Archive of articles published on the 6th of October 2009
Continuing racial differences in HIV prevalence in US
News briefs from the October issue of Chest
Los Angeles fast-food restaurant ban unlikely to cut obesity, study finds
A woman in space
Swine flu -- were people in the UK ever really that concerned?
How should mental, neurological and substance use disorders be treated where resources are scarce?
A simple way for older adults to assess arterial stiffness: reach for the toes
Ethnic background may be associated with diabetes risk
Future diabetes treatment may use resveratrol to target the brain
New drug aims to 'seek and destroy' many types of cancer
For future superconductors, a little bit of lithium may do hydrogen a lot of good
Homebound termites answer 150-year-old evolution question
Buried coins key to Roman population mystery?
Research ensures 50 million vaccinated against deadly brain infection
MDC scientists show how hematopoietic stem cell development is regulated
Stereotactic radiosurgery preferred method of treating cancer patients with brain metastases
Eating liquorice in pregnancy may affect a child's IQ and behavior
Study shows how to lower costs, waiting times for colonoscopies
Communicating person to person through the power of thought alone
GTRI is developing protocols for testing effects of RFID systems on medical devices
Oropharyngeal cancer patients experience post-surgery sleep apnea
Going green on hold: Man-made activities can affect 'blue haze,' world's weather
ACPM recommends primary care have systems in place for screening and treating depression
Electrosurgical devices, lasers cited as most common igniters of operating room fires
Arctic sea ice recovers slightly in 2009, remains on downward trend, says U. of Colorado report
Dirty stars make good solar system hosts
New analyzers to unlock mineral value
Preventing allergies
New findings about brain proteins suggest possible way to fight Alzheimer's
BUSM researchers identify better laser for treating facial spider veins
Come on in: Nuclear barrier less restrictive than expected in new cells
MicroRNA drives cells' adaptation to low-oxygen living
New chemo cocktail blocks breast cancer like a strong fence
Potential leap forward in electron microscopy
Genetic mutation a strong indicator of age-related hearing loss risk
Drivers of convertibles may be at risk for noise-induced hearing loss
Could antioxidants make us more, not less, prone to diabetes? Study says yes
Major discovery opens door to leishmania treatment
A new method predicts dropping out of university
Sand dunes reveal unexpected dryness during heavy monsoon
Study: Perceptions might often kick a player when they are down
Physical activity in adolescence associated with decreased risk of brain cancer in adulthood
High-sensitivity bone marrow aspiration technology enhances leukemia cell detection
Trackway analysis shows how dinosaurs coped with slippery slopes
Michigan hospital launches gene therapy study for Parkinson's disease
Renewable hydrogen production becomes reality at winery
U of A researcher has rare evidence of dinosaur cannibalism
DNA test could be key to targeting treatments for head and neck cancer
Novel polymer delivers genetic medicine, allows tracking
Researchers fine-tune diffuse optical tomography for breast cancer screening
Models begin to unravel how single DNA strands combine
Ancient China's sand dunes reveal unexpected dryness during heavy monsoon rains
Climate change triggered dwarfism in soil-dwelling creatures of the past
Water scarcity will create global security concerns
Genetic variation of enzyme linked with outcomes for women receiving tamoxifen
Arctic Sea ice extent is third lowest on record
Study examines use of clinical and cost-effectiveness data for drug coverage decisions
Milk protein supplement may help prevent sepsis in very low birth-weight infants
New treatment more than doubles survival for high risk childhood leukemia
Prion study reveals first direct information about the protein’s molecular structure
Genome sequence published for important biofuels yeast
For safer emergencies, give your power generator some space
Large-scale cousin of elusive 'magnetic monopoles' found at NIST
New guidelines for incorporating spirituality in end-of-life care
Draft NIST report on Cowboys facility collapse released for comment
Chinese herbal medicines for preventing diabetes in high risk people
Exercise programs recommended as standard for rheumatoid arthritis
New biologic drug is effective against rheumatoid arthritis
Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis work, but which is best?
Health in low-income countries: Outsourcing and cash incentives may help
Stress urinary incontinence: Minimally invasive operations as effective as open surgery
Area-wide traffic calming improves safety -- but will it work in low- and middle-income countries?
Heart disease: B-vitamin pills have no effect
Promising results for rapid viral diagnosis tests in emergency rooms
Bell's palsy: Study calls for rethink of cause and treatment
New computer security guide can help safeguard your small business
New coastland map could help strengthen sea defenses
Fewer hikers means less support for conservation, study says
Wildlife as a source for livestock infections
Albatross camera reveals fascinating feeding interaction with killer whale