Archive of articles published on the 8th of July 2009
Government-backed youth program pilot didn't reduce teenage pregnancies
Muscle rubs: Use for pain is questionable
Continued vigilance against drug-resistance malaria is needed
Give children iron supplements: They don't increase malaria risk
Bacterial vaginosis treatments: Probiotics can increase effectiveness of some antibiotic therapies
Chinese herbs for endometriosis
Erythropoietin boosts brainpower
New heart disease risk score should be recommended in the UK, say experts
Blood pressure targets: Aiming lower offers no benefit
Progressive resistance strength training helps older people in daily life
Army study improves ability to predict drinking water needs
Student drinking: Changing perceptions reduces alcohol misuse
Report shows the power of US cities to mitigate climate change and steps they need to take to adapt
Study finds job programs protect public health during periods of recession
Johns Hopkins leads first 16-patient, multicenter 'domino donor' kidney transplant
Link between obesity and diabetes discovered
New heart disease risk score outperforms existing test
NTU professor discovers method to efficiently produce less toxic drugs using organic molecules
Do bilingual persons have distinct language areas in the brain?
Pluronic L-81 is a potential anti-diabetic drug?
Faster, more cost-effective DNA test for crime scenes, disease diagnosis
Blur's noise and distortion reversed
Adding simehicone to sodium phosphate bowel preparation benefits colonscopy?
Clean fuels could reduce deaths from ship smokestacks by 40,000 annually
First evidence that weed killers improve nutritional value of a key food crop
Genetic factors implicated in survival gap for breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
Media tend to doomsay when addressing environmental issues
Dartmouth College researchers help set security standards for the Internet
UH team analyzes Hurricane Ike's effects on waterways, fish contamination
New portrait of Omega Nebula's glistening watercolors
UAB study reveals bone coupling factor key to skeletal health
Cardia resection for perforated gastroesophageal cancer
2000-year-old statue of an athlete sheds light on corrosion and other modern challenges
New way to make sensors that detect toxic chemicals
Is molecular adsorbent recirculating system effective for all the liver failure patients?
Fruit and vegetable intake in pregnant women reduces risk of upper respiratory tract infection
Plastics chemical retards growth, function of adult reproductive cells
Researchers identify potential patient safety risks among methadone maintenance treatment patients
Variants of 'umami' taste receptor contribute to our individualized flavor worlds
Health clinic conditions may be to blame for decrease in primary care physicians
Spontaneous assembly
Forest fire prevention efforts will lessen carbon sequestration, add to greenhouse warming
Post-transplant combo can replace toxic immune-suppressing drugs in monkeys
Most neuropsychological tests don't tell Alzheimer's disease from vascular dementia
Researchers enlist DNA to bring carbon nanotubes’ promise closer to reality
Giant supernovae farthest ever detected
Easter Island compound extends lifespan of old mice
University of Toronto astronomer part of team that finds new way to study supernovae
Stem cells' 'suspended' state preserved by key step, scientists report
Mothers of children with autism have higher parental stress, psychological distress
Possible drug target found for one of the most aggressive breast cancers
Explosive growth of life on Earth fueled by early greening of planet
Forsyth scientists suggest linkages between obesity and oral bacterial infection
From slam poetry to plain language for health care
Inflammation may trigger Alzheimer's disease, Saint Louis University findings suggest
Restoration technology revolutionized
Contaminated site remediation: Are nanomaterials the answer?
Language skills in your twenties may predict risk of dementia decades later
Robot learns to smile and frown
Irish-led research team rule out link between specific antibodies and spina bifida
Anti-angiogenesis treatment improves hearing in some NF2 patients
Is obesity an oral bacterial disease?
No psychological risk in children next-born after stillbirth
Research shows that 'invisible hand' guides evolution of cooperative turn-taking
Link between migraines and reduced breast cancer risk confirmed in follow-up study