cancer patients
Endogenous proteins found in a 70-million-year-old giant marine lizard
Pain and itch connected down deep
ENERCA clinical recommendations for sickle cell disease management and prevention in children
Dual medications for depression increases costs, side effects with no benefit to patients
Paging Han Solo: Researchers find more efficient way to steer laser beams
Lichen evolved on 2 tracks, like marsupials and mammals
Statins may stave off septic lung damage says new research study
Traveler's alert: Business travel linked to obesity and poor health
Study suggests that successful blueprints are recycled by evolution
Hydrogen fuel tech gets boost from low-cost, efficient catalyst
Alzheimer's-related protein disrupts motors of cell transport
U of I study: Before you start bone-building meds, try dietary calcium and supplements
Cells talk more in areas Alzheimer's hits first, boosting plaque component
Study: Rare deep-sea starfish stuck in juvenile body plan
Single atom stores quantum information
Animal studies reveal new route to treating heart disease
Mayo Clinic CPR efforts successful on man with no pulse for 96 minutes
Cells derived from different stem cells: Same or different?
No uptake of grant relating to ban on blood donations by gay and bisexual men
27 percent of children wait too long for surgery
Kids who specialize in 1 sport may have higher injury risk
Inconsistent math curricula hurting US students, study finds
Researchers develop device to measures brain temperature non-invasively
College students' use of Kindle DX points to e-reader’s role in academia
Think it's easy to be macho? Psychologists show how 'precarious' manhood is
Studies: Public favors equal custody for children of divorce
New protein regulates water in the brain to control inflammation
Scientists show that HIV drugs can also target tropical parasites
Insomnia linked to high insulin resistance in diabetics
Seeking happiness? Remember the good times, forget the regrets
Blueprint of a trend: How does a financial bubble burst?
Boston University researchers validate important roles of iPSCs in regenerative medicine
Rice's origins point to China, genome researchers conclude
Global warming won't harm wind energy production, climate models predict
Researchers turn to museums to track down clues in mysterious amphibian declines
'Small fry' fish just as vulnerable to population plunges as sharks or tuna
Ancient bipedal hominid dubbed 'Nutcracker Man' preferred grass to nuts, new study finds
Research team identifies receptor for Ebola virus
New evidence details spread of amphibian-killing disease from Mexico through Central America
No nuts for 'Nutcracker Man'
Research demonstrates link between H1N1 and low birth weight
The winners of mass extinction: With predators gone, prey thrives
Washing with contaminated soap increases bacteria on hands
Packing on the pounds in middle age linked to dementia
Moderate levels of secondhand smoke deliver nicotine to the brain
News tips from the May/June issue of Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
Post-deployment PTSD symptoms more common in military personnel with prior mental health disorders
Limited English proficiency among parents associated with increased length of hospital stay
In-hospital deaths declined over time at children's hospital without pediatric medical emergency team
Study estimates rate of autism spectrum disorder in adults in England
Study finds autism-related early brain overgrowth slows by age 2 years
Brain enlargement in autism due to brain changes occurring before age 2
Catheterization recommended for treating pediatric heart conditions
A little belly fat can double the risk of death in coronary artery disease patients
New mothers can learn a lot from watching their babies
Antioxidant may prevent alcohol-induced liver disease
What lies beneath the seafloor?
Chest journal news briefs, May 2011 issue