Archive of articles published on the 18th of June 2008
Effective health messages may yield vaccine compliance among ER workers
It's the way you say it: how using the right words can cut environmental conflicts
Identifying Canadian freshwater fish through DNA barcodes
Largest ever Canadian study on osteoporosis informs health policy
Infant play drives chimpanzee respiratory disease cycles
Experimental anti-cancer synthetic molecule targets tumor cell growth and angiogenesis
New study raises concerns about proposed mitigation strategy for marine bycatch
Birds communicate reproductive success in song
Researchers are a quick study when assessing drugs for Alzheimer's disease
New study shows American Cancer Society program helps employers
New technology may prevent vitamin B12 deficient seniors and vegetarians from needing injections
Advance towards early Alzheimer's diagnosis
Unlocking genome of world's worst insect pest
World-class environment vision to 'bring back the species'
Sprinters closest to starter pistol have advantage over those farther away, says study
Carnegie Mellon system estimates geographic location of photos
Toxic to aliens -- but key to health of planet
Tartalo the robot is knocking on your door
Caesarean sections associated with risk of asthma
World's only captive hairy-nosed otter gets new home
New study: Pine bark significantly reduces menstrual pain
Improving understanding of cell behavior in breast cancer
Trap and zap: Harnessing the power of light to pattern surfaces on the nanoscale
When the spirit moves into the hospital
Walk your way to a healthier lifestyle
Known genetic risk for Alzheimer's in whites also places blacks at risk
Psychosocial issues affect HIV/AIDS treatment outcomes: UNC researcher
New bee checklist lets scientists link important information about all bee species
Failure to bridle inflammation spurs atherosclerosis
Great apes think ahead
Premiere for Europe: Jules Verne refuels the ISS
New cancer treatment targets both tumor cells and blood vessels
Stress during childhood increases the risk of allergies
Scientists discover that protons partner with neutrons more often than with other protons
Kidney transplant patients may benefit from going off of certain immunosuppressive drugs
Black holes have simple feeding habits
Computers as safe as medical experts in prescribing blood thinning drugs
UC Davis researcher leads climate-change discovery
Newly born identical twin stars show surprising differences
Indiana U scientists uncover potential key to better drugs to fight toxoplasmosis parasite
Worm-like marine animal providing
Researchers explain nitrogen paradox in forests
Genome sequence of small marine creature sheds light on vertebrate origins
NIST/NIH micromagnets show promise as colorful 'smart tags' for magnetic resonance imaging
Newly-born twin stars are far from identical
Choice of hospital impacts outcomes for inflammatory bowel disease surgery
First gene therapy for heart failure offered at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia
Ocean temperatures and sea level increases 50 percent higher than previously estimated
Minimally-invasive weight loss surgery improves health and morbidly obese teens
Europe-wide investment in lipid research will help tackle disease, says new report
High hormone levels in seabird chicks prepare them to kill their siblings
Science, hope for adults with type 1 diabetes focus of JDRF's Annual Global Diabetes Research Forum
Genome sequence of lancelet shows how genes quadrupled during vertebrate evolution
Study links vitamin D to colon cancer survival
Pourquié Lab uncovers mechanism contributing to appropriate formation of the spine
The APCs of nerve cell function
People with lower incomes, lower education levels have higher death rates
Thinking ahead: Bacteria anticipate coming changes in their environment
Patient's own infection-fighting T cells put late-stage melanoma into long-term remission
New test makes cheating with drugs in sports easier to detect
Lifestyle can alter gene activity, lead to insulin resistance