Archive of articles published on the 24th of March 2009
Comprehensive map of global malaria endemicity -- a key resource for malaria control and elimination
Most detailed malaria map ever highlights hope and challenges facing global community
Proteinuria during pre-eclampsia: A poor predictor of complications?
New data on cancer survival in Europe show more patients are cured
Financial advice causes 'off-loading' in the brain
New guidelines will help detect and study counterfeit medicines
Was Triceratops a social animal?
Diabetics on high-fiber diets might need extra calcium, report UT Southwestern researchers
Deep-sea corals may be oldest living marine organism
Genomic variations in African-American and white populations
Design revolution
Australia's most endangered snake might need burning
Predicting mosquito outbreaks for disease control
Starve a yeast, sweeten its lifespan
2 'new' greenhouse gases growing
NICE SUGAR: Intensive insulin therapy risks
New study set to change how critically ill patients are treated
South Asians with diabetes more likely to lose their eyesight earlier than white Europeans
Study reports current shortage of surgeons in Maryland likely to worsen
Mayo researchers find link between anesthesia exposure and learning disabilities in children
To fight drug addiction, UB researchers target the brain with nanoparticles
Researchers develop flow sensors based on hair structures of blind cavefish
Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology
Glass you can build with
Genetic changes outside nuclear DNA suspected to trigger more than half of all cancers
Long-term L-carnitine supplementation prevents development of liver cancer
How to predict post-operative enteral nutrition problems
Codeine use and accident risk
Researchers studying hearing loss find auditory regions of the brain convert to the sense of touch
Cause of mussel poisoning identified
Automatic slicing system: Ex-vivo culture normal and cancerous pancreatic tissue
New endoscope allows for easier use in diagnosis of biliary and pancreatic diseases
tTGA: Is it more essential in diagnosis of gluten sensitive enteropathy?
Drug used to treat skin conditions is a marine pollutant
Family skeletons detrimental to healing
Smithsonian scientist warns that palm oil development may threaten Amazon
Record number of patients seek laser treatments to take lightyears off their faces
AAAS, leading Texas scientists urge state board to reject anti-evolution effort
Study finds researchers open to knowledge transfer
CU-Boulder research provides new view of the way young children think
Argonne cloud computing helps scientists run high energy physics experiments
Wild bees can be effective pollinators
Study finds program has improved health agencies' preparedness for bioterror and disease outbreaks
Family history associated with increased risk of blood clots
High triglyceride levels common, often untreated among Americans
Vitamin D supplements associated with reduced fracture risk in older adults
Smokers may have increased risk of pancreatitis
Increasing number of Americans have insufficient levels of vitamin D
Don't rely on jaundiced eye for assessing newborns
Quality of life may impact coping strategies of young women with breast cancer
New test may predict spread of breast cancer
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce risk of advanced prostate cancer
Eating soy early in life may reduce breast cancer among Asian women
Thinking of turning your chemistry green? Consult GEMs
Researchers create catalysts for use in hydrogen storage materials
Someone else's experience can make you happy
Ovarian cancers detected early may be less aggressive, questioning effectiveness of screening
Deep-sea rocks point to early oxygen on Earth
Anti-microbial catheter to cut infection risk for dialysis patients
NYU study finds new risk factor for melanoma in younger women
Inconsistent performance speed among children with ADHD may underlie how well they use memory
Network turns soldiers' helmets into sniper location system
New RFID technology tracks and monitors nuclear materials
Alarming new data shows TB-HIV co-infection a bigger threat
Imaging technique may trace development of Parkinson's disease
Study helps identify college drinkers who might continue excessive drinking as adults
Experimental Parkinson's therapy may have robust weight-loss effect
Fox Chase performs the world’s first successful ViKY robot-assisted surgery for pancreatic tumors
New possibilities for hydrogen-producing algae
Safe driving education should be part of routine teen physicals, Hopkins children's experts say
Analysis of windmill pitching shows risk of injury to biceps in softball players
Video games, cell phones and academic performance: Some good news
Program helps improve management of chronic pain
Not all titanium dioxide is equal when it comes to splitting water with visible light
Licorice may block effectiveness of drug widely used by transplant patients
'Green' hair bleach may become environmentally friendly consumer product
'Master regulator' of skin formation discovered
Ownership of electronic health information must be addressed, article says
3-drug chemotherapy combination increases organ preservation in patients with larynx cancer
Ice storms devastating to pecan orchards
Recently identified genetic heart disorder often deadly for young patients
Self-cleaning, low-reflectivity treatment boosts efficiency for photovoltaic cells
Forget it! A biochemical pathway for blocking your worst fears?
Atlantic snails are increasing dramatically in size, Queen's researcher discovers
Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in New Mexico cervical cancers
Older adults concern for personal health linked to walking difficulty
Brain activity predicts people's choices
UC San Diego biologists discover a protein link to wound healing
Risk of aggressive breast cancer subtype 3 times higher for black women
New form of destructive terrorist material unlikely, chemists report
Single embryo transfer is the cheapest and most effective strategy for assisted reproduction
A new theoretical model of tumor growth and metastasis based on differences in tissue pressure
Policies regarding IRB members' industry relationships often lacking