Archive of articles published on the 26th of April 2010
New report confirms fears of people living with HIV: Treatment rationing escalating
New research suggests choosing different fruits and vegetables may increase phytonutrient intake
Grapes reduce risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, U-M animal study shows
Montana State chemists unravel secrets of unique enzyme
Scientists study 'glaciovolcanoes,' mountains of fire and ice, in Iceland, British Columbia, US
Study: Celebrity endorsements do not help political candidates
Stem cells from surgery leftovers could repair damaged hearts
State biofuel subsidies costly but effective, MSU research shows
Cuckoo chicks in zebra finches
What's motivation got to do with weight loss?
Exercise can forestall osteoporosis
Periwinkle plants provide ammunition in the war on citrus greening
Caltech biologists link gut microbial equilibrium to inflammatory bowel disease
Alperujo -- a beneficial complement in diet of dairy sheep during non-grazing periods
Planck highlights the complexity of star formation
Stealthy leads to healthy in effort to improve diet, Stanford study shows
A blessing in disguise
Study finds body's response to repetitive laughter is similar to the effect of repetitive exercise
Caucasian teenagers more damaged by family change than African-American peers
Mobile devices serve as own mice with optical sensing method from Carnegie Mellon
Regular aerobic exercise is good for the brain, Pitt team says
A therapy for cocaine toxicity
Shoe power generator earns Louisiana Tech professor national attention
Fuel cells get up to speed with a new kind of platinum
CEOs who look the part earn more
Pain free treatment of children and adolescents
How shape-memory materials remember
Do the blind have a more acute sense of smell?
Skeleton key for cancer metastasis
How chimps deal with death: Studies offer rare glimpses
Tackling blood stem cell heterogeneity
Human brain recognizes and reacts to race
Where comets emit dust
A new device helps monitor low-level physical activity with a cell phone
Baby boomers aging to be self-reliant
Ancient artifacts revealed as northern ice patches melt
Domestic violence victims have higher health costs for years after abuse ends
Changing 'channels' to eliminate chronic pain
Weill Cornell researchers find that a single gene is responsible for OCD-like behaviors in mice
Gene expression test reduces need for invasive heart muscle biopsy
Pennsylvania makes inroads into reducing child obesity
New understanding of gating mechanism of CFTR chloride channel
Botulinum injection provides relief of tennis elbow
Soil microbes produce less atmospheric CO2 than expected with climate warming
Personality may influence brain shrinkage in aging
Predicting risk for high blood pressure
86 percent of disadvantaged preschoolers lack basic motor skills
Study: Colleges suffer when endowment values wane
Are research participants safe enough?
Drinking 100 percent fruit juice is associated with improved diet quality in children
Cellular mechanical forces may initiate angiogenesis
Social networking helps hermit crabs find homes
New hope exists in treating inherited disease by suppressing DNA mutations
Understanding causes of cancer and chronic disease: The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project
Scientists favor needles over tablets for global vaccinations
Brain tumor growth linked to lowered expression of hundreds of immune function genes
Are periodontal disease and prostatitis linked?
Banking on benefits
Botox reduces wrinkles even in less frequent doses
Immune cells predict success of head and neck cancer treatment, U-M study finds
SSRIs and cardiovascular health
NIH study confirms location of stem cells near cartilage-rich regions in bones
Scientists get bird's-eye view of how cuckoos fool their hosts
New technique reinforces immune cells that seek and destroy cancer, says Stanford researcher
Scientists discover final piece in phytate jigsaw
Phosphorous in sodas and processed foods accelerates signs of aging say Harvard scientists
Nano-infused filters prove effective
Physicists capture first images of atomic spin
Drug may treat cystic fibrosis, other diseases caused by 'nonsense mutations,' UAB researcher says
Race and empathy matter on neural level
Brown rice and cardiovascular protection
Scientists discover underwater asphalt volcanoes
Interruptions associated with medication errors by nurses
4 unhealthy behaviors combine to increase death risk
Greater chocolate consumption may be associated with higher depression scores
People with depression eat more chocolate, a mood food
Soil microbes produce less atmospheric carbon dioxide than expected
MDS, a blood cancer, strikes nearly 5 times more Americans than previously thought
Reward-driven people win more, even when no reward at stake
Fox Chase researchers identify early ovarian cancers
Patients, clinicians favor disclosure of financial ties to industry
New monitor lizard discovered in Indonesia
Molecular marker could help spot pancreatic cancer early
New tool may help improve organ donation rates
Novel nanoparticles prevent radiation damage
New requirements for male fertility
Scientists learn to block pain at its source
Inaugural issue of OSA's Energy Express focuses on gaining energy with solar concentrators
New study: The kitchen-counter diet
Researchers develop technique to visualize 'your brain on drugs'
The billions that bug us: A genomic view of humans and their microbes
Anemia tougher to tackle in black children with kidney disease