Archive of articles published on the 19th of October 2009
Mice regain ability to extend telomeres suggesting potential for dyskeratosis congenita therapy
Metals could forge new cancer drug
Researchers reveal mechanism for neuron self-preservation
What caused implantable venous access device failure in cancer patients?
Well-educated women hardest hit by breast cancer
Is my robot happy to see me?
32 new exoplanets found
New affordable nutrition index is first measurement tool to evaluate affordable nutrition
Non-nuclear families function, too
How Chinese firms benefit from the diversity of foreign direct investment
Making monster waves
What's the clonality status and allelotype of focal nodular hyperplasia?
New immigrants more likely to be homeless due to economic factors rather than health issues
Shifting the world to 100 percent clean, renewable energy as early as 2030 -- here are the numbers
Review: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines effective at preventing child deaths
A master mechanism for regeneration?
West Antarctic ice sheet may not be losing ice as fast as once thought
Redefining obesity's health risks
Intelligent system to help autistic children recognize emotions
Decline in Russian tigers renews calls to end all trade
Herbal tonic for radiotherapy
New technique paves way for medical discoveries
Report examines hidden costs of energy production and use
Major advance in organic solar cells
All-in-one computerized scheduling will make airports greener and more efficient
Smart rat 'Hobbie-J' produced by over-expressing a gene that helps brain cells communicate
Bedrock of a holy city: the historical importance of Jerusalem's geology
Going out on a limb
Diabetic episodes affect kids' memory
First-time Internet users find boost in brain function after just 1 week
Power at work has payoffs, but not for health
Teach your physicians well
Killer algae a key player in mass extinctions
Researchers optimizing progesterone for brain injury treatment
Catching a killer one spore at a time
Super typhoon Lupit heading west in the Philippine Sea
Detecting the undetectable in prostate cancer screening
Global warming may spur increased growth in Pacific Northwest forests
Caltech scientists create robot surrogate for blind persons in testing visual prostheses
The book of life can now literally be written on paper
Yale's scan of Turkish infant's genome yields a surprise diagnosis
Tsunami evacuation buildings: another way to save lives in the Pacific Northwest
Are humans still evolving? Absolutely, says a new analysis of a long-term survey of human health
Infants able to identify humans as source of speech, monkeys as source of monkey calls
The unicycling clown phenomenon: Talking, walking and driving with cell phone users
Popping the cork on biofuel agriculture
Clemson researchers say algae key to mass extinctionss
MIT neuroscientists find neural stopwatch in the brain
NASA Satellites and Baja California on watch as Hurricane Rick approaches
Thyroid surgery safe for older patients, study finds
Study examines complications of thyroid surgery in older patients
Arctic lake sediments show warming, unique ecological changes in recent decades
Queen's scientists on international team discover 'ecologically unique' changes in Arctic lake
Study finds mercury levels in children with autism and those developing typically are the same
Study: Added oxygen during stroke reduces brain tissue damage
As Greenland melts
Hormone mix could cut breast cancer risk and treat symptoms of menopause
Blood clots in lungs might not always originate in deep veins of legs and pelvis in trauma patients
Clots traveling from lower veins may not be the cause of pulmonary embolism in trauma patients
Children's blood lead levels linked to lower test scores
MU research team establishes family tree for cattle, other ruminants
2 NASA satellites see Tropical Storm Neki form in the Central Pacific
No test needed for hand-foot genital syndrome in women without HOXA13 gene mutation
Compound shows potential for slowing progression of ALS
The protein APC slows Lou Gehrig's disease in mice
3-day course of antibiotics may be sufficient following tonsillectomy
Resident physicians seldom trained in skin cancer examination
Aggressive microdermabrasion induces wound-healing response in aging skin
PETA's push for changes in USDA testing pays off for animals
Study examines treatment for olfactory loss after viral infection
Understanding the brain's natural foil for over-excited neurons
ACP issues guideline on benefits and risks of PDE-5 inhibitor drugs used to treat patients with ED
Protein may predict heart attack and early death, not stroke
Checkered history of mother and daughter cells explains cell cycle differences
'Superobesity,' chronic disease burden associated with risk of death following bariatric surgery
Mangosteen juice could protect health in the obese