Archive of articles published on the 16th of May 2011
Researchers identify DNA region linked to depression
Scientists looking to burst the superconductivity bubble
'Computer synapse' analyzed at the nanoscale
Next generation gamers: Computer games aid recovery from stroke
Certain bacteria render mosquitoes resistant to deadly malaria parasite
Detecting lung cancer early
Looking inside nanomaterials in 3 dimensions
Species are to ecosystems as cells are to the human body, according to a mathematical model
Aggressive male mating behavior can endanger species
Sleep problems more prevalent than expected in urban minority children
Sleepiness in children linked to obesity, asthma
Gene variation linked to infertility in women, study finds
Tarantulas shoot silk from feet
Will global climate change enhance boreal forest growth?
Seaports need a plan for weathering climate change, Stanford researchers say
Zebrafish regrow fins using multiple cell types, not identical stem cells
Tale of 2 mice pinpoints major factor for insulin resistance
Cancer scientists discover new way breast cancer cells adapt to environmental stress
Cancer scientists discover new way breast cancer cells adapt to environmental stress
Freedom in the swamp: Unearthing the secret history of the Great Dismal Swamp
New evidence shows mobile animals could have evolved much earlier than previously thought
New SETI survey focuses on Kepler's top Earth-like planets
Splitting water to create renewable energy simpler than first thought?
Researchers demonstrate autonomous robots able to explore and map buildings
Targeted regeneration could be key to boosting coalfield communities
Research aircraft Polar 5 returned from spring measurements in the high Arctic
Poisonous tears
Heads or tails?
Can vital signs predict cardiac arrest on the wards? Yes, but...
Using war games to treat post-traumatic stress disorder
U of T researchers find link between childhood physical abuse, chronic fatigue syndrome
Sections of retinas regenerated and visual function increased with stem cells from skin
JCI online early table of contents: May 16, 2011
An APT(amer) approach to preventing HIV transmission
Stem cells reverse disease in a model of Parkinson's disease
Stopping HIV transmission with a molecular barrier
VCU Massey Cancer Center finds new biomarker that predicts breast cancer relapse
The incomplete art of brand imagery
Hormone improves long-term recovery from stroke
Computer program aids patients in end-of-life planning
Patterns of ancient croplands give insight into early Hawaiian society, research shows
Common anti-inflammatory coaxes liver cancer cells to commit suicide
Driving errors increase with age among older drivers
Low-dose sorafenib may improve therapy for head and neck cancer
Study finds many gastroenterologists unaware of appropriate immunizations for IBD patients
Anthropologist discovers new fossil primate species in West Texas
Decision aid helps families, clinicians communicate about care decisions
Inhaling hydrogen may help reduce lung damage in critically ill patients
ORNL energy harvesters transform waste into electricity
A gene that fights cancer, but causes it too
COPD patients may breathe easier, thanks to the Wii
Miniature ventilator may help COPD patients improve mobility
Sandia Labs unlocks secrets of plague with stunning new imaging techniques
Cell rigidity linked to activity in proteins associated with cancer
Clues to calming a cytokine storm
Happiness has a dark side
Visits to asthma specialists delayed for African-American children
Study evaluates parents' reluctance to vaccinate asthmatic kids
Inability to combat oxidative stress may trigger development of asthma
Antibiotic linezolid an effective option for treating patients with MRSA infection
Postponing care can result in serious consequences for asthma patients
Simple surgical procedure may help prevent heart damage in children
Telemonitoring may not offer improved outcomes for critically ill patients
Bacterial infection alone not an indicator of poor lung function in adolescents with CF
Clinicians' attention lacking in discussions of end-of-life care
'Clot-busters' no more effective than traditional therapy in treating lung blood clots
Novel therapy improves cardiovascular health in central sleep apnea patients
Sporadic mutations identified in children with autism spectrum disorders
Striking ecological impact on Canada's Arctic coastline linked to global climate change
MIT News: When is it worth remanufacturing?
OU graduate student developing solutions for water problems in Ethiopia
Digital imaging software to create a 'Google Earth' view of the bladder
A good story can trump a bad credit score in peer-to-peer lending
Protein could offer target to reduce lung damage from smoking-caused emphysema
Child-size mannequin: Hands-on training spares real patients
Foothill yellow-legged frog provides insight on river management
What's in a simple line drawing? Quite a lot, our brains say
Comparison of genomes of plant parasites provides solid clues for response
Duke-NUS researchers identify new cell that attacks dengue virus
New solar product captures up to 95 percent of light energy
How can a colorblind animal change its colors to blend into the background?
New prostate cancer test more specific, sensitive than PSA test
Molecular technique advances soybean rust resistance research
UF researchers link oceanic land crab extinction to colonization of Hawaii
Young drivers who take risks on the road have a greater risk of mental health problems
T'ai chi helps prevent falls and improve mental health in the elderly
Surgical procedure appears to enhance smiles in children with facial paralysis
Nasal steroid spray may not help resolve dysfunction of the ear's eustachian tubes
Propranolol associated with improvement in size and color of head and neck hemangiomas in children
Objective evidence of skin infestation lacking in patients with diagnosis of delusional infestation
Reminding surgical staff of phlebotomy costs appears to affect utilization
Patients referred to dermatologists skin lesions evaluations also found to have other skin cancers
Study links obesity to increased risk of developing postoperative infection following colon surgery
Obese patients at much greater risk for costly surgical-site infections
Implementation of telemedicine intervention in ICUs associated with better outcomes for patients
Follow-up rehabilitation boosts survival odds for angioplasty patients
There's no magic number for saving endangered species